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Sleep Apnea, Water intake, more cardio and positive adjustments


Active member
Sep 29, 2014
I just got my blood work back and I was extremely happy with the results. Everything was normal with the exception of my sodium serum which was 1 point lower than the range.

Over the years I've usually dealt with my HDL being to low, hematocrit/hemoglobin to high or AST and ALT a tad bit out of range. I've been very fortunate the last 3 years only dealing with mostly my H/H and HDL issues twice.

5 months ago I decided to treat my sleep apnea which I have suffered from for about 10 years, added another 1.5 gallons of water daily (3 gallons total per day) and upped my cardio from 3 days per week to 6 days per week. Cardio is a combo of walking/running 4-5 miles per day and 3 of the 6 days I also ride my bike another 5-7 miles at night about an hour before I go to bed.

I am lead to believe that sleep apnea played a major role in keeping my H/H high regardless of how often I donated (It would just keep going up). I donated blood once in the last 6 months. For those of you who have sleep apnea and aren't treating it please get it treated you will feel so much better and the quality of sleep has vastly improved. The first few weeks I had to adjust to my cpap machine and the nasal pillows and straps on my head, but other than that no other adjustments.

As for increasing my cardio it wasn't to get more lean or drop bf% as I am very lean to say the least, but mental clarity and to also help with H/H. I read an article on this forum (I think Stewie wrote it?) where it touched on increasing cardio to help with the H/H numbers. The increased cardio has also helped with sleeping better and stress levels have gone way down. Most of my teenage and adult life I have hated cardio other than sports and my 3 sessions per week on non weight training days and now I can't see not doing it daily.

The water intake was more of a mental/preventative thing for mostly my kidneys/liver etc...never had kidney issues (knock on wood)....AST and ALT (liver) elevated a few times. I am a firm believer that high water intake keeps most everything clean. The downfall is pissing like a race horse 10-12 times a day.

Other items I have done are changing my fish oil and krill oil over to Viva labs. Added TUDCA to my Liv.52 - I removed protein shakes from my diet about 6 months ago and now get it from grass fed beef, chicken, eggs and fish (lots of fish).

As for gear during the last 6 months Test and Mast at no more than 250mg of each other than June, July and first 2 weeks of August ran Mast at 600mg per week and Tren at 300 per week (Tren was cut down to 150-200mg for the last 4 weeks).

The above adjustments proved to me that I can still run gear whether cruising or blasting and have near perfect full blood work, additionally my stress test and echo we're also good to go.

Finally, I've seen a bit more negativity than usual lately on the boards so I thought I would share some good news. (negativity doesn't mean debates - debates are fun and healthy at times!!)
Few numbers of interest:

AST: 33
ALT: 31
HDL: 42
LDL: 127
Hematocrit: 50.9
Hemoglobin: 16.7

*Sodium was 136 (range is 137-146)
*Chloride was 96 (range is 98-110) forgot about this and not sure if either of these 2 being low indicate anything, but my primary didn't mention anything of it.
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Few numbers of interest:

AST: 33
ALT: 31
HDL: 42
LDL: 127
Hematocrit: 50.9
Hemoglobin: 16.7

*Sodium was 136 (range is 137-146)
*Chloride was 96 (range is 98-110) forgot about this and not sure if either of these 2 being low indicate anything, but my primary didn't mention anything of it.
The sodium and chloride being low are more than likely due to the increase in water intake and increased sweating via exercise. Try to increase your dietary sodium intake and you should be good!
The sodium and chloride being low are more than likely due to the increase in water intake and increased sweating via exercise. Try to increase your dietary sodium intake and you should be good!

They weren't that far out of range, but perhaps a few more 1/4 cups of cashews will do the trick.

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You have a badass physique! Its pretty cool you can be healthy on the inside at the same time. The best of both worlds, may we all be so lucky!
You have a badass physique! Its pretty cool you can be healthy on the inside at the same time. The best of both worlds, may we all be so lucky!

Thanks brother! I haven't always been healthy (more so stupid shit 15-20 years ago), but having turned 40 not to long ago I started rethinking my present and future a bit more in depth.

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