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Vegas guys…Golem or Golias, who’s bigger?

Golem looks awesome but I think he's abused synthol in those delts and biceps. If so he should try to use it in his pecs as well because they don't look the same as the rest of his body.
Yea the synthol in his delts is absurd I still don’t get why guys use so much, you get no respect from peers and judges, just uninformed people see ballon muscles and are impressed, it’d be like Michael Jordan giving a fuck what we think about his shot.
I couldn't imagine any non crazy females that would find this attractive
I love lamp

… since we’re just posting random shit in threads (I assume to get 50 post).

Wtf this have to do with who’s bigger?
It doesn’t it’s just envy disguised as “I don’t wanna be this big even though he totally wants that more than anything”. Hateraide 101
there are some Samoans and native American dudes out here that are fucking monsters too ,they move a lot of weight in the gym, old school olympic lifand
there are some Samoans and native American dudes out here that are fucking monsters too ,they move a lot of weight in the gym, old school olympic lifts
they look nothing like golem though, most tend to be pretty high bf as well.
All the Samoans I’ve seen are pretty fat except Dwayne but I dunno cocaine keps you pretty lean lol. I’ve never seen a a super jacked Indian their genetics are to be fast, wiry, survive in high heat and or rough terrain with limited resources, being big woukd be a death sentence in that lifestyle, strong sure big no and I’ve lived in CA, AZ, UT, NM, TN, and TX
All the Samoans I’ve seen are pretty fat except Dwayne but I dunno cocaine keps you pretty lean lol. I’ve never seen a a super jacked Indian their genetics are to be fast, wiry, survive in high heat and or rough terrain with limited resources, being big woukd be a death sentence in that lifestyle, strong sure big no and I’ve lived in CA, AZ, UT, NM, TN, and TX
agreed, biological evolution and subsequent epigentic responses, diff blood types, all variables

lots of kumeeyay out here and san pasqual rez/pala/. i live a few miles from the rez right now MAX

i have been invited to the ceremonies to eat fungus + sweat+chant+ I sound naive but I have no idea the ceremonial procedure, but I figured if my mind was compromised out there and I'm stuck on the rez and things go south - bad combination
my boy just moved from sd to vegas and is training/competing out of https://www.thedragonslairgym.com/
DS is the only hardcore famous badass gym stateside I haven’t hit yet and I hear it’s fucking AMAZING. I trained at the Gokds on Flamingo a few years back, nice, big lotta gear kinda hot, great workout but nothing like say Metroflex, Destination Dallas, the old Miami Golds, fuck the Golds Arlington that’s gone now was almost as nice as Bevs and you’d see Ronnie and Gus in there all summer. We hardly ever trained at Netroflex unless a show was coming in summmertime, talk about fucking training to death, it’d be 130 in there. You could drink a galllon of water during your lift and lose 4/5 lbs lol. DS gym looks like it might actually be better equipped than DD but DD is still the new Mecca of BB. Venice just isn’t that “thing” that it was even still in the 90s. Ronnie, Jay, Branch , and Phil kinda shifted it all to Texas and Vegas.
DS is the only hardcore famous badass gym stateside I haven’t hit yet and I hear it’s fucking AMAZING. I trained at the Gokds on Flamingo a few years back, nice, big lotta gear kinda hot, great workout but nothing like say Metroflex, Destination Dallas, the old Miami Golds, fuck the Golds Arlington that’s gone now was almost as nice as Bevs and you’d see Ronnie and Gus in there all summer. We hardly ever trained at Netroflex unless a show was coming in summmertime, talk about fucking training to death, it’d be 130 in there. You could drink a galllon of water during your lift and lose 4/5 lbs lol. DS gym looks like it might actually be better equipped than DD but DD is still the new Mecca of BB. Venice just isn’t that “thing” that it was even still in the 90s. Ronnie, Jay, Branch , and Phil kinda shifted it all to Texas and Vegas.
we have "THE GYMS" here in SD, one in PB and one In Vista (north county) and one in chula vista

the sd location is the old worlds that milos and nasser and many pros train at.
pete ciccone is there, derick Farnsworth,etc

i used to train at the vista "THE GYM". So many in-shape people , id say 80% are in shape and maybe 20% are normal
definitely could absorb hormones just from swiping sweat accidentally walking by people (joking)
most of the people are cool and friendly but too many fucking people video tapingm, everyone there is a "trainer" and "ig celeb"
I would see that punk castleberry around, I put him on quiet time in the sauna @carlsbad 24 with my son lol. Dude blows bumps of coke in the bathroom while training clients, walks around sniffing and snorting like tony Montana, thinking nobody would suspect anything because hes jacked which means equates to healthy habits only, to most idiots

some of DC underlings were members there too
then you get those studio-gangster strength cartel pretend cholos. Jr is a bitch I grew up with him on the WS of esco he is a snitch and we have paperwork on him. he snitched on my homeboy when they sold whitegirl. yet he tries to act intimidating in all their videos lmfao. people here know whatsup.
"san clemente" san clemente is like beverly hills compared to where I grew up. there is no gangs out there. that whole cholo fit image is wack af. grow up.

