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Fruit on show prep

Some fruit for thought (pun!); biologically for humans, nature and Mother Earth has provided two forms of healing and nourishing liquids, unparalleled by any other on Earth. #1) Natural Spring waters from deep within the Earth that gush out for us on the surface, and #2) the natural fluids found in FRUIT. These are the best sources for replenishing and nourishing hydration for all humans. Fruits have caloric content, yes, but also micronutrients, essential minerals and elements, and a proper electrical charge that matches human resonance. We are SUPPOSED to be consuming them! Some are more carb dense, some are more fiber dense, some are more liquid dense. You pick your selection based on needs for training and physical demands and your natural inclination and proclivity for reaching after a specific kind of fruit be it berry, Orange, apple, citrus, etc.. different strokes for different folks. Earth provides fruits for all needs, physical demands, and seasons of the year. Been that way since the garden of Eden.

So YES! Orange and apple every day. Remember their foremost purpose though; rehydration. We are all 85% water after all.
I've found the most filling fruits and veggies to be mushrooms, pickles, and tomatoes. Add some salt or spices high in sodium to a tomato, 3-4 kill hunger when dieting. About 100-150 calories and delicious and satiating, surprised more don't incorporate them when cutting
Yes and most fruit is not as nutrient diverse or dense as many veggies imo also eating sugar makes you crave sugar so eating fruit has me keeping my sweet tooth. Same reason I don’t do crystal Light, water is water so it’s all I crave. There’s something in particular about cruciferious veggies that just really pulls a physique together when eaten daily.

When you are on a diet, fruit can be a great pleasure and awaken the desire to consume more pieces. In this sense, I prefer not to have fruits in the diet or limit them to a cheat day, which can be adding 2 apples to your post-workout meal on leg day.
Lol...it was a word pun as he mispelled completely indole-3-carbinol...
I spelled it right, my phone changed it lol fucking thing is to smart for my own good
This statement is way off. Every fruit is different but most of them contain similar amounts of fructose and glucose in addition to very different amounts of sucrose. Even honey contains more fructose than glucose.

Regarding the thread I have promoted fruits in diets since I was young. I have never competed so I can't common on me being that lean but I have been fairly lean and still had fruit in my diet. Even if I was trying to get my leanest ever I would still have berries in my diet. Now if I have approx 200g carbs in my diet half of that is likely coming from fruit. If it's 500g then atleast 200g and so on. When dieting hard it's mainly berries and sometimes a banana around training. If having more carbs than I have more pineapple, apples, kiwis, grapes etc. I look and feel much better with fruit in my diet. I am dieting now and today I have ate some blueberries, cherries, pineapple, mango, apple, grapes and raspberries.

Agreed, i dont compete either. But can get down to 5-6% BF fairly easily with plenty of fruit in my diet. Mostly pineapple, bananas and blueberries. I my experience you'll lean out even faster eating pineapple gram for gram over rice, oats etc. I think straggering/cycling carb sources will achieve the best results at the end of the day.
Agreed, i dont compete either. But can get down to 5-6% BF fairly easily with plenty of fruit in my diet. Mostly pineapple, bananas and blueberries. I my experience you'll lean out even faster eating pineapple gram for gram over rice, oats etc. I think straggering/cycling carb sources will achieve the best results at the end of the day.

You get down to 5-6% dexa scanned easily with plenty of fruit?

Calling you out for pics on this. No one gets down to 5-6% bodyfat easily
Agreed, i dont compete either. But can get down to 5-6% BF fairly easily with plenty of fruit in my diet. Mostly pineapple, bananas and blueberries. I my experience you'll lean out even faster eating pineapple gram for gram over rice, oats etc. I think straggering/cycling carb sources will achieve the best results at the end of the day.
Pineapple has a lot of fiber to slow the spike and berries especially organic blueberries are nutrient nuclear bombs, from brain health to skin blue berries are amazing. Nothing like a big ass bowl of Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey from my hives or locally sourced honey
You say you eat 250g carbs a day 1x or 2x a week?

Also, I wasn't talking to you.. and you barely eat. You do PSMF lol.

Not being a dick but like come on here.
For me getting below 10% with any sugar is hard, there are cheat meals but no regular sugar of any kind. Genetics are involved here obviously and getting to 5-6 while maintaining a lot of muscle is a different game than just under 5-6%
For me getting below 10% with any sugar is hard, there are cheat meals but no regular sugar of any kind. Genetics are involved here obviously and getting to 5-6 while maintaining a lot of muscle is a different game than just under 5-6%

Getting 5-6% bodyfat via dexa scan is FUCKING brutal. Anyone saying they feel fine at that bodyfat are doing a bit more than PED's lol.

Lowest I made it on a dexa scan was 6% and I wanted to die. I starved and used every ace card I could.

The place I get my dexa scan done look after a lot of competitors. Lowest bf they ever had was someone competing in the olympia open and they were in the high 4% range.
Easy in fact very easy eating a lot of fruits.
it’s your life, do as you wish, but i’d bet that if you put aside your fear of being a fat boy and added even 10lbs of lean tissue on you frame you’d never look back

if you‘re perfectly happy being that size forever then disregard my post
You get down to 5-6% dexa scanned easily with plenty of fruit?

Calling you out for pics on this. No one gets down to 5-6% bodyfat easily
yes, sub 6% dexa scan. I say fairly easily, because when you do something enough it gets easier and easier every time. I suppose that wasn't the best choice of words.
Pineapple has a lot of fiber to slow the spike and berries especially organic blueberries are nutrient nuclear bombs, from brain health to skin blue berries are amazing. Nothing like a big ass bowl of Greek yogurt with berries and a drizzle of honey from my hives or locally sourced honey
yes! Wild blueberries are amazing, they are a staple in my diet year round.
Getting 5-6% bodyfat via dexa scan is FUCKING brutal. Anyone saying they feel fine at that bodyfat are doing a bit more than PED's lol.

Lowest I made it on a dexa scan was 6% and I wanted to die. I starved and used every ace card I could.

The place I get my dexa scan done look after a lot of competitors. Lowest bf they ever had was someone competing in the olympia open and they were in the high 4% range.
Yea I’ve always said if you’re doing a show and you don’t feel like shit then you’re about to get smoked on stage. Look like the hulk but knock me over with a feather.

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