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My 10 Day Clenbuterol Protocol


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Kilo Klub Member
Mar 6, 2009
First off, this is how I run clen precontest to drop 10Lbs in 10 days. I am not advising anyone else to do this as it is extreme.

Before my last show I felt I needed to get my body fat down fast and was running out of time. I did this with clen only, as I feel I tend to lose muscle when I add T3, although minimal T3 most likely won't cause muscle loss if AAS are used.

I run clenbuterol only for 10 days in an ascending fashion dose wise everyday. All clen is dosed upon waking on an empty stomach. I think it best to supplement with 3-5 grams of taurine split up throughout the day in 1 gram intervals to avoid cramping as much as possible. I also put salt substitute(potassium chloride) on all meals and even in my protein drinks. I keep calories at 10 per pound of body weight with macros at 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% healthy fats from almonds and avocado. I make sure to drink a minimum of 2 gallons of water.

Day#1: 40mcg clen
Day#2: 60mcg clen
Day#3: 80mcg clen
Day#4: 100mcg clen
Day#5: 120mcg clen
Day#6: 140mcg clen
Day#7: 160mcg clen
Day#8: 180mcg clen
Day#9: 200mcg clen
Day#10: 200mcg clen

I actually went higher in those days but it was way dangerous so I'm not posting the true amounts. This is very high dosing and really pushes blood pressure up. I used Vasodilators to open blood pathways. Tadalafil is one vasodilator I used and I was on a prescription vasodilator as well.

I dropped so much fat in those 10 days. I walked on the treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes and did a short weight workout each day with moderate to low intensity to avoid too much stress on the heart. I was quite winded from so much clen. The results were unreal, although you must be aware of the risks involved.
Thanks for posting.

Did you feel worse than you normally would (physically) during this particular prep?
Psychologically, yes!!! I put so much pressure on myself to win that I kept backing out of shows. I made myself sick stressing over being the leanest I've been. The sad thing is I looked so much better after gaining back 20Lbs post contest. I don't ever want to be so distressed over a show again.

Physically, I felt fine until the last 10 days. I felt like crap towards the end; extremely depleted!!!
Jjb1, do you ever worry about your heart when running clen like this at such a massive dose?
JJB1...Need some advice..just finished aas a bit ago, and now as you know doing ghrp...waiting to start hex/cjc protocol when funds become availble...I am trying to shred my midsection..Im not bad, can see the top 2 abs but the rest seems current workouts are 2 sets every body part- 5 sets of 5 eod then 2 off....i have started cardio, taking methyldrene elite pro eca, I think is pretty good- sure i could tweak. Im not going into competetion, but want a more defined look, and yes put a bit of size 5'9 207lbs...arms 17,chest 48,legs 25, calves ideal weight LEAN would be around 210-215... I am mid 40's so getting lean is rougher than it used to I am on syntheroid for naturally hypo thyroid..had bloods last year- i was in upper level of normal w/ meds. HELP!(please)
Instead of a vasodilator, a beta-1 blocker, like metoprolol, would have been more appropriate.

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JJB1...Need some advice..just finished aas a bit ago, and now as you know doing ghrp...waiting to start hex/cjc protocol when funds become availble...I am trying to shred my midsection..Im not bad, can see the top 2 abs but the rest seems current workouts are 2 sets every body part- 5 sets of 5 eod then 2 off....i have started cardio, taking methyldrene elite pro eca, I think is pretty good- sure i could tweak. Im not going into competetion, but want a more defined look, and yes put a bit of size 5'9 207lbs...arms 17,chest 48,legs 25, calves ideal weight LEAN would be around 210-215... I am mid 40's so getting lean is rougher than it used to I am on syntheroid for naturally hypo thyroid..had bloods last year- i was in upper level of normal w/ meds. HELP!(please)

