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First order first cycle


New member
Sep 4, 2014
So I pulled the trigger and order my first cycle. I am planning on running it later this yr. as I am still trying to tighten up my bf %. I will be running 500mg of test e pin twice a week (250) and picked up some nolvadex and aromasin for my PCT. Let me know if u have any input as I am open to achieve the most out of my cycle.

Aromasin should be run during your cycle, something like 12.5mgs/day, to keep your estrogen in check.

Make sure you eat a lot of good food and keep your protein intake high. At some point later in your cycle you are going to slow down on your gains, you will probably need to increase your calorie intake at that time. How long are you going to run this cycle for?

Ok that's good to know about the aromasin I will double check and make sure I order enough to run it for the duration of the cycle which will be run for 10 wks
Ok that's good to know about the aromasin I will double check and make sure I order enough to run it for the duration of the cycle which will be run for 10 wks

I would run your cycle of Test E longer, but that is your decision.
I am not sure you are supposed to run an AI through PCT, I thought I read on here where that can hurt your recovery doing that, not sure.

I would keep reading if.ur this board has all thr info u need so make sure u read up on diet also
Yes there is a lot of info on the board except there is a lot of different ways todo things on the board which causes some confusion. My diet is fairly good I think

2eggs boiled or 1 cup oatmeal

Protein shake

Tuna in water
Protein shake
8 oz vegetable juice

Chicken breast
1 cup steam vegetables
Sometimes 1/2 cup rice

I struggle because I work shift work so My schedule is all over so it's hard to find a sweet spot.
To make the most of this cycle, you're going to have to eat a lot more. Do some searches on a lean bulking diet.
Thanks for the heads up I did expect to eat a lot more when on cycle this is just a current eating plan as I am trying to loose some excess bf%
My first cycle 21 years ago was 500mg test-e 2 injections .It seems bland but no need to make things over complicated.
I like it simple as I just want to get some good gains and over this plateau.

Yes there is a lot of info on the board except there is a lot of different ways todo things on the board which causes some confusion. My diet is fairly good I think

2eggs boiled or 1 cup oatmeal

Protein shake

Tuna in water
Protein shake
8 oz vegetable juice

Chicken breast
1 cup steam vegetables
Sometimes 1/2 cup rice

I struggle because I work shift work so My schedule is all over so it's hard to find a sweet spot.

You are going to take 500 MG of test and eat like that? You kidding me? That DIET is not as good as you think.
Don't read much huh? That is my current diet as I am cutting some bf% right now. I plan on increasing my amounts when it comes time to run my cycle. Which will be my first so maybe some advice or guidance would be more helpful than a random comment that serves no purpose

I think you should get more information on nutrition. Here is an article written by John Meadows that give a lot of information. He has a banner at the bottom of the page. He is Mountain Dog.

The 7% Body-Fat Diet | Men's Fitness

You said you are trying to lower your body fat are you doing any cardio?
Don't read much huh? That is my current diet as I am cutting some bf% right now. I plan on increasing my amounts when it comes time to run my cycle. Which will be my first so maybe some advice or guidance would be more helpful than a random comment that serves no purpose


I did read it. Your DIET is crap like the way you have now. You have no healthy fats in it, and your carbs are way to low. You don't need gear as much as you need to learn how to eat, PERIOD! You are eating like a bird or for a woman at 125 to 135 pounds. I could just change that DIET and add 100 MG of test and grow like crazy.

And to add, most people want to start at 500 MG, and they shouldn't. Do you get blood work done at all? Do you know where your test levels are at and what just 100 MG will do to them with a better DIET then you have now. Add a great training routine and BINGO!

See if I was training you, you would eat better, train harder, and I would know more things about you before you even touch gear, but what the hell do I know. We could be talking to some kid at 16 or you could have some underlining medical problem through blood work. I don't know you. These things would be discuss for anyone really to tell you anything. Start educating yourself to eat right and read that article above. That is what I would eat. How is that for a random comment??
I think you should get more information on nutrition. Here is an article written by John Meadows that give a lot of information. He has a banner at the bottom of the page. He is Mountain Dog.

The 7% Body-Fat Diet | Men's Fitness

You said you are trying to lower your body fat are you doing any cardio?

I agree and very nice article.
When I said if u read I have posted all my info and blood work was the first thing done. I am on here to educate myself and learn so instead of just bashing what someone is doing post constructive criticism. That's all I am saying

Training 3-5 days a week
Yes I do about 15-20 min of cardio mon wed fri after weights and tues and thurs I do HIIT for about 1 hour
When I said if u read I have posted all my info and blood work was the first thing done. I am on here to educate myself and learn so instead of just bashing what someone is doing post constructive criticism. That's all I am saying

Training 3-5 days a week

How much you weigh? You do need better eating habits, but your BF is manageable. Off season at 10 to 12% is fine. Start on that John Meadows DIET and adjust calories according to your BMR. I just want to see you get the most out of AAS. I think you can start at 250 MG and make great progress by adjusting your DIET more. If I come off harsh about your DIET it is because that is what is going to make or break you. What kind of training routine do you have and if your goals are to drop BF, I would suggest at least 4 days training all body parts twice a week. I would also suggest if you cycle, take some time off, maybe 12 weeks on and 8 to 12 weeks off.

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