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new to peps and GHRP-6


FOUNDING Member / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
I'm thinking about adding this in to my current weight gain plan and would like some help.

I understand GHRP-6 makes you hungry, but I'm trying to understand exactly how it works. What I mean is, does it just make you "feel hungry" even if your stomach is full (then when it wears off, you just feel stuffed as hell), or does it actually help speed up digestion/the metabolism of food as well?

For those that have used this, and have used DNP, when I have went higher than 500mg of DNP, I could basically sit at a table and eat all day if I wanted to, that's how hungry high dose DNP makes me, is this hunger comparable to that?

I'm thinking about adding this in to my current weight gain plan and would like some help.

I understand GHRP-6 makes you hungry, but I'm trying to understand exactly how it works. What I mean is, does it just make you "feel hungry" even if your stomach is full (then when it wears off, you just feel stuffed as hell), or does it actually help speed up digestion/the metabolism of food as well?

For those that have used this, and have used DNP, when I have went higher than 500mg of DNP, I could basically sit at a table and eat all day if I wanted to, that's how hungry high dose DNP makes me, is this hunger comparable to that?

So these ghrps are ghrelin mimics brother, ghrelin is a hormone that regulates gh release, hunger, and bowel movements. I don't believe it affects digestion. So there are different types of ghrelin receptors, for hunger, gh release, bowel movements, etc. All these ghrps slightly affect all of these to various degrees. Ghrp6 causes the greatest hunger increases. Watch out for the runs too (increased bowel movements). You will eat till you are full and still be hungry but you'll definitely feel stuffed. I've never used DNP but I can say ghrp6 wouldn't work like you explained the DNP did.
The best description I could give is a weird hypo/hungry hybrid feeling.

I've never used it on a full stomach but when I did before at higher doses it gave me a pretty ravenous hunger... I dont think it helps with digestion though
thanks guys, that's what I was looking for, it's appreciated.
It's comparable to that yes, except that it's a different feeling, on DNP the cravings come from your brain, with the GHRP-6, it comes from your gut (like you are starving and you didn't eat since looooong time);
Could you list the good and bad sides while you were personally on DNP?

I'm thinking about adding this in to my current weight gain plan and would like some help.

I understand GHRP-6 makes you hungry, but I'm trying to understand exactly how it works. What I mean is, does it just make you "feel hungry" even if your stomach is full (then when it wears off, you just feel stuffed as hell), or does it actually help speed up digestion/the metabolism of food as well?

For those that have used this, and have used DNP, when I have went higher than 500mg of DNP, I could basically sit at a table and eat all day if I wanted to, that's how hungry high dose DNP makes me, is this hunger comparable to that?

Could you list the good and bad sides while you were personally on DNP?

Good: lost fat very easily.

Bad: when using higher amounts the hunger was hard to control even on ECA stacks, it seemed for me anyway, that ECA eventually stopped working to help with lowering my appetite. Sweating was a damn beast for me even on low carbs. I was a bit snippy mainly due to always being hot and sweaty, it killed my sex drive. Tired as hell at all times on higher dosages. I won't do that again, next time I cut, I'll go low dosage and better manage my diet/workouts, give myself a longer timeframe to shed the fat. While higher dosages work and they work a lot faster, I have no desire to feel like death for 2 weeks, and that is how "I" felt on higher dosages. Lower dosage and better training/nutrition from now on.

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