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Hair growth because of Test, Permanent or not ?


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
May 20, 2011
I've become a gorilla from TEST !

I can take care of my front ( waxing, trimming ) but what can I do with my back hair ? gross looking hair on my back

Is this permanent ? Anyway to prevent this nasty side effect ?

I think the best solution is Hair Laser Removal but that's a little expensive for me
It is permanant. It will subside when you get off the hormones. Laser hair removal doesn't work. I know a couple people who have had it done and the hair grew back not to mention it is very expensive. I use Veet on my back. Just get the girlfriend to apply it once a week. Takes 5 minutes. Waxing works good but its painful.
I asked Jay Cutler what he does with the body hair, he said he did a whole body laser removal for 10k

a lot of wrestlers and celebrities do laser removal... I'm sure most pros do to
It is permanant. It will subside when you get off the hormones. Laser hair removal doesn't work. I know a couple people who have had it done and the hair grew back not to mention it is very expensive. I use Veet on my back. Just get the girlfriend to apply it once a week. Takes 5 minutes. Waxing works good but its painful.

So what you're saying is it ISN'T permanent--unless you stay on 24/7, 365. My back and stomach hair regressed after coming off.
You will definnitely end up with more body hair than you had before. The good news is that some of it will lessen over time, that is if you come off completely and stay off.

Otherwise, welcome to shaving in places you never dreamed of before
I have a question for all you new and long time steroids users, preferably those who started treatment sometime in your 20s: Have you experienced any permanent changes (increase) in body or facial hair from using steroids? I am my self somewhat hairy as of now (before any treatments), and would like to know how likely I am to become more hairy after a cycle. I would be very thankful if any of you could upload pictures of before and after, or just after. Also, being very specific in your answer is highly appreciated, like how many cycles it took before you saw a change, what type of steroid you were using, which areas of the body and face got more hairy, how old you were at your first treatment etc., and (most importantly) were the changes permanent or did you loose it after treatment.

Thank you!
I've gotten wicked hair on my shoulders but not my back since my very first cycle and has only gotten worse since.
I get my back waxed every month and I shave my arms and chest EOD. My legs and ass I clipper down to a 000 blade every 5-6 weeks. I cant stand bodyhair:cool:
I have a question for all you new and long time steroids users, preferably those who started treatment sometime in your 20s: Have you experienced any permanent changes (increase) in body or facial hair from using steroids? I am my self somewhat hairy as of now (before any treatments), and would like to know how likely I am to become more hairy after a cycle. I would be very thankful if any of you could upload pictures of before and after, or just after. Also, being very specific in your answer is highly appreciated, like how many cycles it took before you saw a change, what type of steroid you were using, which areas of the body and face got more hairy, how old you were at your first treatment etc., and (most importantly) were the changes permanent or did you loose it after treatment.

Thank you!

First, YES steroids will increase facial hair growth its called Androgenic effects. Did you know they will also make your hair fallout, potential MAJOR acne development all over your back and shoulders, enlarge your heart, enlarge your prostate, and make your breast larger? Though there are still no scientific evidence, but this is widely observe among men who suffer gynecomastia, most them using steroids since their 20's.
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Definite increase in hair growth! Especially for me on the back, along with acne. Beard - I shave at 6AM and have a 5 O'clock shadow at 10AM.

As for the other stuff the OP posted about enlarged heart and all those side effects, yeah, there are dangers with using any medication, let alone using more of the substance than recommended.

I don't drink, smoke or eat badly. My labs are good and that is what I base things on. Some things we just don't have control of.

I work in a field where I see people live clean lives and end up dying in their 30s from cancer. Several years back I had a good friend die from melanoma. She tanned most of her teenage years and until 42 when she was diagnosed. She died a year later. She did not tan in moderation and ended up with skin cancer. Life is full of risk. I choose to use whatever in moderation, this includes fattening food, herbal supps, vitamins and gear.

I have a full head of hair and no thinning what so ever. Genetics are also a player. I have been training for years and recently came to the realization that no matter what, our personal relationships with eachother are the real important things, the size of my biceps are secondary. I just feel good being strong and healthy.

And yes, I have to shave my body hair very often. The ingrown hairs are a bitch!
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Already had hair on the chest, but using test over the years has caused growth on the shoulders and back in patches. I hate it!!
Gotta take the good with the bad. I get my body shaved every other week. Wax makes me break out.

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