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My Test/Tren Cruise/Cut Protocol Log

I'll follow the log. You look pretty good in the latest gym pics. There is a lot you can do with your body type. Show us how its done leo.
Hire a coach. Tenny and mini truck here are super smart about this stuff. You would make way more progress with them then you wil doing anything else. You think you know about nutrition, you don't. You think you know about training, you don't. Trust me, hire them, take all the guess work out of it. I can't stress enough how INVALUABLE it is to have someone knowledgeable take the wheel. If you can follow directions you won't recognize yourself in a few months.

Don't take offense to not knowing about diet and training... we have members here, pros even, that have done this their whole life and are still learning.

Im not hiring anybody...sorry. Im doin this on my own. U can either help me or not. I appreciate the ones that have already.
Pretty sure you said quickest and healthiest way possible. I gave you your answer. Many will agree.

I'm not sure what you consider blast/cruise, but if your a lifer then you should be planning your diet and goals around your blasts. its terrible inefficient to try to cut to 8% only to bulk up losing all your leanness.

i get your trying to be all cut up by summer, but if you just got someone to look over your programming and diet, i dont see why you cant get bigger and leaner at the same time. Especially with 8 weeks!!

-All opinion!!

I will be using blasts for bulking and cruises for cuts. Id like to keep my blasts with test only. Why do you say its inneficent to get lean then bulk again? Isnt that what cuts and bulks are for, cut=lose fat, bulk=build muscle?
I will be using blasts for bulking and cruises for cuts. Id like to keep my blasts with test only. Why do you say its inneficent to get lean then bulk again? Isnt that what cuts and bulks are for, cut=lose fat, bulk=build muscle?

Gear will work a lot better the leaner You are Bro...also as You get lean/lean(single digit bf)...You will notice You need more gear during cutting, to keep muscle when calorie deficient then You during bulking(calorie surplus)
Gear will work a lot better the leaner You are Bro...also as You get lean/lean(single digit bf)...You will notice You need more gear during cutting, to keep muscle when calorie deficient then You during bulking(calorie surplus)

True- gear will be used more efficiently in the body the leaner you are.

False- you won't need more gear when your in single bf percent, atleast when your effectively using the right gear. Especially tren, anavar, and superdrol.

I stayed at the same dose when I landed 9% and went to 6%. I was the leanest I've ever been. A lot of it is diet but with the right Stack your muscle won't become catabolic, or atleast minimally.

This was my experience atleast
True- gear will be used more efficiently in the body the leaner you are.

False- you won't need more gear when your in single bf percent, atleast when your effectively using the right gear. Especially tren, anavar, and superdrol.

I stayed at the same dose when I landed 9% and went to 6%. I was the leanest I've ever been. A lot of it is diet but with the right Stack your muscle won't become catabolic, or atleast minimally.

This was my experience atleast

Thats how I feel about it. Plus, Im a small dude...I think I can make a lil bit of gear go a long way. I have no problem eating the amount of food i need to bulk. Im small but i have a huge appetite and fast metabolism. Ive been skinny-fat all my life and I never realised how many calories I used to eat until now. I probably used to consume between 3500-4000 calories and didnt work out but I always maintained around 140lbs (skinny fat) lol. Don't forget Im barely 5'7. I can probably make some sick gains with just 150 test/150 tren while bulking. I don't have any plans to be 200lb+. A realistic goal for me would be 175-180 8-10% one day in less than 2 years. Think its possible without crazy amounts of gear?
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Keep an eye on your hair, test & tren fucked mine up in a big way.
Keep an eye on your hair, test & tren fucked mine up in a big way.

Thanks bro. Im only gonna use 100-150mg a week. I have very long healthy hair and head full of it but i pickup a handfuls every month in the shower. Its been like this for years tho ever since ive grew out.
Thats how I feel about it. Plus, Im a small dude...I think I can make a lil bit of gear go a long way. I have no problem eating the amount of food i need to bulk. Im small but i have a huge appetite and fast metabolism. Ive been skinny-fat all my life and I never realised how many calories I used to eat until now. I probably used to consume between 3500-4000 calories and didnt work out but I always maintained around 140lbs (skinny fat) lol. Don't forget Im barely 5'7. I can probably make some sick gains with just 150 test/150 tren while bulking. I don't have any plans to be 200lb+. A realistic goal for me would be 175-180 8-10% one day in less than 2 years. Think its possible without crazy amounts of gear?

Yes it's possible, you don't need crazy amounts of gear. Must remember diet has to be impeccable, then comes your training. After those then drugs/ supplements/ vitamins. You sound a lot like I was. I used to be 145lbs and would be so so hard to gain one pound. Due to the super speedy metabolism. Now I'm 29, sitting 5'10 and 172lbs off cycle. 5 weeks into pct. holding damn near most of my gains. Sitting at 8% bf. 71CF326D-BC73-4C3F-B48B-969410220C25-3441-000004F0E5E671A3_tmp.JPG

That pic is of me at the 6%, last day of cycle.
Yes it's possible, you don't need crazy amounts of gear. Must remember diet has to be impeccable, then comes your training. After those then drugs/ supplements/ vitamins. You sound a lot like I was. I used to be 145lbs and would be so so hard to gain one pound. Due to the super speedy metabolism. Now I'm 29, sitting 5'10 and 172lbs off cycle. 5 weeks into pct. holding damn near most of my gains. Sitting at 8% bf. View attachment 90168

That pic is of me at the 6%, last day of cycle.

Damn u look good homie. Big too. Maybe 180 might be too much for me after seeing what u look like. Im not pcting tho ;p
Damn u look good homie. Big too. Maybe 180 might be too much for me after seeing what u look like. Im not pcting tho ;p

Thanks bro. I'm just big for my Weight, that's what I've always been told. Could look different that your frame at the same weight
Thanks bro. I'm just big for my Weight, that's what I've always been told. Could look different that your frame at the same weight

What do your cycles look like, if u dont mind me askn?
So ive been tapering down my test dose since last week so my levels arent too high when the tren kicks in after i start pinning it. Should I be doin this or not? Normally i pin .5cc mon/thur but last week i started doing .3cc.
So ive been tapering down my test dose since last week so my levels arent too high when the tren kicks in after i start pinning it. Should I be doin this or not? Normally i pin .5cc mon/thur but last week i started doing .3cc.

Depends on how high your dose is. Also everyone has their own method on high test/tren low test/tren. But personally I only run a trt dose of test when I'm on tren just for functionality. Tren is super anabolic and to not be toyed with. If you've never ran start low or that shit will fuck you up
Depends on how high your dose is. Also everyone has their own method on high test/tren low test/tren. But personally I only run a trt dose of test when I'm on tren just for functionality. Tren is super anabolic and to not be toyed with. If you've never ran start low or that shit will fuck you up

Well like i said i was running 250mg test-e pw but im gonna run 100 of each pw now. Im not going to use more than 150mg of tren. Thiis is mainly to finish up my cut and to see if this protocol is better to cruise on than test only.

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