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Recent shoulder surgery, any suggestions welcome!


New member
Mar 9, 2018
Hey what’s up guys. So I’m new to this forum several days now and I’m hoping someone here can give me some first hand feedback.
Six weeks ago, I had my labrum repaired in my left shoulder. It had been injured several years ago downrange and recently (this past November) I re injured it. So I went thru the motions of Pt and what all and finally the docs cut me. Ive been making SOLID progress in my recovery. At week 3 my range of motion degrees were reading at the 7wk mark. I’ve been on con leave since the surgery. I’m doing PT three times a week. My therapist finally gave me the green light to lift and exercise with my right side last week. I’m curious how long it took you guys to get to where you could train with the opposite side and also how long it took you to be able to start using the injured side? And what I mean by using the injured side, I mean actually lifting movements and not just isometrics. I’ve atrophied pretty bad lol. Sucks cuz it’s my dominant arm. I went from bicep size of 18.3flexed down to 15.9/16.1inches. Now granted I still can’t “fully flex” it, but still, WTF?!
How long did it take you guys to gain your size back? Also, what support supps worked best for y’all? I’m thinkin npp, bpc157, maybe low dose growth(fixed my back injury with low dosed growth)… obviously I’m taking in all the proper aminos so I’m covered in that regard. (Also been doin turmeric 3x/day).
Any and all suggestions and comments are totally welcome!!!
Thanks guys in advance!
Hey - Had my rotator cuff surgery in Oct. 2016. Labrum and supra severly torn. That operation took 4 hrs and I had to stay overnight due to complications. Anyway, I was back in the gym 2 days after surgery, lol, for legs and right arm. I got back to lifting about 3 months after the surgery, I just maintained low-dose test the whole time. My left arm did atrophy a lot and it is still not back to "normal" size. i also cannot flex it. But lifting is going well and I progressed pretty rapidly due my body strength and lifting history. The hardest part is lifting separately left side vs. right side. Although now I tore my right shoulder, which is getting better on its own, so both sides are pretty equal now haha!
Hey - Had my rotator cuff surgery in Oct. 2016. Labrum and supra severly torn. That operation took 4 hrs and I had to stay overnight due to complications. Anyway, I was back in the gym 2 days after surgery, lol, for legs and right arm. I got back to lifting about 3 months after the surgery, I just maintained low-dose test the whole time. My left arm did atrophy a lot and it is still not back to "normal" size. i also cannot flex it. But lifting is going well and I progressed pretty rapidly due my body strength and lifting history. The hardest part is lifting separately left side vs. right side. Although now I tore my right shoulder, which is getting better on its own, so both sides are pretty equal now haha!

Shit bro, that fkin sucks! I had complications as well. I gained 27lbs of edema 72hrs postop. Definitely gave me a scare as I went straight to the ER and spent 5 days admitted inpatient. They put me on lasicks and that took care of it. I have some other health “stuff” goin so I was glad that that weight came right off in about 4-5 days. So you still can’t flex it? That’s not good man. About two weeks ago I finally was able to “flex” it some what. I’d say about 65-70% flexed. Did you take any supps besides test? I’m on trt so I’ve been maintaining 200mg/wk. I’m more worried about shooting then I am lifting lol. I’m a lefty and well, not being able to shoot would definitely get me MedBoarded outta the army, as That’s my job lol. Can’t shoot, can’t deploy. Haha
So I’m sitting here in PT icing my shoulder after 40min of therapy. My ROM #s are 160*, 154* and 90*. :headbang::headbang:
Making progress! My numbers are where I’m supposed to be AFTER week 8 so I’ll take it!! Ahead of schedule.
Went to a Dr that was a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon. Had his own practice, and was the head Dr. for the university orthopedic sports medicine dept. Dealt with many collegiate and pro athletes. I had 2 rotator muscles reattached. As well as a ruptured biceps taken care of.The Dr said it would be 18 months till the were fully graphed back on. Originally he said 3 months till I should start lifting with that arm. But he said to keep training the rest of the body. And training the good arm would keep the injured one from from atrophying as much and would keep the nerves functioning as well. Backs up what I had read else were. 5 days after the surgery back in the gym. Only doing rehab work daily for the injured shoulder along with stretching several times a day. 8 week s later the Dr said I could start training the repaired arm(as he knew I was doing some stuff anyway) as I was healing much faster then normal. But most people recover faster then the Dr's say as they always give you the worst case scenario for a time line. 8 months later back to full power but I didn't push it ever work out for awhile till I felt confident. wish I had done it sooner. Had my other shoulder replaced several years later and did much the same protocol with similar results.
Went to a Dr that was a sports medicine orthopedic surgeon. Had his own practice, and was the head Dr. for the university orthopedic sports medicine dept. Dealt with many collegiate and pro athletes. I had 2 rotator muscles reattached. As well as a ruptured biceps taken care of.The Dr said it would be 18 months till the were fully graphed back on. Originally he said 3 months till I should start lifting with that arm. But he said to keep training the rest of the body. And training the good arm would keep the injured one from from atrophying as much and would keep the nerves functioning as well. Backs up what I had read else were. 5 days after the surgery back in the gym. Only doing rehab work daily for the injured shoulder along with stretching several times a day. 8 week s later the Dr said I could start training the repaired arm(as he knew I was doing some stuff anyway) as I was healing much faster then normal. But most people recover faster then the Dr's say as they always give you the worst case scenario for a time line. 8 months later back to full power but I didn't push it ever work out for awhile till I felt confident. wish I had done it sooner. Had my other shoulder replaced several years later and did much the same protocol with similar results.

