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Let’s talk show placings and bodybuilding


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 23, 2014
I competed this weekend and I was surprised disappointed in my placing.

I’m not mad at all though cause I do this for pure enjoyment, and love the stage but man dieting so hard and coming in dry and peeled to have someone who’s 6 weeks out beat you stings a bit..

What do you guys think about this highly subjective sport?
Have to see pics for context to provide any sort of thoughts. Even with pictures aspects such as lighting, angle even how dark a competitor is can really appear different in person.

As you say the sport is entirely subjective. So as a former competitor, although I may get the desire again one day, I can say that judging is what it is. As a competitor I personally always told myself I need to accept that the placing I get may not be how I would place myself or others on that day. for me, and this is advice I would give any competitor, take any feedback from judges and use it to improve, and generally use the competitive process to motivate yourself to improve. That is the purpose of competition, not the little plastic trophy and fleeting bragging rights.

That said I have not only competed but watched many contests. Almost all of them had questionable results and I don’t mean one placing here or there.
I've been to several show this year and the judging seems to be a little different than the past. I'm good friend with a promotor and we sat by each other at his show and the judging seemed way off for the bikini girls compared to last year and the overall bodybuilder was definitely not the leanest yet still won which pissed alot of people off and had people asking questions. At dinner after the show he asked the judges and state chairwoman why things were different and they told him that "the NPC" was getting away from focused on condition so much and wanted a balance of everything especially with the females as they were getting to hard each year and that the guys were giving up size and shape for leanness and they want it to stay "bodybuilding" not a dieting contest.
I can agree with that to a point , I remember years ago Phil Heron saying that the judging was moving that way and he didn't agree with it.
All that said , I've been to another show that the bikini girls were fucking peeled and that's what won , the overall bodybuilder was absolutely the leanest guy but looked like he could have been in a natural show. Several much bigger guys with better shape and size that were respectfully lean got beat purely by condition.
I think its really a crap shoot
Have to see pics for context to provide any sort of thoughts. Even with pictures aspects such as lighting, angle even how dark a competitor is can really appear different in person.

As you say the sport is entirely subjective. So as a former competitor, although I may get the desire again one day, I can say that judging is what it is. As a competitor I personally always told myself I need to accept that the placing I get may not be how I would place myself or others on that day. for me, and this is advice I would give any competitor, take any feedback from judges and use it to improve, and generally use the competitive process to motivate yourself to improve. That is the purpose of competition, not the little plastic trophy and fleeting bragging rights.

That said I have not only competed but watched many contests. Almost all of them had questionable results and I don’t mean one placing here or there.
No bro, I didn’t make the thread to get another judging panel on the forum.

I wanted the members/bodybuilders opinions On the matter of subjective judging and what they have been looking for.
I've been to several show this year and the judging seems to be a little different than the past. I'm good friend with a promotor and we sat by each other at his show and the judging seemed way off for the bikini girls compared to last year and the overall bodybuilder was definitely not the leanest yet still won which pissed alot of people off and had people asking questions. At dinner after the show he asked the judges and state chairwoman why things were different and they told him that "the NPC" was getting away from focused on condition so much and wanted a balance of everything especially with the females as they were getting to hard each year and that the guys were giving up size and shape for leanness and they want it to stay "bodybuilding" not a dieting contest.
I can agree with that to a point , I remember years ago Phil Heron saying that the judging was moving that way and he didn't agree with it.
All that said , I've been to another show that the bikini girls were fucking peeled and that's what won , the overall bodybuilder was absolutely the leanest guy but looked like he could have been in a natural show. Several much bigger guys with better shape and size that were respectfully lean got beat purely by condition.
I think its really a crap shoot
I always thought this was a conditioning contest. Then why are we dieting very hard then? why do we need any striated glutes ?

it doesn’t make sense to me for it to be a size game. how do ruff diesel wins 2nd when he’s the shortest smallest guy ? He’s dwarfed by every classic guy but still judged on conditioning and shape..

