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how did bodybuilders keep gains before there was "pct"

so what protocol do you folllow when ending a cycle magnum?

As far as ending one it all depends on how long you plan on being off. Most guys are never off long enough for it to matter so just come off. Most guys don't realize that these drugs are going to be in your system for many months. Example, someone I once knew got into some trouble. His test levels took 15 months to come down to a legal normal level. So for him doing PCT would be like pissing in the ocean with the intent to affect the tides. Same with this so called bridging stuff guys do. They go on 1000 mgs a week then take 50 mgs of anavar hoping to keep their gains. This makes no sense, you got a test ratio of 15:1 and they think that taking some anavar for 30 days is needed. IF you are going to come off then take a true break from all drugs. Now, if you wanna do some HCG or clomid in the hopes of kick starting your own levels then go for it, but if you are taking test then it will be a while till you will prob even need it.
As far as ending one it all depends on how long you plan on being off. Most guys are never off long enough for it to matter so just come off. Most guys don't realize that these drugs are going to be in your system for many months. Example, someone I once knew got into some trouble. His test levels took 15 months to come down to a legal normal level. So for him doing PCT would be like pissing in the ocean with the intent to affect the tides. Same with this so called bridging stuff guys do. They go on 1000 mgs a week then take 50 mgs of anavar hoping to keep their gains. This makes no sense, you got a test ratio of 15:1 and they think that taking some anavar for 30 days is needed. IF you are going to come off then take a true break from all drugs. Now, if you wanna do some HCG or clomid in the hopes of kick starting your own levels then go for it, but if you are taking test then it will be a while till you will prob even need it.

lol great analogy
Just an interesting observation here for those that care...........Are we starting to see more threads and questions dealing with natural test production, or lack of even when so called PCT has been used? Maybe it is just me going senile but there seems to be a small, but growing trend of people that are wondering why no natural test production has occurred even when some form of PCT has been followed, or for a better phrase, production back to normal. It is all about time here. Time meaning everything we do takes years to manifest itself! Not days or weeks but years. Same with AAS abuse side effects, long term side effects. This is because after years of abusing your endocrine systems they are tired and have had enough. No shame in this, just a by product of the game we all willingly play. No finger pointing, no I told you so's just plain facts of life in the body building fast lane! For some it has yet to happen, for many of us it has already happened, and still for others it is happening right now but the denial is still there. Many of us old timers know exactly what the real deal is, but many of you younger guys will not believe us, give it time fellas, you will find out we were correct all along! Yes it sucks getting old, but I am enjoying my life now as I have always tried to, just making the adjustments as needed!:p Whatever you do guys just be safe :)
I keep hearing a lot about using gh, igf and slin for PCT! has anyone tried this combo all together?

I have never understood why PCT would work. If you started your PCT as most do, 2 weeks after last injection, your Test levels are still way to high for your body to send siginals to your system to produce your own test, your system is still going to say no way I still have to much test, now matter what PCT you use.
Best way is blood work every 4 weeks or so after cycle.
did they just never come off or was the stuff they took better and more gains were kept?
I kept calories up and tapered down and still do the same to this day.
I keep hearing a lot about using gh, igf and slin for PCT! has anyone tried this combo all together?



i was shuit down for over 14 months.

did a 6 week pct using the above compounds with some nolva/clomid and hcg.

after the 6 week pct i did 12 days d aspartic acid. another 3 weeks later so around the 10 week mark since an aas i got bloods done and test checked at 6pm which is when levels are at their lowest according to doc and mine came back at just under 400. the doc said this was very good considering the time of day as it was proberly more likely 500 plus if it was taken in the am when supposed to.

i am 24 years old :)
what compounds were u using hilly?

what was your cycle?

i was shuit down for over 14 months.

did a 6 week pct using the above compounds with some nolva/clomid and hcg.

after the 6 week pct i did 12 days d aspartic acid. another 3 weeks later so around the 10 week mark since an aas i got bloods done and test checked at 6pm which is when levels are at their lowest according to doc and mine came back at just under 400. the doc said this was very good considering the time of day as it was proberly more likely 500 plus if it was taken in the am when supposed to.

i am 24 years old :)
Just curious here, how did you know you were shut down for that period of time? Did you get blood work to confirm this? If you were shut down and had blood work done any good doctor would have had some raised eyebrows at having such low to non-existant test levels at your age. I ask because the only real way to know for sure is to have blood work done at regular intervals. I am not taking a shot at you bro. Just curious.
I keep hearing a lot about using gh, igf and slin for PCT! has anyone tried this combo all together?


Don't think that would be considered PCT. I would call it, I'm on a different cycle now. :D
PCT is overrated and really only pushed by internet guru know-it-all types and the guys who sell ancilliary drugs. That's the real truth. Back in the days you would just taper down, and for most, the transition went very smoothly. Everyone's body is different though.

I mean sure, there's plenty of medical documentation showing that clomid and HCG can help restore LH and FSH levels, but there's also a lot of literature showing these values rebounding with no treatment at all after ceasing hormone usage.

I say find what works for you and stick with it. Don't pile on 9 extra drugs you don't need just because you read it on the internet or some guy in your gym says you have to. Less is more sometimes.

Food for thought...

Just curious here, how did you know you were shut down for that period of time? Did you get blood work to confirm this? If you were shut down and had blood work done any good doctor would have had some raised eyebrows at having such low to non-existant test levels at your age. I ask because the only real way to know for sure is to have blood work done at regular intervals. I am not taking a shot at you bro. Just curious.

By saying shut down for that period of time i mean i was blast an cruising. so as i was on a minimum of 250mg of test per 10 days or more i would presume i was shut down?

My cycle was mainly test only from may after a diet cycle of no more than 1-1.5g per week working back up to 750mg test. then i added in 300mg npp and 50mg oxy.

Then i did pre contest cycle for my show this year jan to may of which doses peaked at 1500mg and droped to a low of 700mg.

then i taperd test down with test p over 300 weeks. 300mg/200mf/100mg then pct
By saying shut down for that period of time i mean i was blast an cruising. so as i was on a minimum of 250mg of test per 10 days or more i would presume i was shut down?

My cycle was mainly test only from may after a diet cycle of no more than 1-1.5g per week working back up to 750mg test. then i added in 300mg npp and 50mg oxy.

Then i did pre contest cycle for my show this year jan to may of which doses peaked at 1500mg and droped to a low of 700mg.

then i taperd test down with test p over 300 weeks. 300mg/200mf/100mg then pct

so your cycle was 14 months long?

how long was the cycle sorry?
Why anyone wan't to get off......If your health is ok and you still grow what's the reson to come off???

If you wan't to clean out, just come off...

Yes you will be soft and small but you can back all your muscle that you lost when you back to AAS.....:)
so your cycle was 14 months long?

how long was the cycle sorry?

well i blast and cruises. so i was on some form of hormones for the full duration.

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