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GH effects, and what is the optimal length of usage

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An interesting blood test on the Novotrop (GH) - - we offer it in town for 2-5 days delivery
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When running HGH at above 6UIs a day is it a common practice to use T3 along with it?
When running HGH at above 6UIs a day is it a common practice to use T3 along with it?
There is an approach that was promoted by some "gurus" that advocates on using T4 (and not T3) with GH. The notion here is that GH usage lowers T4 levels, which indeed it does, how ever GH also increases the T4 conversion into T3, T3 is the much more potent and active form of T4. So in reality the T4 levels do drop with GH usage, how ever the T3 may actually increase (this also explains partially the metabolic effects of GH).
So to summarize there is absolutely no need to take T3 automatically with GH, unless it's done purposely to further enhance fat loss.
GH does have some impact on the thyroid function, so I suggest to check the TSH and T4 levels, and if they drop below the minimal line to consult and consider taking T4.
Also consider - the GH impact on the thyroid is completely reversal and with stopping the GH usage the thyroid will get back to its normals
There is an approach that was promoted by some "gurus" that advocates on using T4 (and not T3) with GH. The notion here is that GH usage lowers T4 levels, which indeed it does, how ever GH also increases the T4 conversion into T3, T3 is the much more potent and active form of T4. So in reality the T4 levels do drop with GH usage, how ever the T3 may actually increase (this also explains partially the metabolic effects of GH).
So to summarize there is absolutely no need to take T3 automatically with GH, unless it's done purposely to further enhance fat loss.
GH does have some impact on the thyroid function, so I suggest to check the TSH and T4 levels, and if they drop below the minimal line to consult and consider taking T4.
Also consider - the GH impact on the thyroid is completely reversal and with stopping the GH usage the thyroid will get back to its normals
Thank you for the detailed response. This makes total sense.
I start noticing benefits from GH day one and I keep noticing benefits for as long as I use it. Muscle fullness/roundness. Ability to get and stay lean. Better sleep. Folks will say it takes time for GH to work, but that's primarily based on the old theory that GH works through causing hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. Which I don't think is really what's primarily going on. Certainly not with regards to it's effects on fat metabolism, which are instant.
I start noticing benefits from GH day one and I keep noticing benefits for as long as I use it. Muscle fullness/roundness. Ability to get and stay lean. Better sleep. Folks will say it takes time for GH to work, but that's primarily based on the old theory that GH works through causing hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. Which I don't think is really what's primarily going on. Certainly not with regards to it's effects on fat metabolism, which are instant.
Indeed, the metabolic effects of GH are quite pronounced from the start of the usage
Indeed -
I start noticing benefits from GH day one and I keep noticing benefits for as long as I use it. Muscle fullness/roundness. Ability to get and stay lean. Better sleep. Folks will say it takes time for GH to work, but that's primarily based on the old theory that GH works through causing hyperplasia rather than hypertrophy. Which I don't think is really what's primarily going on. Certainly not with regards to it's effects on fat metabolism, which are instant.
Started with 5ius started to retain almost 8lbs of water within a week extremely full
Many users do report on relatively swift weight gain and accentuate muscle tone and density, full recomp requires more time and dedication of course, but such reports of 8lbs gains are common
Many HGH users incorporating Insulin (whether fast or long acting) along with the GH. The notion here stems from the GH effects on blood glucose levels - GH releases glucose from from storage (liver, muscles...) and increases blood serum glucose levels. Insulin counteract this effect and recudes glucose levels by diverting back glucose into the tissues. IGF1 (AKA insulin like growth factor) has an insuligenic effects.
Generally speaking I'm against usage of exogenous insulin (unless for special purposes), and highly advocating for IGF1 usage along with GH in order to potentiate the HGH effect, increasing metabolism efficiency, and enhancing insulin sensitivity,
(I will post more thorough thread later including scientific literature) but will try to simplify it hereinafter.... when you inject insulin you raise (obviously) the insulin serum levels .... high insulin levels reduces (along time) insulin sensitivity ....... this makes sense I'm sure ..... when using IGF1 the body requires to secrete less insulin, because IGF1 reduces glucose (and FFA) serum levels as it shuttles them into the tissues (mainly muscles).... less insulin -> higher insulin sensitivity along time -> better metabolism (and better anabolism). Some will be amazed by the effect of a low dosage of 30-40mcg of IGF1-LR3 along with GH recomp' processes
Many HGH users incorporating Insulin (whether fast or long acting) along with the GH. The notion here stems from the GH effects on blood glucose levels - GH releases glucose from from storage (liver, muscles...) and increases blood serum glucose levels. Insulin counteract this effect and recudes glucose levels by diverting back glucose into the tissues. IGF1 (AKA insulin like growth factor) has an insuligenic effects.
Generally speaking I'm against usage of exogenous insulin (unless for special purposes), and highly advocating for IGF1 usage along with GH in order to potentiate the HGH effect, increasing metabolism efficiency, and enhancing insulin sensitivity,
(I will post more thorough thread later including scientific literature) but will try to simplify it hereinafter.... when you inject insulin you raise (obviously) the insulin serum levels .... high insulin levels reduces (along time) insulin sensitivity ....... this makes sense I'm sure ..... when using IGF1 the body requires to secrete less insulin, because IGF1 reduces glucose (and FFA) serum levels as it shuttles them into the tissues (mainly muscles).... less insulin -> higher insulin sensitivity along time -> better metabolism (and better anabolism). Some will be amazed by the effect of a low dosage of 30-40mcg of IGF1-LR3 along with GH recomp' processes
Here is some scientific literature which reviews the synergistic effect between GH and IGF -​

GH may exert metabolic effects either directly or indirectly through increased production of IGF-I. GH administration increases circulating IGF-I levels via stimulation of hepatic synthesis and secretion of IGF-I; it may also enhance local IGF-I synthesis, which exerts paracrine or autocrine effects. Figure 2 summarizes the metabolic effects of GH and IGF-I. Administration of GH and IGF-I in adult humans has been demonstrated to enhance protein anabolism. Combined administration of GH and IGF-I was observed to be more anabolic than either IGF-I or GH alone. Evidence is presented that protein accretion results mainly from direct effects of GH on tissues; additional indirect effects via IGF-I production are also likely. Administration of GH has been reported to produce carbohydrate intolerance with elevated plasma insulin levels, resulting from insulin resistance. in contrast, insulin sensitivity increased during administration of IGF-I, which exerts hypoglycaemic effects even with concomitant suppression of insulin secretion. A major direct metabolic effect of GH is to increase fat mobilization and oxidation, and thereby to reduce total body fat; there is no evidence that IGF-I acts directly on adipose tissue in vivo. GH administration results in sodium retention via stimulation of Na-K-ATPase. It is suggested that part of the effects of GH on tubular function (e.g. phosphate reabsorption) are mediated via IGF-I. Energy expenditure may be increased by administration of either GH or relatively high doses of IGF-I. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is an increase in lean body mass; GH may increase energy expenditure additionally be enhancing the production of T3 and by increasing lipid oxidation​

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We keep offering the best summer deals for the members -

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