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First UGL

You are correct on Satch - or that was what he said and consensus. Makes sense with the primos he was pimping. As I recall he exit scammed or similar. He also did that big primo challange with a gram back then to promote it (before raws and UGL real money for others and at 100mg/ml a literal pita). I think his pics were underwhelming though I never saw them.

Great times. EF was so busy at its height. Kind of an insult what they are doing with those old accounts. I think I got on AF like 2008-2010. Can't remember. Basically just found Ulter and others from EF. I remember Sassy69, cool chick and real resource for women - doesn't seem to be a good forum for females anymore. I liked the PL and strength side. Animal was awesome - certainly a personality. I remember he had the original Fina kits and "magic solution" lol but back then before Brewing we had no idea or at least I didn't. My original Fina inject cycles circa early 90s...dumb very dumb. Lol

You are right though. Someone or maybe a few people should get together and write a book. Underground History of the Anabolic Underground or some such. Memories get lost and nice to rehash sometimes!
Now i remember,his pics were on a beach in israel.MR.BMJ you are correct sir.He was pretty lean but his size was not very impressive probably due to his primo only cycles.
You are right though. Someone or maybe a few people should get together and write a book. Underground History of the Anabolic Underground or some such. Memories get lost and nice to rehash sometimes!
There would be like 15 buyers for that book, you and I included 😆
There would be like 15 buyers for that book, you and I included 😆
so Bill Lwelleyn already wrote a book about UGL,s and he interwievs one of the former owners of IP-D in it one of the worlds oldest UGL, when they got busted around like 2005 they had several Olympic atheletes on their order books among other known ppl.
so Bill Lwelleyn already wrote a book about UGL,s and he interwievs one of the former owners of IP-D in it one of the worlds oldest UGL, when they got busted around like 2005 they had several Olympic atheletes on their order books among other known ppl.
That whole era had everyone caught up.
Mike Vick
Dr Dre
50 cent
Mary J Blige (var and HGH)
My first internet order was from Marsel. Then I ordered from Goldstar labs. I did so much we became partners for few years.
Meso first, then OLM around 2004. Do you guys remember on OLM, the Graybass/Goldstar best boobs contest? We ran it 2 years in a row. You had to post your GF's boob pics with a current newspaper or mag to prove it was real. Then the top 5 entries got a nice cycle gift! Sometime around 2005-2007. Man those were the days. I was a Mod there for 10 years. Meso and OLM had a classified section. It was like the wild west! Think I joined PM in 2010. The best boobs contest was amazing. I'd get like 20-30 pages of your GF's naked. Plus, I posted 3 real girls myself!
My first internet order was from Marsel. Then I ordered from Goldstar labs. I did so much we became partners for few years.
Meso first, then OLM around 2004. Do you guys remember on OLM, the Graybass/Goldstar best boobs contest? We ran it 2 years in a row. You had to post your GF's boob pics with a current newspaper or mag to prove it was real. Then the top 5 entries got a nice cycle gift! Sometime around 2005-2007. Man those were the days. I was a Mod there for 10 years. Meso and OLM had a classified section. It was like the wild west! Think I joined PM in 2010. The best boobs contest was amazing. I'd get like 20-30 pages of your GF's naked. Plus, I posted 3 real girls myself!
I remember you from the Goldstar days on Outlaw.Whatever happened to him?His tren e was potent.
i guess she used those for fat loss and to keep a toned look.. youll find old articles about that situation with a google search.
Yeah already read it when all happened, I said so because I never found her in shape. Fine woman for sure but certainly not in shape IMO.
You are correct on Satch - or that was what he said and consensus. Makes sense with the primos he was pimping. As I recall he exit scammed or similar. He also did that big primo challange with a gram back then to promote it (before raws and UGL real money for others and at 100mg/ml a literal pita). I think his pics were underwhelming though I never saw them.

Great times. EF was so busy at its height. Kind of an insult what they are doing with those old accounts. I think I got on AF like 2008-2010. Can't remember. Basically just found Ulter and others from EF. I remember Sassy69, cool chick and real resource for women - doesn't seem to be a good forum for females anymore. I liked the PL and strength side. Animal was awesome - certainly a personality. I remember he had the original Fina kits and "magic solution" lol but back then before Brewing we had no idea or at least I didn't. My original Fina inject cycles circa early 90s...dumb very dumb. Lol

You are right though. Someone or maybe a few people should get together and write a book. Underground History of the Anabolic Underground or some such. Memories get lost and nice to rehash sometimes!
he was def based in Israel
Now i remember,his pics were on a beach in israel.MR.BMJ you are correct sir.He was pretty lean but his size was not very impressive probably due to his primo only cycles.
Yea, he and that loser/scammer named Carth did that contest against each other, and he didn't look all that great and lost. Then FONZ and another guy were gonna do one, and Fonz never put up any pictures. That was a weird period over there, lol.
he was def based in Israel
I am pretty sure you are correct thinking it over. I never ever ordered from him, he was just a hyped-up salesman for Turkish Primo, and I never had any interest in any of that. Nothing personal, but he knew how to play the game and hype things and people bought into it and he made a lot of money. I've always been more of a buyer of guys behind the scenes who make less noise and with a long-time rep. He did sell legit Primo at the time, but he did his own UGL and it did not test well IIRC, lol.
My first internet order was from Marsel. Then I ordered from Goldstar labs. I did so much we became partners for few years.
Meso first, then OLM around 2004. Do you guys remember on OLM, the Graybass/Goldstar best boobs contest? We ran it 2 years in a row. You had to post your GF's boob pics with a current newspaper or mag to prove it was real. Then the top 5 entries got a nice cycle gift! Sometime around 2005-2007. Man those were the days. I was a Mod there for 10 years. Meso and OLM had a classified section. It was like the wild west! Think I joined PM in 2010. The best boobs contest was amazing. I'd get like 20-30 pages of your GF's naked. Plus, I posted 3 real girls myself!
I remember you and Goldstar. I’m still a member at OLM and check it every week hoping one day it will get busy again. I’m close to 20yrs on that board.
Joined PM in 2011.
PM is by far the best board these days. Lots of great guys with lots of knowledge.

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