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Synthetine + Syntheselen: Recomp or just cutting?


New member
Sep 19, 2018
Hello all. First time poster here. I've been loving all of the info everybody has been providing on this forum! You guys are great! Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in the future.

I've seen a lot of amazing things regarding Synthetine and Syntheselen, whether they're run solo or together. For close to a year I've been contemplating trying these products out. The main reason why I haven't yet is bc I'm completely new to taking anything via injections. But I'm getting more comfortable with the idea the more I educate myself and plan on taking the plunge soon.

That being said, most everything I've seen results wise regarding this stack seems to be centered around fat loss/cutting. My question is, can I actually build muscle with these as well? Recomp is my goal. Fat loss is definitely my main concern right now, but even if I could just add a little bit of lean muscle that would be great.

I realize results are based on a lot of different factors (nutrition, workout routine, genetics, etc) so I'm not expecting a "yes, you will definitely build muscle and lose fat simultaneously" type of answer.

Just curious if anyone has had any recomp effects running these together?

Thanks in advance! :headbang:
Of course. They are both versatile in the sense they are not just useful when cutting. I have used them both even when bulking to help minimize fat gain and for other benefits. As you have alluded to the most important thing will be nutrition in regards to your goals/results. It all depends upon where you start from as well. Meaning if you have some bodyfat to lose and muscle to gain you could do both at the same time. Whereas guys who are ripped to the bone obviously couldn't do both. The fact you are natural (well perhaps not as you may use orals) is also a factor but again if you are starting from a place were lot's of improvement can be made then the results could be great if all elements are in place.

It's not like they will stop you from gaining muscle put it that way. Start both at 1ml per day and move up to 2ml per day (4ml total) and see how you are. That way 1 bottle of each will last a fairly long time. If you haven't injected before please research extensively how and where to inject. Good luck with everything.
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Of course. They are both versatile in the sense they are not just useful when cutting. I have used them both even when bulking to help minimize fat gain and for other benefits. As you have alluded to the most important thing will be nutrition in regards to your goals/results. It all depends upon where you start from as well. Meaning if you have some bodyfat to lose and muscle to gain you could do both at the same time. Whereas guys who are ripped to the bone obviously couldn't do both. The fact you are natural (well perhaps not as you may use orals) is also a factor but again if you are starting from a place were lot's of improvement can be made then the results could be great if all elements are in place.

It's not like they will stop you from gaining muscle put it that way. Start both at 1ml per day and move up to 2ml per day (4ml total) and see how you are. That way 1 bottle of each will last a fairly long time. If you haven't injected before please research extensively how and where to inject. Good luck with everything.

Thanks for the reply! I actually do have a ways to go with my physique. The strongest thing I've ever used was Epistane but that was a few years ago and I hated the way it made me feel. I've used intermittent fasting, keto diet, and full body lifting 3x a week to successfully recomp in the past with very little help from any kind of supplementation and almost no cardio. I haven't been as consistent with any of it as I need to be so my body isn't anywhere near where I want it. I've always been the type who builds and keeps muscle easily, but i have a hard time getting rid of body fat.

I'm a recently married car salesman, so finding time and energy to workout while working 12 hours a day and still getting to spend time with my wife has been quite a challenge, but I really need to get back into it. I'm pretty excited to give these a run! When I told my wife about it, she said, "please don't take anything that's going to shrink your balls! I'd like to have kids one day." ROFL! :D

Thanks again, Elvia. When I start my cycle I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on my results. In the meantime, any other advice is greatly appreciated! :)

How do you think a peptide like ipamorelin would stack with synthetine and syntheselen? Seems like it would be a nice addition.

How do you think a peptide like ipamorelin would stack with synthetine and syntheselen? Seems like it would be a nice addition.

It would be a good stack with Hexarelin and cjc1295 with dac
You could go IPA with the 2 but I would still add in cjc1295 with or without dac

How do you think a peptide like ipamorelin would stack with synthetine and syntheselen? Seems like it would be a nice addition.

It would be a good stack with Hexarelin and cjc1295 with dac
You could go IPA with the 2 but I would still add in cjc1295 with or without dac

I agree. Ipam is great but it's not very cost effective. If you have spare cash boom dosing 1g ipamorelin pre bed is fantastic. At other times I would use hexarelin.

If I were to recommend a peptide cycle for you it would be either MK-677 or as Steve posted hexarelin and cjc 1295 (with or without dac). Hexarelin is great and doesn't even need a GHRH to elicit a large gh spike. You could dose it at 100-200mcg twice daily alone. I would recommend first thing and pre workout as it can interfere with sleep. You could dose cjc no dac with each hexarelin shot or simply cjc-dac twice weekly. Although hexarelin only would be fine as well but 1 vial of cjc-1295 no dac is very cheap and will last you 50 injs (5mg vial). That would be a solid stack and great for fat loss.

MK-677 is very effective and much more convenient as you can take it orally. There only issue is it can make you hold water (much more than cjc and hexarelin) and it can also increase your appetite. I get severe fatigue from it as it's very strong. But it would be worth trying out at a low dose and seeing how you respond. I do think it's more suited to bulking but can be useful when cutting. It's also extremely cost effective and a tub of tabs or vial of liquid would last ages at 10-12.5mg per day.

Out of the options I personally prefer hexarelin and cjc no dac for your goals. However MK-677 is much more convenient and if you are a good responder (don't get bad side effects) it could be great for you so it's worth trying at some point in time.

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