self proclaimed at least
DS is the only hardcore famous badass gym stateside I haven’t hit yet and I hear it’s fucking AMAZING. I trained at the Gokds on Flamingo a few years back, nice, big lotta gear kinda hot, great workout but nothing like say Metroflex, Destination Dallas, the old Miami Golds, fuck the Golds Arlington that’s gone now was almost as nice as Bevs and you’d see Ronnie and Gus in there all summer. We hardly ever trained at Netroflex unless a show was coming in summmertime, talk about fucking training to death, it’d be 130 in there. You could drink a galllon of water during your lift and lose 4/5 lbs lol. DS gym looks like it might actually be better equipped than DD but DD is still the new Mecca of BB. Venice just isn’t that “thing” that it was even still in the 90s. Ronnie, Jay, Branch , and Phil kinda shifted it all to Texas and Vegas.
my ex worked at lifetime in arlington/mansfield, lots of sick ass gyms out there too, metro,....
fun times i had visiting DFW area in my mid 20s. spent a few months there, wanted to move out of cali ever since, besides the laws in texas/
my ex worked at lifetime in arlington/mansfield, lots of sick ass gyms out there too, metro,....
fun times i had visiting DFW area in my mid 20s. spent a few months there, wanted to move out of cali ever since, besides the laws in texas/
Yea that Lifetime was clean, well Equipped and pretty damn big
DS is the only hardcore famous badass gym stateside I haven’t hit yet and I hear it’s fucking AMAZING. I trained at the Gokds on Flamingo a few years back, nice, big lotta gear kinda hot, great workout but nothing like say Metroflex, Destination Dallas, the old Miami Golds, fuck the Golds Arlington that’s gone now was almost as nice as Bevs and you’d see Ronnie and Gus in there all summer. We hardly ever trained at Netroflex unless a show was coming in summmertime, talk about fucking training to death, it’d be 130 in there. You could drink a galllon of water during your lift and lose 4/5 lbs lol. DS gym looks like it might actually be better equipped than DD but DD is still the new Mecca of BB. Venice just isn’t that “thing” that it was even still in the 90s. Ronnie, Jay, Branch , and Phil kinda shifted it all to Texas and Vegas.

Dang that golds on flamingo brings back a lot of memories. I used to have to travel to vegas a lot and spent at least 6-8 week a year training at that one from around '06-'09. It doesn't have that "hardcore" feel but big, nice equipment and just a cool "vegas vibe" you could say.
we have "THE GYMS" here in SD, one in PB and one In Vista (north county) and one in chula vista

the sd location is the old worlds that milos and nasser and many pros train at.
pete ciccone is there, derick Farnsworth,etc

i used to train at the vista "THE GYM". So many in-shape people , id say 80% are in shape and maybe 20% are normal
definitely could absorb hormones just from swiping sweat accidentally walking by people (joking)
most of the people are cool and friendly but too many fucking people video tapingm, everyone there is a "trainer" and "ig celeb"
I would see that punk castleberry around, I put him on quiet time in the sauna @carlsbad 24 with my son lol. Dude blows bumps of coke in the bathroom while training clients, walks around sniffing and snorting like tony Montana, thinking nobody would suspect anything because hes jacked which means equates to healthy habits only, to most idiots

some of DC underlings were members there too
then you get those studio-gangster strength cartel pretend cholos. Jr is a bitch I grew up with him on the WS of esco he is a snitch and we have paperwork on him. he snitched on my homeboy when they sold whitegirl. yet he tries to act intimidating in all their videos lmfao. people here know whatsup.
"san clemente" san clemente is like beverly hills compared to where I grew up. there is no gangs out there. that whole cholo fit image is wack af. grow up.

self proclaimed at least

ahhh yeah I forgot you are out there. I often go to "the gym" in vista when I'm out there but since I have an LA fitness membership (cheap and easy since I travel a lot) I've been going to those when I've been out there. I like the hardcore atmosphere but sometimes I just like a quiet/calm globo gym type.

I used to go to the 24hrs out there but I don't...I just tend to get annoyed by them for some reason.
ahhh yeah I forgot you are out there. I often go to "the gym" in vista when I'm out there but since I have an LA fitness membership (cheap and easy since I travel a lot) I've been going to those when I've been out there. I like the hardcore atmosphere but sometimes I just like a quiet/calm globo gym type.

I used to go to the 24hrs out there but I don't...I just tend to get annoyed by them for some reason.
la fit is way nicer facility and no ego-freaks and less weird video taping/documenting bad form from pretend social media influencers

I go to 24 bro, UTC, once in a blue moon - ESCO (MALL), Cbad (MALL), La costa canyon (nicest one!!!)
in 2020 I was GM @ LA fit in oceanside if you went in there you probably saw me
that is also a very nice facility. Those places are burnt though. especially @TG. LE goes
the 24 in San marcos got shut down trashy facility
I just ran into one of my BJJ clients @10th planet in oceanside. you familiar with them? I sponsored a handful of their ufc/bellator athletes over last 10 years, excellent BJJ gym

you prefer LA over 24? if so why?
Dang that golds on flamingo brings back a lot of memories. I used to have to travel to vegas a lot and spent at least 6-8 week a year training at that one from around '06-'09. It doesn't have that "hardcore" feel but big, nice equipment and just a cool "vegas vibe" you could say.
Yea when I was going was when Jay was O and I had come from Arlington so I expected Flamingo to be more like Metro as far as vibe. NOT but for that time period a lotta gear and I trained around noon and the place was basically mine which was great.
All the Samoans I’ve seen are pretty fat except Dwayne but I dunno cocaine keps you pretty lean lol. I’ve never seen a a super jacked Indian their genetics are to be fast, wiry, survive in high heat and or rough terrain with limited resources, being big woukd be a death sentence in that lifestyle, strong sure big no and I’ve lived in CA, AZ, UT, NM, TN, and TX
Im assuming you mean native americans not indians from south asia? I have never seen either of them jacked in person but definely seen some indian
(souhth asia) that were pretty damn impressive.
Yea when I was going was when Jay was O and I had come from Arlington so I expected Flamingo to be more like Metro as far as vibe. NOT but for that time period a lotta gear and I trained around noon and the place was basically mine which was great.
only went there on vacation but it was a pretty amazing gym.

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