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I think people get too caught up in spending all their money on fancy intra workout drinks. Sugar is sugar. You can sip gatorade with some L-glutamine and BCAA's thrown in and it will do the job. My friend worked with George Farrah and the carb sources he put him on when doing the same insulin mass protocol as the olympia guys were honey, bananas, grape juice, and potatoes.

You telling me you don't have to spend $100 on a intra workout shake ;)

I have just started slin for the first time and love it. I am using a mass freak shake but as JJ stated anything will do. I am the biggest fan of honey ever... I love manuka honey. Obviously for health reasons some carbs are better than others. Vitargo is my fav intra workout carb but anything will do (gatorade, dextrose, grape juice etc). One day I forgot my shake and was in my mates just before the gym so just used some of his protein and loads of table sugar and felt great all workout and it gave amazing pumps.
On OFF DAYS could i dose 2-3iu after every meal?:confused:
Cos this will help my recovery etc?

GOTTA weigh myself today....sure i am losing weight...looking leaner and i was 105kg 5days ago so if im below that as im weighing myself at the same time on the same scales its deffo time to up the calories..

Although...adding in an intra workout carb source will bump in up by 200cals or so.but im adding in cardio too.

Where would people look to up calories first? Im thinking in my morning shake add some EVOO...and add some evoo to meal 3...

On OFF DAYS could i dose 2-3iu after every meal?:confused:
Cos this will help my recovery etc?

GOTTA weigh myself today....sure i am losing weight...looking leaner and i was 105kg 5days ago so if im below that as im weighing myself at the same time on the same scales its deffo time to up the calories..

Although...adding in an intra workout carb source will bump in up by 200cals or so.but im adding in cardio too.

Where would people look to up calories first? Im thinking in my morning shake add some EVOO...and add some evoo to meal 3...


The evoo is a good and convenient way of upping cals. You just have to be careful with the amount as it can bring about certain side effects if too high :eek::D You don't have to add your cals as much as your pm suggested. Just up them alittle bit for now and see what that does. Personally I would put most of your new cals around your workouts... mainly in the form of carbs but alittle eaa's or good fats wouldn't hurt either. Yes morning would be great also... whole omega 3 eggs and some coconut oil would be my preference... but some good fats in that shake would be great too. Off to work now :(
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Almost forgot... slin...

In a rush now but I would just use the slin on workout days. Sure I am new to it but can safely state that is the best way for now. Don't take it everyday as you just lose sensitivity fast. It's probably the best thing I have taken in many ways... I love it. I am on a break now. Your sensitivity goes down fast even if you just run it 4 days per week. I would keep it simple for now. Start at 4IU pre workout and move up to 5, 6, upto 10IU. The pumps you will get in the first week will be like unlike anything you have ever experienced.

Use things like cinnamon, K-RALA and fasts to keep your sensitivity high. Cinnamon can go into your protein shakes. It's your 1st time so again keep it simple and start off low and just take it once daily... imo pre workout. You can look into twice daily 4 days per week for example when you have more expeirience. Everyday I wouldn'd to ever... you need breaks. For now less is more and you need to get used to it.
Evening folks.

Diets been spot on still.....hit up Shoulders + Calves earlier...even used a bit of SLIN pre workout.

Did it as follows...
30mins Pre Workout 5iu HGH
15mins pre workout 5iu NovoRapid
10mins Pre Workout 30g Vitargo + 10g bcaa

During training sipped on 50g vitargo, 30g bcaa, 10g glutamine, 5g creatine.

ONLY going to be using pre workout 3-4times a week working up to a max of 10iu.

Workout below..

Did 5mins Good rotator cuff stretching to begin, no weight used.


Behind the neck Press
(controlled - 3sec negative)
30kg x 15, 40kg x 15. 50kg x 12,10,7. 60kg x 6.

Standing Lateral Raises
7.5kg x 15,15. 10kg x 15. 12.5kg x 12,10,8 + One isometric hold at top for 5-10seconds on last rep.

Rope Face Pulls

Reverse Pec Dec

5mins Rotator Cuff workout using light weights.


Standing Calve Raise
5 working sets all 8-10reps plus a 5second hold at bottom of every rep.

Good workout...weight slowly going up on shoulders, feel i could push it more but not risking it with my shoulder issues of past.

Didn't feel any different on the slin...but heard you often dont so will see what happens.

Been on cycle 9days now.
Weight today was 106kg.

Cheers guys.
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Almost forgot... slin...

