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Opinions on MK-677 for cutting

cracker backer

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Verified Customer
Jul 26, 2006
So I'm new to peptides, started with hex/mod 2 X per day, and ipam/mod pre bed. Then switched to ghrp2/mod 2 X per day with ipam/mod still pre bed. I'm very impressed with them so far, it has definitely accelerated fat loss, particularly in abdominal area.

Right now, I'm working on getting as lean as possible. The ipam at an effective dose is pricey so I was thinking of MK pre bed as an alternative? I'd still keep the hex/mod pre cardio and pre workout (to get the GH burst specifically at that time to get the fat mobilization benefit). I know the drawback would be the appetite increase, but my appetite is already poor, so I'm thinking it might not be a big issue in my case?

Is this crazy to even try and fight the appetite stimulation while cutting? Or worth a try at least? Interested in hearing some other thoughts/perspectives...
MK-677 can be a bit of a mind fuck while dieting because you gain a lot of water weight. You don’t get to see the fat loss until you come off MK. When you come off you are very pleased with the fat loss. But, MK-677 keeps you about as full as you can possibly be while dieting so your muscles look great!’
So I'm new to peptides, started with hex/mod 2 X per day, and ipam/mod pre bed. Then switched to ghrp2/mod 2 X per day with ipam/mod still pre bed. I'm very impressed with them so far, it has definitely accelerated fat loss, particularly in abdominal area.

Right now, I'm working on getting as lean as possible. The ipam at an effective dose is pricey so I was thinking of MK pre bed as an alternative? I'd still keep the hex/mod pre cardio and pre workout (to get the GH burst specifically at that time to get the fat mobilization benefit). I know the drawback would be the appetite increase, but my appetite is already poor, so I'm thinking it might not be a big issue in my case?

Is this crazy to even try and fight the appetite stimulation while cutting? Or worth a try at least? Interested in hearing some other thoughts/perspectives...

the bloat on it is terrible ! I didn't notice much of a fat drop once the bloating went down. I would use it for a bulk but most likely not use it again at all . Something like S4 , MK2866 or gw would be much better imo
5-15mg actually makes me look leaner and really aids in some of my mini-cuts.
I think it is actually fairly effective when in a deficit or when gaining lean mass, however your results will be dictated in large part by your diet. I have utilized in for both increasing mass and holding mass as well as fullness while cutting. if you get past the first two weeks and keep diet clean water retention will be minimal and you can negate some of it with various supplements effective in shedding water (dandelion....) and i would agree with iron lion a low dose am stacked with hex and mod or as i did both am and pm when i was using mod and ipam. though i preferred dac ipam and mk combo. Igf lr3 will also combat some of the bloat and aid in gaining lean mass. it is excellent for keeping your muscles full and to be honest it depends how lean you already are,i never et myself gain too much fat and water while it does mess with your head a bit as far as looking smooth can be eliminated quickly much quicker than fat
Well - in the spirit of self-experimentation, I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. I purchased MA's somatozine, since I already take vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, copper, and melatonin - this product is actually a bargain for me! Takes the place of several supplements plus allows me to try the MK. Will see how it goes
You can run something like this stack below:

SR-9009 (Stenabolic) – dose 5-20mg as a pre-workout
GW-501516 (Cardarine) – dose 20mg per day
N2Slin – take 30 minutes before meals
Well, I ended my MK while cutting experiment

As someone said earlier in the thread, it was too much of a mind eff while trying to cut, the water retention. Even though doing strict keto, looked so bloated. Even though I "knew" it wasn't fat gain, it just didn't seem worth it. Hard to tell if it augmented fat loss in any way since I only used it about 2 weeks

Also decided to stop because I made the decision to finally give real GH a try. Been on 3-4 iu per day for exactly one week now....
Been cutting on mk and gh a few months now. Got down from 250 to 225. Gots more to drop.
On paper MK is terrible for cutting due to possible appetite increase, water retention and fatigue etc. However it can be really good for the reasons some members have posted above. For some it can even be amazing for cutting. For me it's awful as it makes me far too tired and would go against everything I am trying to achieve.
So I'm new to peptides, started with hex/mod 2 X per day, and ipam/mod pre bed. Then switched to ghrp2/mod 2 X per day with ipam/mod still pre bed. I'm very impressed with them so far, it has definitely accelerated fat loss, particularly in abdominal area.

Right now, I'm working on getting as lean as possible. The ipam at an effective dose is pricey so I was thinking of MK pre bed as an alternative? I'd still keep the hex/mod pre cardio and pre workout (to get the GH burst specifically at that time to get the fat mobilization benefit). I know the drawback would be the appetite increase, but my appetite is already poor, so I'm thinking it might not be a big issue in my case?

Is this crazy to even try and fight the appetite stimulation while cutting? Or worth a try at least? Interested in hearing some other thoughts/perspectives...

good luck man. i gave that to a friend. i recorded 11 solid meals while on it one day. i ate the drywall off my walls it made me so hungry. i couldnt do it.
MK-677 can be a bit of a mind fuck while dieting because you gain a lot of water weight. You don’t get to see the fat loss until you come off MK. When you come off you are very pleased with the fat loss. But, MK-677 keeps you about as full as you can possibly be while dieting so your muscles look great!’

scale is slowly going down running 12.5 MK. Have been on MK for prolly 6 months on end. Currently been cutting for about 7-8 weeks, appetite is a complete non issue at that dose which is why im still using it cutting. Been losing 0.5-2 lbs a week and its showing everywhere but just think im holding a little water in the stomach. Hard to guage the stomach getting leaner, i know it is and the scale is slowly going down. I'm definitely look the best i ever have and feel big at this weight. Since im cutting would u just stop it for the rest of the cut about 6-8 more weeks and just switch back to hex solo?
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LGD-4033, or Ligandrol, is great product for cutting and bulking. It’s seen as one of the safer SARMs since it has seen much more clinical study than some other SARMs out there. In recent studies, it proved to increase lean muscle, decreased fat levels, increased strength, and even helped with the user’s overall sense of well-being.

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