It’s crazy to me what bodybuilding has came to
Unfortunately it is subjective....and that means they make mistakes (or can do whatever the fuck they want), the only way to ensure victory is the make it absolutely UNDENIABLE that you are the winner. But that is nearly impossible to do in a sport like this where we're always fairly close to one another...thus making it a crapshoot. I was mad with my placing this year too after really looking at it after the fact. The day off I kind of brushed everyone off that was saying i should have placed higher...then weeks later I actually looked at the pics and it was pretty egregious to my eyes 2 people that placed ahead of me.
I think sometimes it's hard for a competitor to know the criteria they are looking for and it can be somewhat of a moving target. In the men's divisions, it should be a combination of structure/symmetry and condition and sometimes someone a little less conditioned might have such a better flow to their physique and that is what gets rewarded.
I wonder if K Bomb is related to J Bomb?
I competed this weekend and I was surprised disappointed in my placing.

I’m not mad at all though cause I do this for pure enjoyment, and love the stage but man dieting so hard and coming in dry and peeled to have someone who’s 6 weeks out beat you stings a bit..

What do you guys think about this highly subjective sport?
Highly subjective (like you said), irrational, political with financial and personal motivation.

Always been that way and always will be that way, we need to get used to it.

You can learn a lot competing against an idealized version of yourself and is not a bad way to go. How you place is icing on the cake.


Sorry you did not place where you expected to.
This thread is worthless without pics.

I will place a $100.00 bet that the guy that beat you had better shape/symmetry than you did. Post pics if you want my $$
This thread is worthless without pics.

I will place a $100.00 bet that the guy that beat you had better shape/symmetry than you did. Post pics if you want my $$
It sounds like the point of the thread is that his experience made him think of judging in general and not specifically the outcome of his placing.
you know to the general public 90% of the guys on any given stage look virtually identical - every muscle developed, lean, all muscles visible.

its only bodybuilding enthusiasts who can tell the difference between the physiques on stage

sometimes even I, a guy who has been looking at contests for almost 20 years, find myself wondering how a contest was "clearly won" or dominated by a guy who looks very similar to the others on stage

as far as it being subjective, yeah. for sure. whats the criteria? if one guy is 40% more shredded and dry than everyone else, and has a complete physique head to toe, but is only 5'4' and sort of resembles a froq in his shape, but another guy is 6'4', muscle in all the places that make a dude look awesome, and lean enough so that theres no visible fat on his body, and has a body that is simultaneously freaky big and aesthetically beautiful/sexy/classy/majestic, then how does the 5'4" guy win? Just because he has more muscle that is more conditioned? What happened to bodybuilding being about who looks the best and has the best body?

^^^ thats my subjective critique of how judging can sometimes go.... others are quite the opposite..
The structure and shape of a competitor is always going count the most in my opinion. When I competed in the past I didn't kid myself about my goals in bodybuilding at a national level. Even winning weight classes or overall at many regional shows is very different than competing in the upper levels and without that God given gift of great shape it's not realistic. It's tough sometimes to admit after all that prep we can't become more aesthetic.
There is no consistent answer to this question. There's no exact science, only personal preference and subjectivity.
However, I've been to several shows this year, and across the board, I continue to hear that fullness is being preferred even if that means 'slightly' less conditioning.
I personally see and have come to know that bodybuilding has changed, and isn't what it was. It's become more commercialized, driven by social media and more Iike business than sport.
It's no longer a game of who gets more peeled. Bring the whole package, bring symmetry, and it helps to pick your shows and who's judging
you know to the general public 90% of the guys on any given stage look virtually identical - every muscle developed, lean, all muscles visible.

its only bodybuilding enthusiasts who can tell the difference between the physiques on stage

sometimes even I, a guy who has been looking at contests for almost 20 years, find myself wondering how a contest was "clearly won" or dominated by a guy who looks very similar to the others on stage
This is another reason bodybuilding struggles to truly grow the sport and become more than underground. There's not a single hardcore fan of any other sport who would struggle to know why a certain team or person won.

I think it's a shame Fouad Abiad isn't one of the official commentators for all IFBB shows. I've watched this stuff for years but hearing him explain the judging, the posing rounds, moving guys around on stage, etc., helped me understand it more than I ever had previously. He breaks it down extremely well.
This thread is worthless without pics.

I will place a $100.00 bet that the guy that beat you had better shape/symmetry than you did. Post pics if you want my $$
This thread wasn’t made to get another judging panel, keep your 100$, you need it more than me

But I will post pics when the official pics come out vs iPhone pics .. why not
Ask every mom who entered there daughter in the beauty pageant. It’s BS except for the winners! I think even Dorian once said ask my mum, I was the best.

Thats why he said he was bringing something that could not be denied as the best! Not equal, close or slightly better.

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