Diet is the biggest factor. I usually get rid of the fat first then slowly up the calories to fill back out. Very simple formula is take 10 times you body weight to give you total daily calories. Divide by 8. Have a meal/ snack every 3 hours around the clock with that number of calories. Both 40/30/30 and 40/40/20 on macros works perfectly. I've dieted without fats but find I drop body fat faster with good days from almonds and avocados. Do cardio fasted upon waking. Easiest way is take a low dose of clen and take a walk 15 minutes away from home, and 15 minutes back. Use a brisk pace. Do another hald hour of cardio after your weight workout.
Shit, I would freak out on 100 mcg's…..I can tolerate a ton of stimulants, but clen isn't one of them.
Shit, I would freak out on 100 mcg's…..I can tolerate a ton of stimulants, but clen isn't one of them.

I maxed out at 367mcg on Day#10 actually. It was very risky and I wouldn't want anyone to try it. I do stupid shit a lot. Burned fat fast though.
I doubt I can tolerate 200mcg but I'm going to give this a try. I've done 80 and 100mcg before and just stopped.
What do you think about working up to as high as you can tolerate and then riding that for the rest of the 10 days?
Something like:
I doubt I can tolerate 200mcg but I'm going to give this a try. I've done 80 and 100mcg before and just stopped.
What do you think about working up to as high as you can tolerate and then riding that for the rest of the 10 days?
Something like:
I think it's a hell of a lot smarter than what I did. Hahaha ;)
I will say the things I read about long term clen use did scare me in terms of heart enlargement. That's why I would rather blast and stop. Be careful while training. I sure as hell wouldn't do squats or dead lifts while on high dose clen. Follow your instincts. Don't push the weights too hard.
I maxed out at 367mcg on Day#10 actually. It was very risky and I wouldn't want anyone to try it. I do stupid shit a lot. Burned fat fast though.

You crazy mofo, Jj! Haha... 367mcg?!! God dayyuummm! My hear rate will be racing like a speedboat on that dose.
You crazy mofo, Jj! Haha... 367mcg?!! God dayyuummm! My hear rate will be racing like a speedboat on that dose.

It wasn't smart at all.
Does it affect your appetite in anyway thru out the 10 days?
I do this all the time allthough spread in 15 days.
No problem whatsoever... the side effects and also the results are overrated
We have all done stupid shit. Your definitely no newbie, but just be careful….I know your probably tired of hearing it….I just don't want anything to happen to you.
JJ on my clen I am doing 2 days on 1 day of @ 100mcgs. How would you compare that to your cycle?

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JJ on my clen I am doing 2 days on 1 day of @ 100mcgs. How would you compare that to your cycle?

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I never got that dosing plan as it's half life is approx 36-48 hours. Having the day off is pretty pointless imo.

I have only used clen once but I don't really take any 'fat burners'. It's the only one I have ever took as I am not a fan of stimulants, shakes and feeling hot. But I want to get ripped so I may try our clen... it would be a nice addition to my pep run.

I personally think it is best used at lower doses but for slightly longer durations. It's effectiveness lowers over time (ways to prevent that though). I think the standard 2 weeks on 2 off is a good dosing plan. Although clen is effective for longer and 3 weeks is a nice amount of time. If I were to run it I would do the following...

Day 1= 20mcg per day
Day 2= 40mcg per day
Days 3 to 4= 60mcg per day
Days 5 to 7= 80mcg per day
Days 8 to 11= 100mcg per day
Days 12 to 15= 120mcg per day
Days 16=21= 140mcg per day

2 weeks off

Day 1= 60mcg per day
Days 2 to 3= 80mcg per day
Days 4 to 5= 100mcg per day
Days 6 to 8= 120mcg per day
Days 9 to 14= 140mcg per day

2 weeks off

Repeat if needed and adjust accordingly. If the higher doses are too much stay at 80-100mcg max. If they are not high enough then do what you are prepared to do.
Last edited:
I take the day of to give the receptors a break.

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