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First UGL

Quality vet
Goldstar Labs
Who knows - it all prob came from the same bathtub lol.

I didn’t experience my real first legit UGL until Team Superman (The Chinaman). Anyone remember? I’m convinced that’s Direct today - same packaging and labeling. Lol SD wouldn’t confirm.
IP Deca 98
First online 05 Liquid Muscle

What was your first BB board?
Outlaw muscle in 05
In chronological order:

Usenet - MFW - 1997-1998

Avant board - 2004
meso - 2005
Elite - 2005
Bolex - 2005
SSB - 2006
OLM - 2006
PM - sometime waaaay after ORD and my divorce .. so 2012 or so.

I stopped sourcing althotger around 2007(ORD) Just brewed where I could with stocked up powder. And of course being married. So I was off all gear for about 6 years. then started back up around 2012.
Who knows - it all prob came from the same bathtub lol.

I didn’t experience my real first legit UGL until Team Superman (The Chinaman). Anyone remember? I’m convinced that’s Direct today - same packaging and labeling. Lol SD wouldn’t confirm.
Facts. All from the same bathtub.
Proline aka gmunk source then scammer Bradley groh from ny. Used some qv too. Only bunk was blue diamond labs from gy aka qbert. Then used strango for years and JP till both went down.
What was your first BB board?
Outlaw muscle in 05

Oh boy, that takes me back. It was Elite Fitness in 05. That place was such a clusterfuck. Later it was PM and then OLM. PM has always been the place with the most knowledge and advanced users.
Proline aka gmunk source then scammer Bradley groh from ny. Used some qv too. Only bunk was blue diamond labs from gy aka qbert. Then used strango for years and JP till both went down.
Proline I believe was the first offering test base in oil. Brewed on guiaccol.
Think he also was offering winny in oil too.
I remember the discussions on it.
Oh boy, that takes me back. It was Elite Fitness in 05. That place was such a clusterfuck. Later it was PM and then OLM. PM has always been the place with the most knowledge and advanced users.
Lol so I don’t remember my first board back from when I was 17 in 2002-2003. Internet was still so young back then. Didn’t learn much but one of the members did give me the email of a guy worked at Organon in Karachi and he was shipping me amps for $2.50 a piece lol.

Then I was at TSC and OLM in my early days. But PM has obviously been the most beneficial - even with some of these puss retards who joined recently…
Who knows - it all prob came from the same bathtub lol.

I didn’t experience my real first legit UGL until Team Superman (The Chinaman). Anyone remember? I’m convinced that’s Direct today - same packaging and labeling. Lol SD wouldn’t confirm.
Superman (the Chinaman)had some legit orals.
Didn’t learn much but one of the members did give me the email of a guy worked at Organon in Karachi and he was shipping me amps for $2.50 a piece lol.

Then I was at TSC and OLM in my early days. But PM has obviously been the most beneficial - even with some of these puss retards who joined recently…

Bro you got hooked up with that Organon connect! Jealous.

Id say OLM was probably the next best thing to PM but it's all but dead now.
Oh boy, that takes me back. It was Elite Fitness in 05. That place was such a clusterfuck. Later it was PM and then OLM. PM has always been the place with the most knowledge and advanced users.
I think I started elite in 03. I had well over 30,000 posts there. There is no way in hell I will ever admit to my handle there. I don’t think anyone that knew that handle would believe it’s me.
I started back on 2015 and I got my first cycle from Motorboat. Man I miss those jugs
I think I started elite in 03. I had well over 30,000 posts there. There is no way in hell I will ever admit to my handle there. I don’t think anyone that knew that handle would believe it’s me.

That was 20 years ago. I don't know how old you are but I was a kid at that point. Didn't know a damn thing. It was probably good that dosages were so downplayed there, at least for me.
Ip- they came in huge bottles marked Olin Tea. They were 400 mg n gave everyone vicious pip n slight fever for a few days. I’m a trooper though. None of my crew could stand it so they all eventually relented n gave me theirs. I had enanthate for years!
the 'age started' thread got me thinking.. lets hear your first UGL/UGLs used from back in the day.

here is what i mainly used circa 2004-2005

hellfire labs - out of oakland
proline - out of NYC
aztec labs(or something along those lines) - somewhere out of Houston
endrocrine supply - oregon
jet li(or maybe bruce li) RAWs
Hellfire also went by the name morningstar
He offered next day shipping, so if you got your WU to him in the morning you got your pack next day. Since I lived in San Diego and he was in Oakland id always get my pack next day.
There were times he'd ship without even getting my WU first. I ALWAYS ensured he was paid.. skipping on fronts is not how I operate.
The guy out of Houston(Aztec labs. Or maybe laraza labs.. something like that) was top notch.
He also sent packs without. WU. I never asked for fronts either. Guys were like I know youre good here's your tracker.

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