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Highest primo was it worth it?

I know primo and mast are the ones pushed by many nowadays as opposed to likes of deca, NPP and usually with the intention of them being ‘healthier’ and better for longevity but plenty of people end up with skewed lipids on primo especially which negates the healthier benefits for me personally
Overall it's okay. I find my best use is a longer but light blast where I want to look good and feel good but not impact markers too much (hits HDL at blast doses but rest is fine). Maybe I could get by on 200mg in a cruise and minimize hdl impact. Could also be used as a tertiary compound in a stack but it's an expensive compound for that IMO.

I'm sitting on a decent stock of 200mg/ml and frankly I have no plans to use it. It will happen but a while out. Not sure I'll reup when it's done either.

I've run 600mg 3x for 20 weeks in the past 4 years.
- feel good but a little lower sex drive, low dose mast fixes that but now we are adding compounds
- nice full tight look and good for retention if your diet is dialed on (not wow but good)
- low to modest strength impacts - just kind of enhances your work in the gym. Same for adding muscle, you do the work and it will help but far better drugs.
- I aromatize decently so 500mg of test puts E2 north of 100 and 600mg of primo in there moves it to low 60s. I could run higher primo and/or lower test but that's just me.
- Significant lipid impact. My HDL has been 39-44 on cruises the past years (pure trt is same hdl). 600mg primo drops it to 27-29. All other bloods great including LDL and Triglycerides. 350 tren/175 winny weakly put me at 23 so that's a much bigger hit that I'd like from Primo especially considering the latter is A LOT more effective. Frankly I was looking/hoping for a zero impact dry/full effect - hdl rules it out. I can run 750 test/600 deca with zero impact on hdl or any markers...primo can't do this.

I've yet to find a great use for this. Decent compound but wasn't what I really wanted out of it.
I agree with a lot of posts here if you are lean/low body fat with some decent amount of muscle Primo will enhance your muscle and give you a look that nothing else will. Masteron is close but some people get hair loss, prostate problems from it. And if you are looking to add size and or have body fat/out of shape you won’t see much from Primo.

Primo is also good when calories are restricted Primo will help hold on to muscle. Before I was foreman, I was and still am outside in the elements and in the summer months it’s sometimes hard to get meals down when it’s hot. I like Primo during that time. I’m also thinking of running it year round. Low dose obviously when cruising and higher on blast like in the summer months.
Just curious what's the highest Primo doses you guys have ran and was it worth it ?

Finishing a 16 week trial of 600 Primo a week and really wasn't impressed.

Just Primo or are there other compounds?
400mgs/week…had desirable results considering the low dose. Was with 500 test e/week, ran that for 15 weeks and gained 5lbs of solid weight and dropped body fat so win win
Overrated...I put it up there with EQ, never impressed with either. EQ just made my blood thicker..both to me are novelty AAS without much to show. I remember when all we could get was Ft. Dodge EQ at 50mg/ml. Pinning 9cc's a week just to get 450mg and saying to myself "This stuff isn't so great" lol.
I have to run primo and eq at 800mg per week to get any benefit from the compounds
I ran up to 2grams a week. A gram plus for several months. Long run 4-5 months . Really started to feel like shit after It crashed my estrogen. Achy sore dry joints. I looked really good. But I won’t use primo again. I got in the same shape last year on hgh eq deca and low dose test. Felt way better.
is primo always dosed in 100mg? to use it at high volume thats lot of cc's...
is primo always dosed in 100mg? to use it at high volume thats lot of cc's...
For the limited space in a 3cc syringe, I rather put something else in its place even at 200mg/ml. It's on the weaker side imo compared to deca, eq, Mast, tren...all those pack more punch per volume. That being said I felt fine on it and can't say it gave me any sides that I might get with the others. To each his own. It has its uses for certain applications.
For the limited space in a 3cc syringe, I rather put something else in its place even at 200mg/ml. It's on the weaker side imo compared to deca, eq, Mast, tren...all those pack more punch per volume. That being said I felt fine on it and can't say it gave me any sides that I might get with the others. To each his own. It has its uses for certain applications.
You’d rate mast above primo?
You’d rate mast above primo?

For anything related to anabolic or muscle accrual I rate masteron at zero. Some impact on free test (which I attribute to test dosage in me not mast directly) but I don't notice the difference between 0, 200, 400 or 600mg. I use mast a lot and restocked recently but purely for feel, sides from other drugs (including better sex drive from running primo or deca), and aesthetics. Basically liquid proviron. As an anabolic it's fricking water to me. Primo is weak but it curb stomps mast in my opinion from an anabolic standpoint. YMMV
For anything related to anabolic or muscle accrual I rate masteron at zero. Some impact on free test (which I attribute to test dosage in me not mast directly) but I don't notice the difference between 0, 200, 400 or 600mg. I use mast a lot and restocked recently but purely for feel, sides from other drugs (including better sex drive from running primo or deca), and aesthetics. Basically liquid proviron. As an anabolic it's fricking water to me. Primo is weak but it curb stomps mast in my opinion from an anabolic standpoint. YMMV
I don’t notice mast doing much for my libido anymore. Maybe because I always use it, and my SHBG is damn near zero now lol.

When I first tried it years ago the libido was insane. Wish I could get that feeling again.

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