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Primobolan depot


New member
Dec 5, 2016
I would like to try primobolan depot I was thinking of 400mg per week along with 200mg of test enathate.

I am 55 years old I realise in order to get the most my protein must be high.

Any thoughts on this , could I use a test gel instead of the injection as I only want to do 2 shots per week.

Thanks for your help
Have you gotten bloods on the gel?

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
At 55 I think you're making a great choice if you're planning on cycling...you can split your 2 shots into 100 test+200 primo E per shot to keep blood levels more stable...and yes you will notice benefit with an extra 400 primo/week. Likely the safest add on to your test as far as being able to run for periods of time and keep bloodwork within acceptable ranges too.
Split your shots 200mg primo/100mg test every three days. It will give you a much better balance than shooting it all at once. From personal experience i would stick with the shots and avoid the test gel as you will get better results and you will all ready be pinning the primo so no need to worry about adding into the same syringe.
I would like to try primobolan depot I was thinking of 400mg per week along with 200mg of test enathate.

I am 55 years old I realise in order to get the most my protein must be high.

Any thoughts on this , could I use a test gel instead of the injection as I only want to do 2 shots per week.

Thanks for your help

You mention test gel, are you currently on HRT? What are your goals from this cycle?
Pure Raws Primobolan depot

**broken link removed**

You mention test gel, are you currently on HRT? What are your goals from this cycle?
That's what I was trying to get at. The gel isn't as effective as the depot but I figured I'd ask before slamming the gel. Shits expensive too. He's my gonna get as good as results if his test is in the shitter.

Sent from my Z981 using Tapatalk
Prim Depot

Thanks for your replys I will go for the test injection then over the gel.

I have high blood pressure which is controlled with Amlodipine and Bendroflumethazide I am in the UK.

Has anyone done such a stack as I was looking for feedback as to the gains I could expect, It would be approx a 10-12 week course.

Thanks again
Even if you have legit primo (go for Bayer Rimobolona, which original pharmacy stuff, you can check out our price list for it) I wouldn't go below 300-400mg weekly.
As for test. Check out gel or Undestor and do the tests. Different ppl have different experience with them. And also remember, that there is original Nebido which you inject very rarely so this may also be a good option to consider.
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I would like to try primobolan depot I was thinking of 400mg per week along with 200mg of test enathate.

I am 55 years old I realise in order to get the most my protein must be high.

Any thoughts on this , could I use a test gel instead of the injection as I only want to do 2 shots per week.

Thanks for your help

I think you would do much better with the injectable over the transdermals.
They are messy and have poor absorption.
Split your shots 200mg primo/100mg test every three days. It will give you a much better balance than shooting it all at once. From personal experience i would stick with the shots and avoid the test gel as you will get better results and you will all ready be pinning the primo so no need to worry about adding into the same syringe.

Every 3 days would be like Monday then Thursday then Sunday then weds? correct? I think I would screw that up. Two shots a week would only be one day different, correct?
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Nope, Nothing in your body's rhythms goes by a weekly calendar schedule. Do your shots just like i said. For example today is your shot day, that is day one. Next shot day is three days later. Today's date is Dec 9th 1st shot day, next shot would be Dec 12th, next shot Dec 15th and so on. Same goes for your workout forget the Monday to Friday
Mouthbreather yep your right i didn't read your question clear enough. I get where your coming from but the twice a week screws the rhythm up. Once you get the hang of it its pretty easy and dealing with aromatization or other side effects is much easier at higher doses due to the minimal peaks and valleys of hormones unlike what you get from weekly administration

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