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Steroid test results are in.

Head on over to AnaSci.org if you haven't! We're looking at Test, a high mg Test blend, EQ and a Mast Blend!! I'm glad I know what goes in my body! This testing brings piece of mind, that's for sure!!
Guys...Make sure to head over and check out the recent results that were posted while the site was down. Keep track of what your sponsor is offering!
Goodness, thank goodness for ANASCI testing - if no one has donated, I suggest they do and know what they’re getting
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New results posted...Head on over and check them out!
Some interesting results! If you like spending your hard earned money on products that are what they say they are and those that are properly dosed, then you'll need to see this round!!
Some interesting results! If you like spending your hard earned money on products that are what they say they are and those that are properly dosed, then you'll need to see this round!!
Definitely interesting
Very very interesting get over there donate and see what is really going on !!!!!!!!
Good grief. Some of these results make me want to never even consider using any aas again.
Good grief. Some of these results make me want to never even consider using any aas again.

Funny thing is it’s always been like that and we just didn’t know it. I think the testing helps a lot, gives sponsors some accountability. What I have learned is the sponsors that take accountability for it are usually the ones to go with and the ones who just try to bullshit their way through it are the ones to stay clear of. Let’s not fool ourselves here it’s like cheating your taxes, everyone cuts a corner here and there it’s just part of the business. Even the best most expensive sponsor is going to put out a bad product every now and then.

Think of it this way, a lot of guys, and probably how most of us started out, still get their shit from some guy at the gym and who the fuck knows what is in there! I have a friend who swears by his “guy” at the gym because he’s a “pro” but then texts me every other day to tell me how his gear isn’t doing shit and giving him sides he shouldn’t have from it. I keep telling him to go with the sponsor I use but he refuses to because his “guy” is cheaper....silly.
New results posted over there...Looks like some Primo and Mast showing up on the testing block today :cool:
Funny thing is it’s always been like that and we just didn’t know it. I think the testing helps a lot, gives sponsors some accountability. What I have learned is the sponsors that take accountability for it are usually the ones to go with and the ones who just try to bullshit their way through it are the ones to stay clear of. Let’s not fool ourselves here it’s like cheating your taxes, everyone cuts a corner here and there it’s just part of the business. Even the best most expensive sponsor is going to put out a bad product every now and then.

Think of it this way, a lot of guys, and probably how most of us started out, still get their shit from some guy at the gym and who the fuck knows what is in there! I have a friend who swears by his “guy” at the gym because he’s a “pro” but then texts me every other day to tell me how his gear isn’t doing shit and giving him sides he shouldn’t have from it. I keep telling him to go with the sponsor I use but he refuses to because his “guy” is cheaper....silly.
exactly not every single test is going to be good - but you and i see honestly almost 100 percent good - posting by sponsors directly (can you say bias) when is the last time they posted something negative and said im going to take care of it....they only post good results

- and good test by individuals are "hey buddy thumbsup !!! Your the best..blah blah"


bad results from individuals are " Liar - you have no creditablity - your out to get me!!!"

How many individuals post bad results...like almost zero - because almost zero people get their gear tested -

Once again, these results will guide you how to spend your hard earned money and give you the best possible chance to get as big as you want!
This is a BIG community here! Let's get this moving!! Send a $1...seriously! If the majority of the members sent just that in, we would be able to test everything. If you use the Sponsor section here there's no reason you shouldn't be a part of this! Please step as a member of this community and pitch in!!
[/QUOT Im in Please advise how to get it done Appreciate it
Hey pheenix, I said that some time ago and it didn't get much traction. For access to the test results at AnaSci.org you can...

- You can make a $25 minimum donation toward the testing. Contact buck1973
- You can make a purchase from the Professional Muscle store.
Ok We are on.
Just Spoke to Mr. rAJ.
anyone intrested in Donating to the AAS testin fund can post here and I will send ya a PM with options.
Or you can PM me for details.
I will Keep a list here and Anasci aswell.
I will make certain with Mr. Bio and rAJ but No results will b Posted on this Forum.
Interested in making a donation.....just lmk what I need to do help out.
Donations are worth it, nobody hesitates to spend $100's on products but then won't donate $25 to see if what there buying is legit.
Most of you will want to see this Sponsor's results! There's a blend, Primo, Masteron and more. You can spend your money with the knowledge that you're getting what you paid for or just light it on fire!!
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