In a rush now but I would just use the slin on workout days. Sure I am new to it but can safely state that is the best way for now. Don't take it everyday as you just lose sensitivity fast. It's probably the best thing I have taken in many ways... I love it. I am on a break now. Your sensitivity goes down fast even if you just run it 4 days per week. I would keep it simple for now. Start at 4IU pre workout and move up to 5, 6, upto 10IU. The pumps you will get in the first week will be like unlike anything you have ever experienced.

Use things like cinnamon, K-RALA and fasts to keep your sensitivity high. Cinnamon can go into your protein shakes. It's your 1st time so again keep it simple and start off low and just take it once daily... imo pre workout. You can look into twice daily 4 days per week for example when you have more expeirience. Everyday I wouldn'd to ever... you need breaks. For now less is more and you need to get used to it.

This is bang on advice couldn't have put it better.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

F*ck bro thats monster plan if ive seen one. AAS, gh, slin, supps, food where can I make a donation to help with cost. lol keep it up bro. Sounds real nice. Let us know how the mao labs treat you. recently checked out his list it was amazing. everything you need in one place great saving as well.
Almost forgot... slin...

In a rush now but I would just use the slin on workout days. Sure I am new to it but can safely state that is the best way for now. Don't take it everyday as you just lose sensitivity fast. It's probably the best thing I have taken in many ways... I love it. I am on a break now. Your sensitivity goes down fast even if you just run it 4 days per week. I would keep it simple for now. Start at 4IU pre workout and move up to 5, 6, upto 10IU. The pumps you will get in the first week will be like unlike anything you have ever experienced.

Use things like cinnamon, K-RALA and fasts to keep your sensitivity high. Cinnamon can go into your protein shakes. It's your 1st time so again keep it simple and start off low and just take it once daily... imo pre workout. You can look into twice daily 4 days per week for example when you have more expeirience. Everyday I wouldn'd to ever... you need breaks. For now less is more and you need to get used to it.

perfectly said, i wouldnt worry to much about sensitivity,i personally would not fast. personally im very against fasting, 3g of cinamon a day is good enough for the most part, but ur running tren which causes huge insulin sensitivity itself. aswell as ur not running insulins 24h a day 7 days a week so u wont have a problems anyways. when u start throwing in lantus, and using humalog each meal. then its time to start worrying about it, but on 1 shot a day only preworkouts u will not build up much sensitivity at all to even need cinnamon. but it always helps and is soo cheap, why not? remember to eat good clean meals. dont shy away from good fats, ur body loves it and will eat em up. no it wont make u fat, as long as u dont sit there and eat cheese cakes (unless ur on a good dose of pharm gh lol then go ahead!) when u get comfortable, running insulin in the morning is soo beneficial in everyway.
perfectly said, i wouldnt worry to much about sensitivity,i personally would not fast. personally im very against fasting, 3g of cinamon a day is good enough for the most part, but ur running tren which causes huge insulin sensitivity itself. aswell as ur not running insulins 24h a day 7 days a week so u wont have a problems anyways. when u start throwing in lantus, and using humalog each meal. then its time to start worrying about it, but on 1 shot a day only preworkouts u will not build up much sensitivity at all to even need cinnamon. but it always helps and is soo cheap, why not? remember to eat good clean meals. dont shy away from good fats, ur body loves it and will eat em up. no it wont make u fat, as long as u dont sit there and eat cheese cakes (unless ur on a good dose of pharm gh lol then go ahead!) when u get comfortable, running insulin in the morning is soo beneficial in everyway.

Could i run it in the morning on my OFF days?
perfectly said, i wouldnt worry to much about sensitivity,i personally would not fast. personally im very against fasting, 3g of cinamon a day is good enough for the most part, but ur running tren which causes huge insulin sensitivity itself. aswell as ur not running insulins 24h a day 7 days a week so u wont have a problems anyways. when u start throwing in lantus, and using humalog each meal. then its time to start worrying about it, but on 1 shot a day only preworkouts u will not build up much sensitivity at all to even need cinnamon. but it always helps and is soo cheap, why not? remember to eat good clean meals. dont shy away from good fats, ur body loves it and will eat em up. no it wont make u fat, as long as u dont sit there and eat cheese cakes (unless ur on a good dose of pharm gh lol then go ahead!) when u get comfortable, running insulin in the morning is soo beneficial in everyway.

Fasting for me let's me get a lot stronger and gain muscle quicker. I like to do 2x 24 hour fast on work days and eat a good surplus around training days. Seems to enhance insulin sensitivity a lot for me and keep me lean. Results may differ for others but for me whether bulking, cutting, recomping what ever there a god send.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Had a good back workout today..