Hey bro, thanks for the info! I had some complications from the surgery that hindered me getting back to training the good side. But now that I’m better (don’t wanna put it out on an open forum for work purposes), I think I’m gonna take your advice since my therapist said the same thing you’re saying. Somehow in the last 36hrs, I can now fully flex my left bicep (weird so quickly). Next week she says we are gonna do some actual tension/weighted types of exercises. I can’t wait! How many months did it take you to regain 100% of your strength and movement with the shoulder?
After the first surgery it took 8 months to be back to my usual weights. But the tendinitis and aches etc. came easier so I didn't push it all the time after that and would cycle my weights more.
After the first surgery it took 8 months to be back to my usual weights. But the tendinitis and aches etc. came easier so I didn't push it all the time after that and would cycle my weights more.

Roger that man. Yeh I can already feel a lil bit of tendinitis forming. Sucks but hey I’ll take it since I have so much more ROM now! Do you think npp would be a good one to add to my cycle for the joint effect? Also gonna be doin my 3iu of growth. Gotta recover quick so I can get back to my guys.
TB-500 and BPC-157 are very effective in speeding up healing.
Typically TB-500 is dosed at 2mg subQ e3d’s for 6 weeks. After that you just need a weekly maintenance dose to keep levels of TB-500 peaked.
BPC-157 is usually administered locally at 250-500mcg per day as close to the wound site as possible without injuring it.
TB-500 and BPC-157 are very effective in speeding up healing.
Typically TB-500 is dosed at 2mg subQ e3d’s for 6 weeks. After that you just need a weekly maintenance dose to keep levels of TB-500 peaked.
BPC-157 is usually administered locally at 250-500mcg per day as close to the wound site as possible without injuring it.

Bro, thank you!!! I really appreciate this bit of info. I have my bpc ordered already but Can’t find the tb500. Ive heard both work amazingly (haven’t heard as much about tb500 )
Well I just got the green light from pt to start lifting with the left arm!! So no more right sided only crap! Obviously gonna start light but man I am rather happy! Gonna order and add tb500 to the mix along with bpc157

The peptides will help with healing that is for sure, as well HGH, also increasing nutrient dense foods, clean water, vegies for their enzymes, and correct fats, will also aid in the rebuilding as well. Remember any kind of surgery is 'traumatic' to the whole human system. Inflammation is systemic...

Certain herbs to help the internal organs clear the drugs, and clear the blood too. Everything in the human body is connected, and intertwined.

The are a number of therapies outside of western PT that I found to be much better in resolving compensation patterns, and get the signals from the brain via the nervous system to the correct muscles. A much higher level of innervation and recruitment will take place.

ZHealth by Dr. Eric Cobb and MAT (Muscle Activation Technique) by Greg Roskopf C.S.C.S.

I have had four surgeries over the last 20 years, and these methodologies have allowed me to return to a very high level of function. In fact, coupled with a few other 'holistic' protocols, I have never used standard PT.

As a 'Sports Performance Coach' by profession for the last 40 years, working with MD's, PT's, and ATC's has taught me that their knowledge on resolution of injuries, does not truly facilitate a return to optimal, and sustainable function.

Any other questions, give me a shout.

