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Men weaker today than 30yrs ago....


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 7, 2002
**broken link removed**
my granddad is/was the toughest SOB I ever seen or known. Grew up in the Great Depression, was in the Air Force, Korean War VET, Golden Gloves boxer... had massive stroke and lived for 10 more years. the joke was only a bullet to the brain could ever kill him. he was/is a fucking badass. they don't make em like that anymore.
It's a natural phenomenon.

As technology advances, you do less and less to survive, so your muscles are underdeveloped.

There's also a whole lot of media stuff pushing guys to be more feminine.

We're gonna be taller, have less muscle and bigger eyes in the near future.
This study proves Levrone will win Olympia. Might as well merge the threads
And you can still learn a lot about a man by his handshake. Strong grip = instant respect, in a way. I can't stand the "dead fish" handshake (the analogy my dad used to use).
see, back then guys smoked and drank more. so. they were stronger.
see connery? yeah, cig in his mouth. proof.
the generation of men coming up now are nothing but a bunch of pussies.

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A study I saw a few years back using info from the Veterans administration. Showed the average males testosterone levels have dropped 30% over the last 50 years as I remember. And with all the environmental estrogens people ingest now wouldn't be surprised.
It's those damn skinny pants squeezing the gonads, reducing test production. It's a conspiracy by the government and clothing industry.
I think it's a combination of:

  • Lesser quality food
  • Much more environmental xenoestrogens (Plastics, parabens, chemicals, pesticides, etc)
  • Less active lifestyle, + more creature comforts
  • More feminine media/culture

We are exposed to an entire slew of chemicals that our grandfathers were never exposed to.

Think about it...
-Nearly all the food we eat comes packaged in plastic containers.
-Nearly all the food is treated with pesticides or preservatives.
-Most of the food the population eats is no longer organic, and comes infused with corn and soy products.
-We are exposed to a constant slew or airborne chemicals in our homes, cars, offices, etc. From cleaners, airfresheners, synthetic chemicals, etc.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to prove a specific cause. It makes sense to me though.
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There's a lot of reasons for this, which I don't feel like going into now...but with that said, it really does show that we--all of us here at Pro Muscle--are special breed of men. Whereas the rest of the world is being feminized, we are pushing back in the opposite direction...HARD.

Call me a conspiratorialist if you will, but I firmly believe that one of the big reasons the Gov. Does not want steroids legal...and why penalties have become so harsh in recent years (unjustifiably so) is because it works against the Gov's push towards a more submissive (and therefore more easily controllable) populace.

Steroids make men into the exact opposite of what the Gov. wants. In a sense, they make us into super-men...who are much less likely to be pushed around...physically, mentally, or emotionally.
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There's a lot of reasons for this, which I don't feel like going into now...but with that said, it really does show that we--all of us here at Pro Muscle--are special breed of men. Whereas the rest of the world is being feminized, we are pushing back in the opposite direction...HARD.

Call me a conspiratorialist if you will, but I firmly believe that one of the big reasons the Gov. Does not want steroids legal...and why penalties have become so harsh in recent years (unjustifiably so) is because it works against the Gov's push towards a more submissive (and therefore more easily controllable) populace.

Steroids make men into the exact opposite of what the Gov. wants. In a sense, they make us into super-men...who are much less likely to be pushed around...physically, mentally, or emotionally.

On this note, this is the exact reason they don't want us to own firearms.
I think it's a combination of:

  • Lesser quality food
  • Much more environmental xenoestrogens (Plastics, parabens, chemicals, pesticides, etc)
  • Less active lifestyle, + more creature comforts
  • More feminine media/culture

We are exposed to an entire slew of chemicals that our grandfathers were never exposed to.

Think about it...
-Nearly all the food we eat comes packaged in plastic containers.
-Nearly all the food is treated with pesticides or preservatives.
-Most of the food the population eats is no longer organic, and comes infused with corn and soy products.
-We are exposed to a constant slew or airborne chemicals in our homes, cars, offices, etc. From cleaners, airfresheners, synthetic chemicals, etc.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to prove a specific cause. It makes sense to me though.

Yes, these are the biggest reasons. Good post.
On this note, this is the exact reason they don't want us to own firearms.

Yep. Not to sidetrack the thread, but there is some nasty shit going on in our country today...and the entire world for that matter.
Well I know for a fact that you rarely walk into any gym and see guys benching 3+ plates or squatting 4+.

Hell, most gyms only have DBs up to the 80s or maybe 100s these days.
Well I know for a fact that you rarely walk into any gym and see guys benching 3+ plates or squatting 4+.

Hell, most gyms only have DBs up to the 80s or maybe 100s these days.

I mentioned this on the now defunct PER Radio, where I said that 20 yeas ago it was common to walk into any gym and see several guys benching 3 plates, usually a couple doing 4, and every now and then someone doing 5 or more. These days even 3 plates is a rarity, 4 is almost non-existent, and I haven't seen anyone benching 5 plates in any gym that isn't set aside specifically for bodybuilders/power-lifters.
don't want to get too deep into this subject, but the reason why men are not as manly as they used to be is...

..many of them are no longer being raised by their fathers.

that's the reason.

but I digress

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