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HGH Fat Loss Timing

2.5iu pre fasted cardio , dont eat form an hr or so after cardio.

2.5iu pre fasted cardio before bed , have last meals 3 hrs before bed time then take shot and do some low intensity cardio then go to bed.

I was told that a very very well respected trainer to the pros advises this protocal.

I know a newer pro who did this during one of his last preps. Best condition I've seen him in. Also, this certainly helps maintain/improve insulin sensitivity while on HGH and of course, in general even without the HGH.

They GH may combat this but last thing I want to do after cardio is sleep. I'm usually revved up a bit on endorphins.
I've had good results with taking it in the morning. I eat a large bowl of cereal and protein smoothie at around 6:15am, take a cup of coffee and shoot the HGH at 9am, and eat an hour later.
when yall are taking it fasted, are you doing cardio right after while still fasted? Or does it still work if you take it while fasted without cardio? Reason I ask is because I've been doing lean gains and fasting from 9pm until 1pm, and then I workout from 3-5 but the workout is way too intense to do without eating before so I can't get any cardio in during the fast.
when yall are taking it fasted, are you doing cardio right after while still fasted? Or does it still work if you take it while fasted without cardio? Reason I ask is because I've been doing lean gains and fasting from 9pm until 1pm, and then I workout from 3-5 but the workout is way too intense to do without eating before so I can't get any cardio in during the fast.

leangains itself works without cardio---if u got a calorie deficit

only time i ever do cardio (which is rare) is 20 min postworkout...but still fasted ( am workout) dont have to do cardio

ps....been doin leangains for 3mo....i fast from 5-6pm ti 12-1pm

and on fri and sat i fast 23-24 hrs then cheat like hell.....fat fell off...and i was using no nothing
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leangains itself works without cardio---if u got a calorie deficit

only time i ever do cardio (which is rare) is 20 min postworkout...but still fasted ( am workout) dont have to do cardio

ps....been doin leangains for 3mo....i fast from 5-6pm ti 12-1pm

and on fri and sat i fast 23-24 hrs then cheat like hell.....fat fell off...and i was using no nothing

ok thanks thats what I thought
What kind of fatloss results with this combo have yall seen? How was the diet along with it?

hello, pass is 9% to 7% in 3 months, do not take no diet, just eating clean, but some weekends I ate some cake ...... some days I went to 4 x 100mcg.

sometimes also inject at midnight on 3:00 am.

everything was perfect ............ and still perfect.
Thanks for the posts and replies. It's only been about 4 weeks since I increased my dose to 5iu from 2iu. I have not changed anything else and the belly fat is starting to go and my abs for the firsts time are starting to show. Now I just need to work my abs and get a quick to the point ab routine!
Thanks for the posts and replies. It's only been about 4 weeks since I increased my dose to 5iu from 2iu. I have not changed anything else and the belly fat is starting to go and my abs for the firsts time are starting to show. Now I just need to work my abs and get a quick to the point ab routine!

dont even bother with the ab routine....just do multijoint exercises (esp squats)

cant see the abs till the fats gone anyhow...i aint done abs in over a year...and u can def see everyone of them

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