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face weight gain


Oct 6, 2009
Hey everyone.

I understand as we get older we gain weight, i noticed alot of people there face get more bloated, fatter, nose grows etc. I stumbled across a video of ex soccer player ronaldo and his weight gain around the body and face was pretty dramatic

I look in a mirror myself and i think my head is normal, but i then look at photos i take and to me my head is just big.

Now that weigh gain above the neck, is that fat, water or some other intracelluar component?

Is it possible to lose just weight in the face or your you need to work on total body lose to see changes in the face?
Hey everyone.

I understand as we get older we gain weight, i noticed alot of people there face get more bloated, fatter, nose grows etc. I stumbled across a video of ex soccer player ronaldo and his weight gain around the body and face was pretty dramatic

I look in a mirror myself and i think my head is normal, but i then look at photos i take and to me my head is just big.

Now that weigh gain above the neck, is that fat, water or some other intracelluar component?

Is it possible to lose just weight in the face or your you need to work on total body lose to see changes in the face?
Have you gained weight over the years? If it's just your bf going up, as you lower body fat the face, obliques, everywhere will lose fat. When we get fat we don't get to pick where it goes...when we lose...we son get to pick where it comes off.
Definitely total bodyfat related. R9 is fairly rotund these days.
Jay cutler doesn't seem to have this problem 🤔

Maybe your just a fatter version of yourself
Your fat

Gh and anabolics have changed my facial structure and not in a good way
When I get off the androgens mine looks better. Also carbs and sodium. There is so much trash in our food now (US), I think we really underestimate it.
You will absolutely look older when you have more water retention and fat around your face. Leaning out will make you look younger. Less sodium and more sleep will also help. Androgens also make some people myself included get a bit of a moon face but yes absolutely it will go away with diet exercise and cessation of whatever is causing it or adding anti estrogens and diuretics. But what matters more a pretty tone face or more plates on the bar?
Intravenous Dilaudid for the pain, Antibiotics and liquid diet. I’m higher than giraffe pussy LOL.

I should be discharged soon my blood work is taken every 8 hours and it’s improving.
Oh man I am jealous I used to love that shit!

As far as puffy face I think it just happens when your body fat gets higher. More.fat holds more water
Intravenous Dilaudid for the pain, Antibiotics and liquid diet. I’m higher than giraffe pussy LOL.

I should be discharged soon my blood work is taken every 8 hours and it’s improving.

It dawned on me how much I was stressing my pancreas after reading about your troubles.

Not in general but not using insulin and running out of digestive enzymes on a high carb diet, I was feeling it.

Was getting massive heartburn that betaine hcl + pepsin (only digestives I had left) wouldn’t help.

So I had a thought, kept diet same but did my normal insulin protocol the next day….no heartburn. No other change. Heartburn had been killing me for almost a week prior
I know a young kid rite now that just shot up from 160 to 195. Very little bf Maybe he is 10-12 % but he for sure has the puffy face going on. The biggest give away that he is “on”
Hey everyone.

I understand as we get older we gain weight, i noticed alot of people there face get more bloated, fatter, nose grows etc. I stumbled across a video of ex soccer player ronaldo and his weight gain around the body and face was pretty dramatic

I look in a mirror myself and i think my head is normal, but i then look at photos i take and to me my head is just big.

Now that weigh gain above the neck, is that fat, water or some other intracelluar component?

Is it possible to lose just weight in the face or your you need to work on total body lose to see changes in the face?
nose and ears definetively have been getting bigger withing the years.

crossed the 40yrs old and my whole body changed a lot :/

It dawned on me how much I was stressing my pancreas after reading about your troubles.

Not in general but not using insulin and running out of digestive enzymes on a high carb diet, I was feeling it.

Was getting massive heartburn that betaine hcl + pepsin (only digestives I had left) wouldn’t help.

So I had a thought, kept diet same but did my normal insulin protocol the next day….no heartburn. No other change. Heartburn had been killing me for almost a week prior

I have sepsis too but they said I’ll be able to fight it off. My liver is in great shape even after using anadrol 150 for some time. The problem is orals can cause silent esophagus erosion even without severe heartburn. So be careful cause even without symptoms you can get damage. You and Luki said that insulin helps with pancreas stress so that can be a key component to preventing exhaustion of the organ.
I have sepsis too but they said I’ll be able to fight it off. My liver is in great shape even after using anadrol 150 for some time. The problem is orals can cause silent esophagus erosion even without severe heartburn. So be careful cause even without symptoms you can get damage. You and Luki said that insulin helps with pancreas stress so that can be a key component to preventing exhaustion of the organ.
Did any of the medical experts explain how this occurs?
Did any of the medical experts explain how this occurs?

No they could be wrong if you know more than me let me know. I just know that orals cause heartburn for a lot of steroid users so it could be giving me silent reflux yet still causing some damage. I haven’t had severe heartburn since I got surgery called esophageal dilation. I’ve been talking about how now on orals I get no heartburn cause I take the aloe Vera gels, enzymes and TUDCA.
No they could be wrong if you know more than me let me know. I just know that orals cause heartburn for a lot of steroid users so it could be giving me silent reflux yet still causing some damage. I haven’t had severe heartburn since I got surgery called esophageal dilation. I’ve been talking about how now on orals I get no heartburn cause I take the aloe Vera gels, enzymes and TUDCA.
You already had throat surgery due to damage from orals and are still taking orals?

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