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Gut health

this is what i use https://www.amazon.com/Lily-Desert-Inner-Fillet-Ounces/dp/B00IDIFDS0

  • Helps support a healthy digestive system
  • Helps sustain and promote healthy regularity
  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Assists antioxidant support
  • Supports normal muscle and joint functions
  • Moisturizes and hydrates the skin

Just ordered. The "leaf" version is a bit cheaper but has basically the exact nutritional profile. Any reason why you prefer the inner-fillet version?
please post recipes on the kraut and water kefir! I have been all over Germany, my kookoo clock from the black forest just fell off the wall last year and broke. Very sad. I always said I wanted to propose to my future fiance overlooking Heidelberg castle on philosophers way. Too many brilliant minds come from Germany to mention in regard to philosophy, masonry, etc.

Saccharomyces boulardii
l-reuteri (which is present in many kefir products) bacteria strains I have found the most research for on gut health for severe conditions

DGL, NEEM OIL, wormwood, slippery elm, betaine-HCl + pepsin, digestive enzymes (find out which you are lacking, for many western Europeans it is protease enzyme) dig into your blood type and eat towards it. 2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar (acetic acid is what we are after) upon waking diluted in 6 to 8oz water. if you overproduce acid which is rare, drink a lot of alkaline water.

add balsamic vinegar to your greens /.olives-olive oil and other anti-inflammatory foods

INTERMITTENT FAST a few days per week. YOGA surprisingly helps a lot also. it's also one of the few things that drain your lymphatic system fluids. Drink RAW MILK (not pasteurized) . i cant do kimchi its too spicy, kraut is in my blood I opt for that.

thank you for the shout, I usually bounce my ideas off @heavyhitter he is the other bright mind regarding the digestive system on here, he normally adds a few things I sometimes forget to the aforementioned protocols.

also, you should do a food allergy test and a digestive enzyme test

start including papaya (strongest digestive enzyme in nature papain), pineapple (bromelain is second, so strong they use it as a meat tenderizer in restaurant industry, and apples (pectin is third strongest)

and of course fodmap diet is smart.

if youre taking PPIs (prilosec, pantaprazole etc) try to get off them and replace them with beatine hcl+pepsin, if the capsule gives you ACID reflux then youll know that you produce to much, but this is not often the case, usually we are lacking, and food begins to ferment like prison pruno (rotting fruit booze) the mexicans add tomatoes and make their michelada prison brew lol., true story
The big ones i would start with right off the bat would be betaine hcl, Saccharomyces boulardii, zinc l-carnosine, daily glutamine, and marshmallow root. I would strongly consider a good probiotic. The one that has been most effective for me out of probably 20 plus different kinds has been dr ohiras. A little pricey, but a really noticeable difference
Just ordered. The "leaf" version is a bit cheaper but has basically the exact nutritional profile. Any reason why you prefer the inner-fillet version?

i have only used the inner filet version, but whole leaf should work too.
Find out which foods give you problems and eliminate those, then find the foods you can digest well and don't get issues. I like to eat fermented stuff to aid my gut bacteria, classical white or red sauerkraut, since I'm a German 😉. I make my own, very cheap. I also make my own water kefir and drink a glas every day.

Personally I found that the vertical diet works really well for me. I can eat up to 6k kcals and not have digestive issues. I stay on that style of diet (basically a modified low fodmap diet) year round, with a few exceptions, e.g. eating only potatoes instead of rice on a cut (for satiety), and also eating Turkey instead of just the expensive red meat (mostly beef, sometimes venison if there is a deal in the grocery store).

An ounce of prevention is really worth a tonne of cure when it comes to gut health and the immune system. Do not just throw some supplements on top of a shitty diet and think it will get better.

@Muay Thai has some good posts on gut health.
Best post I've seen in a while!
Be careful with tudca if you have gallbladder issues or have had yours removed

i take TUDCA cause it supports digestive ability by supporting healthy fat metabolism and breakdown as well as proper nutrient absorption. i was under impression tudca helps people with no gallblader.
i take TUDCA cause it supports digestive ability by supporting healthy fat metabolism and breakdown as well as proper nutrient absorption. i was under impression tudca helps people with no gallblader.
It can, but some people like myself, have an overproduction of bile with nowhere to go once the gallbladder is removed. This wreaks havoc on the digestive system by allowing caustic bile to enter the lower bowel causing lots of bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. Adding tudca can exacerbate this. It absolutely destroys my guts
It can, but some people like myself, have an overproduction of bile with nowhere to go once the gallbladder is removed. This wreaks havoc on the digestive system by allowing caustic bile to enter the lower bowel causing lots of bloating, stomach upset, and diarrhea. Adding tudca can exacerbate this. It absolutely destroys my guts

very interesting. I have my gallblader and never looked into this but your explanation makes perfect sense. NAC causes Terrible Reflux / Heartburn for me and i usually stick with Tudca, milk thistle, ox bile for liver and digestion support. natural supplements can be counter productive sometimes so thanks for your anecdote.

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