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GH or Anabolics


New member
Feb 27, 2012
If money was of no issue which would you preferably blast more of?

From my experience I noticed far greater results from blasting gh even on low dose test. When I blast Anabolics I do grow but definitely not at the same rate or quality. Almost like the gh/igf gains are more permanent.

Whats your opinion and why?
If money was of no issue which would you preferably blast more of?

From my experience I noticed far greater results from blasting gh even on low dose test. When I blast Anabolics I do grow but definitely not at the same rate or quality. Almost like the gh/igf gains are more permanent.

Whats your opinion and why?
Clear your pm's! [emoji3]
I hadn't tried every anabolic out there, but I can say my body really started to change when I added GH.
I don't believe gh alone does much.
Save your HGH to use on a blast,it will do much better under those conditions.
If money wasn't an issue you wouldn't have to choose :D
If money was of no issue which would you preferably blast more of?

From my experience I noticed far greater results from blasting gh even on low dose test. When I blast Anabolics I do grow but definitely not at the same rate or quality. Almost like the gh/igf gains are more permanent.

Whats your opinion and why?

All I can say is your perceived observations contradict with what we know about gh and how it works along with most veterans experience.

GH, on its own, is not really all that anabolic. But I do agree there is a Synergy between AAS and GH. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose AAS.
All I can say is your perceived observations contradict with what we know about gh and how it works along with most veterans experience.

GH, on its own, is not really all that anabolic. But I do agree there is a Synergy between AAS and GH. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose AAS.

I could be wrong but I think what he means is relative. Blast as in...

Blasting AAS - 2.5 grams total, with low dose 1-2 pharm GH or 3-5iu generic

Compared to

Blasting GH - 1-1.5 Gram total AAS, 6-8iu pharm GH or 15-20iu generic
If money wasn't an issue you wouldn't have to choose :D
Health can make that choice for you.
All I can say is your perceived observations contradict with what we know about gh and how it works along with most veterans experience.

GH, on its own, is not really all that anabolic. But I do agree there is a Synergy between AAS and GH. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose AAS.
I fully understand the synergy. Not saying one or the other. I said blast one or the other.
Health can make that choice for you.

I fully understand the synergy. Not saying one or the other. I said blast one or the other.

Still think you get more growth blasting AAS. Again, in its own right, gh is not really all that powerful in building raw muscle.
All I can say is your perceived observations contradict with what we know about gh and how it works along with most veterans experience.

GH, on its own, is not really all that anabolic. But I do agree there is a Synergy between AAS and GH. If I had to choose only one, I'd choose AAS.
This is my experience as well.
There are lots of tall claims about gh. People say it melts fat, miraculous gains, etc. It's not that miraculous. But if you can afford it, it's worth it. Over a long term period of use (at least 6+ months solid use) it will lead to a leaner midsection. Especially in older guys. But 3 months of gh is not going to do much for fat, it doesn't melt fat. You're better of with clen and t3 for that.

I'm no GH expert but I've run rips before for long periods and now I've run legit pharma norditropin for 7 months now, 6 days a week. I still think gh's biggest attribute is recovery and connective tissue. The one visible difference you will see is it absolutely does help keep your midsection leaner in a calorie surplus or bulk phase. This may actually be more valuable than using it for a cutting phase because as I said, it doesn't rapidly melt fat like people hype it. That is all I can say definitively from my experience. You can be a little lazier with diet. Over longterm use, it does give the muscle a fuller more vascular look as well. But AAS is still the work horse for raw gains.

This may all change at 6-8 iu of pharma gh but I only go up to 4iu a day. I don't even compete. I see a lot of hype about gh that seems blown out of proportion. It's not going to change your physique overnight. If it breaks your budget and you have a family to feed, don't do it. Clean diet and AAS is all you need.
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My gains over the years I would say anabolics have done a lot more muscle building for me then hgh has.

I have never Mega Dosed hgh though.
To many other things in Life I would rather have for me and my family then to spend it all on hgh.
So if Money is no concern :D Sure Give me the Pharm grade at 15iu twice a day
and lets see what it does.

Maybe it would be an interesting experiment for a forum bodybuilder.
I am guessing the changes would be Slight, Not Major or mind blowing.
I could be wrong though.
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You'll sleep like a baby. Be the most restful sleep you've ever had. And the daytime power naps are awesome. Increased stamina, increased VO2 max, increased bone density and activation of satellite cells. Recovery is increased. Especially for us older guys. Hair and nails grow much faster and skin oil and earwax production reach a new level. Strength and elasticity of connective tissue is greatly increased. Alongside some powerful anabolics and a post workout slin or igf carb blast, well... good gravy Marie!

It does take a while to notice and it's so gradual that you have to pay close attention. It's like the minute hand on a clock perceptively. I feel the igf-1 lr3 though... jacks me up!
I always wondered how it would turn out if someone strictly stuck to HGH protocols for a few years and then added the anabolics in.
Would the first few years of priming create a higher level ceiling than following conventional protocols.
gh is overrated for muscle building ! other things are great
I'd rather blast AAS than gh. That being said, I had the best gains of my life when I added 5iu's of rips to a 4 month test/tren cycle.
AAS hands down. I have run rips several times and I liked the results but over the years I have made better and more permanent gains with AAS. This is not to say that gh has benefits but if asked to choose...AAS all the way


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