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Preferred primo dose

600mg is a great
800 works even better!
Depends on how much pure muscle your carrying!
Maybe I will bump to
In the 240's I'd say about 10% bodyfat I can see abdominals was hoping 699 a week would give good results
Less is more in my opinion. Depending your cycle history and such, I always start low, and if needed increase from there. That said, 200mg per week is a decent place to start. If you feel compelled to dial that up, 400mg would be max for me.

Anyone who says you NEED more than 400mgs per week to see decent gains... They are wrong- no disrespect to anyone who stated this. I just disagree.

The above is regardless of cost..

Good luck..

Primo is one of the few, if not the only drug, that I would say as much as possible for aw long as possible lol. Would run a gram a week year around if I felt like paying up for it
Less is more in my opinion. Depending your cycle history and such, I always start low, and if needed increase from there. That said, 200mg per week is a decent place to start. If you feel compelled to dial that up, 400mg would be max for me.

Anyone who says you NEED more than 400mgs per week to see decent gains... They are wrong- no disrespect to anyone who stated this. I just disagree.

The above is regardless of cost..

Good luck..


That has to be the first time I've heard that regarding primo lol
I had very very good gains and results with 400 mg a week......Primo won t give you a huge amount of muscle mass, but in a restricted low calorie diet, it gives very good results, when I used it guys at the gym though I was on GH..... now it s hard to afford it cause of the cost :(
The only compound that has ever given me really bad pip is primo. Anyone else get it from primo?
Im on 600mgs pw now. I would take 1000 if i had the funds
Iv ran 1000-1200mg a week for about 20 wks with 500mg test a week. Not gonna lie. I looked good. I felt good. Wish I would have done more just to see what it does
The only compound that has ever given me really bad pip is primo. Anyone else get it from primo?

I wouldn't say bad, however legit primo certainly has a 'punch' that takes getting used to. It can be described like this... inject some prop, then have your friend punch the injection site ~ :D
Most of you above saying you have great results on 200 or 300mg/week or having PIP, you are not getting real primo. Most 90% of primo on the market is fake and is either deca, npp or eq. VERY few legit primo suppliers around. I KNOW I KNOW, yours is real. Everyone in prison is innocent too.
Most of you above saying you have great results on 200 or 300mg/week or having PIP, you are not getting real primo. Most 90% of primo on the market is fake and is either deca, npp or eq. VERY few legit primo suppliers around. I KNOW I KNOW, yours is real. Everyone in prison is innocent too.
Agreed.But I think there are a couple sourcing on here that have real Primo.A couple at most.
Oh no doubt. Im not referring to them. I was referring to those that say they are growing on 200-300 or are having PIP. Thats the ones that are not real. Real primo doesnt hurt but it does take 500-800 to get good results. Its not a very strong compound. It also will give you a sense of euphoria or well being.
1050 is where I run it, been there pretty much a year and staying on it for good other than a odd break or something. I'm still bulking on other shit at this point but primo in my opinion changed my look more than any thing I've ran , only thing that was close was high dose tren/npp combo
you guys running the Ace or E ester? I couldn't imagine pinning ace daily for 6 month to a year. :(
A friend of mine, who has much deeper pockets than I do, runs primo enan at 800mg a week pretty much year round. He also looks like Frank Zane pretty much year round as well.

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