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Tsh and t4 bloodwork

Appointment is next week. Same facility but different doctor. Plan to ask for a t3 test.
Make sure it's "FREE" T3 you ask for.

GH will lower Free T4 due to conversion to Free T3. We need both hormones for optimal metabolism and health. T4 has effects we don't get from T3 contrary to popular belief.
I haven't. I've looked up the risk factors and symptoms and feel like my tiredness is more related to the thyroid, also symptoms. But if i can get my thyroid in range I will look into it.

I posted another thread about finding an Endo because I found out this one is booked 5 months. But they had a cancellation Wednesday and can get me in. I don't have any bloodwork to say I'm taking legit TRT from a Florida doctor though. Hopefully she will order T3 rather than demand I have lower test levels to even discuss thyroid.
Feeling cold easily and fatigue are the two most common symptoms i see. Many get bloated/puffy face, dry skin/hair and constipation can also happen but not as common in my experience.
I went and got on trt also a while back. Ended up on t4 and now metformin. I also got test cyp, bpc, and ipa all from doc.
It is an absolute embarrassment that the medical guidelines don't make endocrinologists test Free T3. Just complete unintentional medical malpractice. It's like taking blood pressure but only recording one of the numbers instead of both.

Since we only have the TSH and FT4 along with your symptoms, it does look and sound like you're a bit hypothyroid but let's see what the Free T3 is when you go back. You'll probably want to take a T4/T3 combo. I'm sure the doctor will tell you to take T4 only but I have never heard of a single instance where someone feels better on T4 only vs combination T4/T3.
Your doctor not testing T3 levels and also not considering that elevated prolactin could be from the thyroid issue (and instead jumping to blame the your testosterone use) is not a good sign. There are good anti-aging docs who will monitor your bloods and not judge you. You just have to put in the legwork and find them.
Agreed. I have wasted time and stress seeing doctors for real problems like low Free T3 and all they want to do is talk about my testosterone use and elevated hemoglobin that are completely unrelated to what I am there for. Waste of my fucking time. That's why I am my own doctor unless something really serious happens.
I know it's controversial, but I would ask for a Reverse T3 blood test too. People get angry about this test for whatever reason and I don't care if there is a lack of evidence about it. Thyroid is criminally understudied IMO.
Mine did not. I think I said I use one of the thousands of TRT clinics in southern FLA. There’s sooooo many of them nowadays. You could pick one or make one up if she asked for a name.

The only thing you got an issue with is your test level of 4400. You gotta let that drop before doing another blood draw! At least get it down to slightly over something like 1300-1400. At least under 2000. Or your doc is gonna be hung up on that number.

For reference mine was high, 1489, he questioned me on it. I said work was hectic and I had to do my blood work the day after my inject. He’s not an endo so he was good with that answer.

I'm in South FL too. Do you recommend any TRT clinic here that isn't ridiculously expensive? I used to do one but didn't want to pay $200 per month anymore.
I'm in South FL too. Do you recommend any TRT clinic here that isn't ridiculously expensive? I used to do one but didn't want to pay $200 per month anymore.
I’ve had zero luck in finding a “TRT Clinic”
In Florida that was actually reasonably priced for what they prescribed.

First, I was paying $400/mo for 10ml Test Cyp and 90 A-Adex tabs. I had to do this for legality issues pertaining to my crazy X wife. After that was established others seemed to be $200-$300.

So I went to my PCP and told him my energy levels suck, gaining fat, libido/erection issues, etc… I already had let my T levels bottom out. He doesn’t know jack abt TRT so he referred me to a urologist.

Now the urologist isn’t quite educated on the in’s & out’s of TRT. So I gave him my educated opinion on the matter. He just asked what I wanted… Ended up costing me $30 co-pay plus I believe $35/quarter for my Test Cyp. and the Adex.

The cheapest route will be getting it covered under your insurance like I did. The TRT clinics were strictly a cash business in my experience. Can’t blame em! My recommendation is to go to PCP, then get his/her referral to a specialist. This way insurance foots the bill and it’s cheaper.

I’ve had zero luck in finding a “TRT Clinic”
In Florida that was actually reasonably priced for what they prescribed.

First, I was paying $400/mo for 10ml Test Cyp and 90 A-Adex tabs. I had to do this for legality issues pertaining to my crazy X wife. After that was established others seemed to be $200-$300.

So I went to my PCP and told him my energy levels suck, gaining fat, libido/erection issues, etc… I already had let my T levels bottom out. He doesn’t know jack abt TRT so he referred me to a urologist.

Now the urologist isn’t quite educated on the in’s & out’s of TRT. So I gave him my educated opinion on the matter. He just asked what I wanted… Ended up costing me $30 co-pay plus I believe $35/quarter for my Test Cyp. and the Adex.

The cheapest route will be getting it covered under your insurance like I did. The TRT clinics were strictly a cash business in my experience. Can’t blame em! My recommendation is to go to PCP, then get his/her referral to a specialist. This way insurance foots the bill and it’s cheaper.

I wonder if an Endo would do this with thyroid how yours did with test? I definitely plan to ask for the t3 test.
I'm in South FL too. Do you recommend any TRT clinic here that isn't ridiculously expensive? I used to do one but didn't want to pay $200 per month anymore.
I have been using MaleExcel. They prescribe me test Cyp 200mg/week and dessicated thyroid (150mg/day). I pay $79/month membership fee and $248 every 2 months for my medication including syringes for daily injects, alcohol pads and FedEx shipping.
I'm in South FL too. Do you recommend any TRT clinic here that isn't ridiculously expensive? I used to do one but didn't want to pay $200 per month anymore.