A hui ho,
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The peptides will help with healing that is for sure, as well HGH, also increasing nutrient dense foods, clean water, vegies for their enzymes, and correct fats, will also aid in the rebuilding as well. Remember any kind of surgery is 'traumatic' to the whole human system. Inflammation is systemic...

Certain herbs to help the internal organs clear the drugs, and clear the blood too. Everything in the human body is connected, and intertwined.

The are a number of therapies outside of western PT that I found to be much better in resolving compensation patterns, and get the signals from the brain via the nervous system to the correct muscles. A much higher level of innervation and recruitment will take place.

ZHealth by Dr. Eric Cobb and MAT (Muscle Activation Technique) by Greg Roskopf C.S.C.S.

I have had four surgeries over the last 20 years, and these methodologies have allowed me to return to a very high level of function. In fact, coupled with a few other 'holistic' protocols, I have never used standard PT.

As a 'Sports Performance Coach' by profession for the last 40 years, working with MD's, PT's, and ATC's has taught me that their knowledge on resolution of injuries, does not truly facilitate a return to optimal, and sustainable function.

Any other questions, give me a shout.

A hui ho,

Hey man thank you for all that info! Mind if I shoot ya a PM later with some questions and what not? Really appreciate it man. :) :headbang:
The GH and the peptides mentioned will definitely help. Even more important is how you train. Most important aspect is to stretch and train the muscle to stabilize it as well as make it stronger and bigger.

I always include external and internal rotation exercises in my shoulder routine to keep he rotator cuff strong. Also, believe it or not, when recovering from an injury like that, a great way to work the shoulder is indirectly by training biceps. The biceps tendon crosses over into the shoulder capsule. This indirectly helps the shoulder. Also, definitely google PNF movements for the shoulder. They will help a lot.

Most importantly, don't rush it and listen to you body. You know the difference between good and bad pain. The GH and peptides will help, but DEFINITELY google external and internal rotation exercise as well as PNF movements. They will help more than anything else.
The GH and the peptides mentioned will definitely help. Even more important is how you train. Most important aspect is to stretch and train the muscle to stabilize it as well as make it stronger and bigger.

I always include external and internal rotation exercises in my shoulder routine to keep he rotator cuff strong. Also, believe it or not, when recovering from an injury like that, a great way to work the shoulder is indirectly by training biceps. The biceps tendon crosses over into the shoulder capsule. This indirectly helps the shoulder. Also, definitely google PNF movements for the shoulder. They will help a lot.

Most importantly, don't rush it and listen to you body. You know the difference between good and bad pain. The GH and peptides will help, but DEFINITELY google external and internal rotation exercise as well as PNF movements. They will help more than anything else.
Yup you’re spot on about that bicep tendon! Stretching that sucker out ALWAYS makes my shoulder feel better. Good info bro!! Have you messed up your rotator cuff before?
bro the most important thing is to start back slow, i had shoulder surgery in 2012, i was having impingement issues and had to have some bone removed, also had some spurring, at the same time i had a bicep tendon repair done which sucked donkey ballz, what would have made my rehab easier is if i would have gotten it done earlier, but i kept putting it off, i think i started training again about 5 months post op, and started slow, i mean i was doing the bar on decline presses and so on, lol, i think the hardest thing for me to get back to doing was dips, but for me everything was fairly difficult due to putting off the surgery.
bro the most important thing is to start back slow, i had shoulder surgery in 2012, i was having impingement issues and had to have some bone removed, also had some spurring, at the same time i had a bicep tendon repair done which sucked donkey ballz, what would have made my rehab easier is if i would have gotten it done earlier, but i kept putting it off, i think i started training again about 5 months post op, and started slow, i mean i was doing the bar on decline presses and so on, lol, i think the hardest thing for me to get back to doing was dips, but for me everything was fairly difficult due to putting off the surgery.

Man that sounds brutal! Did you have your bicep tendon re attached or just repaired? Thankfully my bicep tendon is fine(just a lil inflamed along with my ac joint)
Man that sounds brutal! Did you have your bicep tendon re attached or just repaired? Thankfully my bicep tendon is fine(just a lil inflamed along with my ac joint)

they placed 2 anchors and pulled it back into place, everything is good today, but right there at the reattachment if i do seated overhead presses it will get overly sore, that's why i rarely do them, but hey laterals are pretty damn effective. Did you have your surgery done by a military doc?
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