Did 10iu Slin pre workout with 5iu HGH..

Pumps were pretty mad...i looked so full in the gym.

Weights were up slightly from last session!

Chest + tri's tomorrow
Are you accounting your workout shakes that you are taking for insulin as a part of your daily macros, or are these shakes now in addition to your previous macros? well.. mainly asking about carbs.

Especially now since starting slin, I make sure you are getting good progress pics and measurements or skin folds for additional ways to monitor progress. I found my weight climbing as I was getting leaner. My pics and my caliper fat folds proved this. The scale probably won't be as relevant now.
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Fasting for me let's me get a lot stronger and gain muscle quicker. I like to do 2x 24 hour fast on work days and eat a good surplus around training days. Seems to enhance insulin sensitivity a lot for me and keep me lean. Results may differ for others but for me whether bulking, cutting, recomping what ever there a god send.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

lucky u, and good on u for being able to do that. if i dont eat every 2,2 a half hours i get in a pissy mood, very tired, weight drops so fast and well im constantly hungry. went to bed an hour after my last meal last night, woke up 2 hours later cause i was starving. shoved down 3 chicken breasts and 2 cups of white rice and went back to bed. when im on tren the insomnia kills me cause it keeps me up so i have to get up and eat, if i dont i wont fall asleep.the only way i can counter this is by pumping gh. if im right out i wont get up and wont have to eat. but i cant afford heavy doses year round.
Evening chaps...

The Slin shake will add about another 100g Carbs a day on training days so will see how i fair up with that.

Had a good session today, went and did Chest + Triceps


3 Warm up sets on Pec Dec to get blood flowing and 5mins Rotator Cuff work.

Decline Dumbbell Press - SOO Awkward with no spotter cos its more like an ab bench where you hook your feet under...heavier than 30kg and its like trying to do a sit up with 60kg to get to the top cos its quite high so to heavy to drop the weights.

25kg Each arm x 15, 12
27.5kg x 12,12
30kg x 10,7

Flat Dumbbell Press

40kg x 10,8,6
30kg x 6
25kg x 6

Pec Dec Machine - With this I dont know why but when i do it so my thumb is in line with my nipple i feel the pec work a lot more than if its higher up....but if it works for me and i feel it stick to it?

12,12,10 then drop set focusing on squeeze at the top

Hammer Strength Press[/U

3sets 30kg each side, 10,8,6

Cable Crossovers

1set 10reps
1 set TUT so did like 10reps to failure, dropped weight 10reps all 4secs down, 1sec squeeze 4sec up.

That was chest done then did 5mins stretching.


Tricep Pressdown - keep weight back, elbows tucked in so its all on my triceps.

Skullcrushers with Dumbbells


Workout done.:headbang:

30mins pre took 5iu Rips then Took 10iu Slin 15mins pre then 5mins later had 30g Vitargo in a pre workout drink.....then went to train and sipped on 70g Vitargo, 15g Pepto Pro, 10g Creatine, 10g Glutamine, 20g BCAA.

Definitely had a good pump going on!

Day off tomorrow then legs on Saturday. :eek:

Will be Week 3 of cycle from Sunday so hopefully week 4onwards ill deffo be noticing changed!
Everything sounds great with that cycle and nutrition , as you go slow keep adding calories to keep it.
Will be first leg session tomorrow in like 6months! Going to be very sore.

Going to keep it basic and stick to;

Squats or Smith Squats 4-5sets
Leg Curls
Leg Extensions.

Never done lunges before...determined to hit my legs every week now and bring them up a bit.
Will be first leg session tomorrow in like 6months! Going to be very sore.

Going to keep it basic and stick to;

Squats or Smith Squats 4-5sets
Leg Curls
Leg Extensions.

Never done lunges before...determined to hit my legs every week now and bring them up a bit.

Why no leg work for 6 months? Them squats will get the tren and slin pumping round the body nicly :cool:

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
Big knee problems matey!

Cant even imagine what my legs will feel like the few days after!
Oh, they on the mend now?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I think people get too caught up in spending all their money on fancy intra workout drinks. Sugar is sugar. You can sip gatorade with some L-glutamine and BCAA's thrown in and it will do the job. My friend worked with George Farrah and the carb sources he put him on when doing the same insulin mass protocol as the olympia guys were honey, bananas, grape juice, and potatoes.

lol ya its funny. if you watch some of dustys videos after the gym he always stops by the quickie mart and picks up a massive soda pop concoction...we all know what it is for lol.

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