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Pro Female Bodybuilder test level 2577...

A the end of the day there is nothing to see here . It takes what it takes, and woman at that level have always pushed the limit. It is no surprise to me hearing these doses as I have witnessed local competing BB girls back in the early 2000's using over 1 gram total per week various compounds.

For me to hear that even the local Bikini girls are using Tren is concerning . Certainly there are better compounds to use in this division. Beyond me why these girls cant educate themselves with the amount of information out there???
To be honest what you wrote is even low doses for such high level. The 1.5-2g gear is the norm when it comes to a female bodybuilding
Well if you add up what her test dosage maybe then add the 600 deca to it it may very well be approaching 1.5 grams.. and thats if she is being truthful and not trying to give lower numbers than the reality.. we already know most under shoot and hide their true numbers
Is virlization that comes with such doses, especially for such long Durations, reversible? Or will the deeper voice, facial hair, body hair, clitoral growth etc stay once they are off once they stop bodybuilding?
Is virlization that comes with such doses, especially for such long Durations, reversible? Or will the deeper voice, facial hair, body hair, clitoral growth etc stay once they are off once they stop bodybuilding?
80% of the changes cannot be withdrawn
Is virlization that comes with such doses, especially for such long Durations, reversible? Or will the deeper voice, facial hair, body hair, clitoral growth etc stay once they are off once they stop bodybuilding?
From what I understand the voice may come back somewhat. Probably not 100% though. The hair growth would definitely slow down completely once the exogenous testosterone has been stopped. As to the micro penis/clit, I’m not sure on that one.

I think whats more concerning to me is the bikini girls using a concoctions of 20-30mg var for half the year at a time, winny, proviron, primo, ais or serm. Voice changes, receding hairlines, changed facial structures all seem to have become the "norm". Womans BB class has always had it of course but thats expected (not that I condone that). But the bikini and wellness girls are absolutely obliterating themselves.
In all my years around gyms and competitors I could never find a female that would tell me any dosages they would just say I’m taking a few anavar and usually say it in a very deep voice while stroking their stubble.
my Anna never used more than 100mg of primo per week + 10mg stanozol and 10mg anavar +3iu gh preparing for Ms.O in wellness and these were her peak doses but I know that especially the girls from Brazil take much, much more

In general the protocols from Brazil both women's and men's are some of the craziest I've ever seen
my Anna never used more than 100mg of primo per week + 10mg stanozol and 10mg anavar +3iu gh preparing for Ms.O in wellness and these were her peak doses but I know that especially the girls from Brazil take much, much more

In general the protocols from Brazil both women's and men's are some of the craziest I've ever seen
The Brazilian wellness girls must really be pushing it!
My gf was being trained online by a female ifbb coach from Brazil.

She was pushing the drugs. Deca and primo among other things. Would have been her first time using as well.

She dropped the coach.
my Anna never used more than 100mg of primo per week + 10mg stanozol and 10mg anavar +3iu gh preparing for Ms.O in wellness and these were her peak doses but I know that especially the girls from Brazil take much, much more

In general the protocols from Brazil both women's and men's are some of the craziest I've ever seen
Yeah.. we used to think the middle east pushed the dosages.. but Brazil is unreal on their protocols
@LATS Shocking, but I am not surprised.
Yeah.. we used to think the middle east pushed the dosages.. but Brazil is unreal on their protocols
So what is it in Brazil that’s causing the envelope to be pushed? Is there a reason? I know there some things down there that are considered normal that I find bizarre, but that’s just my small minded self talking…

So what is it in Brazil that’s causing the envelope to be pushed? Is there a reason? I know there some things down there that are considered normal that I find bizarre, but that’s just my small minded self talking…

I couldn't tell you why they have the mentality they do in that regard.. but I've seen how serious the take soccer and the mentality they take there... so...

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