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Tim's Log to Greatness

Tim Zane

Active member
Mar 16, 2018
This is going to be my progress log. Never cycled, never got too concerned about my diet as long as I ate enough to grow, and I've always been bigger than most. My goal is to see what a targeted keto diet will do for me (had tremendous success with only 6 weeks of doing it last year), along with starting test in about a month or so, depending on a few variables. These pictures from below are me today with having 2-3 months off of lifting up to about a month ago. I am usually bigger, but work screws me on occassion. I am fat now with a 39" waist here. I hope to get down to 34" and pack on size. I am not new at it when it comes to adding muscle and losing fat. My body responds well to whatever I do as long as I do it all out.

My goal here is to log an update every week with pics and measurements, as well as stating what has changed ie: started test, upped test, carbed out on weekend, feeling good / bad / tired, etc. I have always wanted to get serious about diet and I look forward to seeing how far I can take my body and look into some type of model work (no gay stuff).

I will update this post later today with my measurements


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You're a pretty stout dude. Quite a bit of workable mass hiding under there. I think with proper diet, training and well placed supplementation you will look great.

What is your height/weight?

Looking forward to your progress.

Right now I'm at 242 and 5'9". Usually carry about 10 lbs more in my legs, but have taken time off from hitting them consistently. They grow the easiest for me, and I kinda liked fitting in Levi's for awhile. But screw that, I miss my hamstring and tear drops. Hopefully, with leaner legs I can still fit in them. Haha. Not boasting either, just saying. I'm a nobody. :)

Right now I'm at 242 and 5'9". Usually carry about 10 lbs more in my legs, but have taken time off from hitting them consistently. They grow the easiest for me, and I kinda liked fitting in Levi's for awhile. But screw that, I miss my hamstring and tear drops. Hopefully, with leaner legs I can still fit in them. Haha. Not boasting either, just saying. I'm a nobody. :)

I'm in!

Looking forward to seeing your progress. We all go through those phases. Looks like you came through on the other side with a lot of size!
For some reason I don't see an edit button on my original post, so I'll put this here. These are my stats as of this week:

Waist- 40 (holy crap)
Chest- 46
Lat Spread- 48
Thigh- 27 1/4
Biceps- 18
Neck- 19
Calf- 18

My weak points that I hope to bring up - size on overall back, biceps size (arms dominated by triceps), chest thickness.
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Update 04-02-18

two pics, next couple coming...


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Not sure why but my frontal picture won't load. Not any difference to see anyways though.

Lost a 1/2" in waist and up a 1/4" in quad. Quarter inches I don't really count as anything since I could have just pulled the tape tighter or lined it up different. The 1/2 on my waist though is for real. I dropped my carbs to less than 40 or maybe even 30 most days from last Monday to Friday. Saturday I had a ate a dinner with about 200 carbs and yesterday (Easter) was who knows how many carbs from bread and chocolate. Right now I know I can do this and still make progress so I'm allowing myself. In 2 months or so that won't happen because I hope to be a lot farther along.

I am adding a couple bench marks in terms of lifts to track throughout this log also.

Last week I was at:
Wide Grip Pull-ups - 12
405 Squat - 9

As I stated earlier, my legs have been taking aback seat, so my range is usually 12-15 with 405. In about 4-6 weeks, the true progress on repping 405 comes. I am hoping to get to 25 reps parallel.

Keeping the diet the same this week. I will be on a true targeted keto in about 4 weeks, Right now I am doing more of a cyclical. I will carb up one meal saturday and all day Sunday, Monday get right back to 30 carbs or less. My fat is around 200 grams along with protein, give or take. I am not counting right now.

No new supps yet.


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I was hoping to start some TRT within a few weeks. Now I'm not sure. Some issues with my order. Gonna wait and see.

Something I hadn't mentioned earlier is my training.

I am hitting muscle group once per week except abs. Something like this:

Sun - Off
Mon - Chest & Abs
Tues - Arms
Wed - Quads & Abs
Thur - Off
Fri - Shoulders & Abs
Sat - Back & Hams
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Updated pics as of today, 04-09-18.

I switched up my workout split and am going to start hitting everything twice a week or at least more frequently, high intensity, less sets per muscle group per session. I've been doing body parts once a week for years and I need something new because stubborn body parts aren't responding.

Went down another half inch in the waist even though I had a ton of carbs Saturday and Sunday. Didn't get my pullups in because of the change in workout. Felt like garbage on quad day but still managed to get an extra rep on squat.


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Update this week:

I upped my calories too much as evident with my gain in waist. This week I will start actually counting and keeping track of macros. With hitting everything every 3-5 days rather than once per week, I figured my calories could be up with the extra gym time, but I need to keep watch it more. I will be around 2400 calories, around 200 gms protein, 150 fat, and carbs just after workout. This is approximate. I am doing more of a low carb rather than keto as of right now. Although I can see going into ketosis still as long as I don't miss workouts.

Didn't do barbell squat this week, but I did gain 2 reps in pullups.

Can someone let me know if these photos just show up as a link to click or if you see the actual photo? Thanks.


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Here are the most recent measurements. I will start including weight next week. My scale broke and need a new one. I will also be starting on Cypionate next week.


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I started on 20mg Test C daily this Sunday - 04/22/18.

Hoping what I'm reading about someone taking test for the first time is actually true. I'm looking forward to the results. Diet has been clean with very low carbs this week and I added another rep to my wide griup pullups, at 15 max now. These pics are from yesterday in the gym. I'm hoping to not fit this shirt in a few months. :):)

I took new measurements but won't post them till next week because I never got around to the pictures to go with it. busy week


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Gonna update this on the weekend. Been busy, but I am finally seeing progress in my body.
Updated pics and measurements as of the 6th. Getting that wasist down and I think the pullups are really helping my back. Still at 20mg test ED. Getting edema in the face so I am trying to deal with that prior to upping the mg. Also, I'm getting a lingering headache. Will start Nolva 10mg EOD starting tmrw.


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This Sunday, 5/13, I increased the dosage of Cyp to 420 mg/wk. The last 3 weeks I haven't noticed any significant gains yet on 200 mg. If time and work permits, I am going to start on a little cardio.

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