Have you checked out NovaGenix in Jupiter, FL? Someone whose word is/was respected around here recommended then to me a while back because he was using them personally and very pleased. I bookmarked the site but never followed up as I am content doing it all on my own.
I have been using MaleExcel. They prescribe me test Cyp 200mg/week and dessicated thyroid (150mg/day). I pay $79/month membership fee and $248 every 2 months for my medication including syringes for daily injects, alcohol pads and FedEx shipping.
It's so much cheaper to use the black market unfortunately
Have you checked out NovaGenix in Jupiter, FL? Someone whose word is/was respected around here recommended then to me a while back because he was using them personally and very pleased. I bookmarked the site but never followed up as I am content doing it all on my own.
That's a little too far from me
I’ve had zero luck in finding a “TRT Clinic”
In Florida that was actually reasonably priced for what they prescribed.

First, I was paying $400/mo for 10ml Test Cyp and 90 A-Adex tabs. I had to do this for legality issues pertaining to my crazy X wife. After that was established others seemed to be $200-$300.

So I went to my PCP and told him my energy levels suck, gaining fat, libido/erection issues, etc… I already had let my T levels bottom out. He doesn’t know jack abt TRT so he referred me to a urologist.

Now the urologist isn’t quite educated on the in’s & out’s of TRT. So I gave him my educated opinion on the matter. He just asked what I wanted… Ended up costing me $30 co-pay plus I believe $35/quarter for my Test Cyp. and the Adex.

The cheapest route will be getting it covered under your insurance like I did. The TRT clinics were strictly a cash business in my experience. Can’t blame em! My recommendation is to go to PCP, then get his/her referral to a specialist. This way insurance foots the bill and it’s cheaper.

Yea I had it prescribed through a urologist but he has psychotic breakdowns when he sees my hemoglobin is high so he stopped prescribing it. At this point, I am worried I'll just be wasting my time and money (co-pays) going to a bunch of endos or urologists only for them to refuse to precribe it due to my high hemoglobin.
Yea I had it prescribed through a urologist but he has psychotic breakdowns when he sees my hemoglobin is high so he stopped prescribing it. At this point, I am worried I'll just be wasting my time and money (co-pays) going to a bunch of endos or urologists only for them to refuse to precribe it due to my high hemoglobin.
Do you have any issues just utilizing board sponsors here for your TRT? And then just performing the necessary bloodwork annually.

I remember you mentioning high hemoglobin in prior postings. I get it.. It’s gonna be an uphill climb to find a doctor that’s not gonna freak out over that.

I’ve had zero luck in finding a “TRT Clinic”
In Florida that was actually reasonably priced for what they prescribed.

First, I was paying $400/mo for 10ml Test Cyp and 90 A-Adex tabs. I had to do this for legality issues pertaining to my crazy X wife. After that was established others seemed to be $200-$300.

So I went to my PCP and told him my energy levels suck, gaining fat, libido/erection issues, etc… I already had let my T levels bottom out. He doesn’t know jack abt TRT so he referred me to a urologist.

Now the urologist isn’t quite educated on the in’s & out’s of TRT. So I gave him my educated opinion on the matter. He just asked what I wanted… Ended up costing me $30 co-pay plus I believe $35/quarter for my Test Cyp. and the Adex.

The cheapest route will be getting it covered under your insurance like I did. The TRT clinics were strictly a cash business in my experience. Can’t blame em! My recommendation is to go to PCP, then get his/her referral to a specialist. This way insurance foots the bill and it’s cheaper.


To anyone reading this, even without insurance and only out of pocket pay, testosterone is pretty affordable with GoodRx coupons.

Going through insurance may limit your flexibility with frequency, etc for your protocol as some insurances limit what can be dispensed and prescribed
I wonder if an Endo would do this with thyroid how yours did with test? I definitely plan to ask for the t3 test.
Just gotta say the right things and request a blood panel. They work for you after all. Then push for any medication you feel would improve your life.

It is an absolute embarrassment that the medical guidelines don't make endocrinologists test Free T3. Just complete unintentional medical malpractice. It's like taking blood pressure but only recording one of the numbers instead of both.

Since we only have the TSH and FT4 along with your symptoms, it does look and sound like you're a bit hypothyroid but let's see what the Free T3 is when you go back. You'll probably want to take a T4/T3 combo. I'm sure the doctor will tell you to take T4 only but I have never heard of a single instance where someone feels better on T4 only vs combination T4/T3.

Nailed it
It is an absolute embarrassment that the medical guidelines don't make endocrinologists test Free T3. Just complete unintentional medical malpractice. It's like taking blood pressure but only recording one of the numbers instead of both.

Since we only have the TSH and FT4 along with your symptoms, it does look and sound like you're a bit hypothyroid but let's see what the Free T3 is when you go back. You'll probably want to take a T4/T3 combo. I'm sure the doctor will tell you to take T4 only but I have never heard of a single instance where someone feels better on T4 only vs combination T4/T3.
It is weird since the common wisdom is that Free T3 is the only active thyroid hormone (Which is false, as Free T4 has its own functions)

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