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Vermodje bust

So much :banghead: in this thread.

Vermodje is a registered company in Moldova. Whether they have a drug licence or not, I don't know. But they have been busted by LE for selling drugs which were illegal or did not meet label claims or contained dangerous chemicals or all of the above. This is public knowledge with a ton of links to news and LE sites in the region.

I posted the video because it was the first time I saw the Vermodje operation on video. Clearly it's not an "official" video of an kind and it shows the Vermodje operation at their arrest. It looks like a standard headcam footage that LE officers wear when they enter premises. The voice dubbing is just someone that wanted attention, wanted to get their name out there, whatever.

I've never made it secret that I helped Alin set up his operations.

Once a drug is approved in a country or in the EU, like trenbolone was for Negma decades ago, it automatically can be manufactured by other pharma companies in that jurisdiction. So yes, trenbolone can be made for human consumption in the EU.

Once a name/trademark/domain name or any other IP expires, anyone else can grab it and register it to themselves. Kudos to Balkan for grabbing the Parabolan trade name after Negma let it expire.

BigDanny is not associated with Balkan or Alin. He is Romanian, so he speaks Romanian (the language in Moldova) so he was able to easily search and read articles about Vermodje and whatever else was discussed in this thread.

The conspiracy theories in this thread... again :banghead:
Yep. That is my point though. The knife cuts both ways.

Anyone can register a trading name on paper. It's called a shelf company.
It doesn't mean the company exists any other way or that it trades.

Do you have copies of the drug licences for Vermodje?
Anyone can register a trading name on paper. It's called a shelf company.
It doesn't mean the company exists any other way or that it trades.

I understand that.

Do you have copies of the drug licences for Vermodje?


Or this?

**A GOOD PART OF THE INFORMATIONS HERE ARE COPIED FROM POSTS OF USER LOOSINGTHEPLOT from few other boards. thanx to him for good researching**

This is ONE document of several documents required to produce drugs.
Next document would be GMP CERTIFICATE, without it they would not be able to produce nothing.

Also if you read the license is for tablets and not for injectables, but they produce injectables. Vermodje was a old drug company until 2011-2012 when it was closed by the FDA MOLDOVA for not conforming rules of good practice (problems started from an infection with legionella / listeria).
A group of crooks bought papers and switched factory to Veterinary because there were no rules at that time for veterinary. Now from 2014 it is possible to produce anything even veterinary without GMP.
So Vermodje is just a bunch of papers and for real they produce in garages like you see the video from the bust. This is the reason they were busted anyway.

However you do realize and NONE of Vermodje anabolic are registered in Moldova neither with the National Medicine Agency neither with the Veterinary Medicine Agency, right? In Moldova's customs
over the last 3 years found NONE imports for raws for trenbolone, boldenone, etc on Vermodje name. If I'm wrong please prove me with a online database of an official institution in Moldova about Boldenone, Trenbolone, Oxandrolone or other products of
Vermodje... but you can't.

Not to mention that Vermodje is no longer approved to manufacture any of
the human drugs it manufactured in the past, because in the past in
Moldova there were no sanitary or pharmaceutical guidelines or
regulations, was a country where anyone could open a manufacturing unit
with little money and no machinery, cleanroom or analytical lab. Since
last year Moldova requires the factories to comply with the GMP
guidelines with lead to Vermodje abandon the human grade business
completely.That building cannot ever have a HVAC ventilation system
because the ceiling is very low and the rooms very small. That building is a dormitory for students in fact.

In conclusion, Vermodje was a veterinary grade factory, that follows
absolutely no human grade pharmaceutical manufacturing standards and has
none of their anabolics registered or even has any history of import of
raw material. I'm willing to argue more with anyone that wants to prove me wrong. Vermodje = low cost UGL.

Lets take it step by step.


**broken link removed**

(<- this is the veterinary medicine catalog of the Republic of
Moldova). Please feel free to search it and let me know where you see
any of Vermodje injectable or any reference to Trenbolone, Boldenone, etc.)


Produc?torii farmaceutici î?i închid fabricile din cauza standardelor GMP | adevarul.ro

(<- its an article regarding the current pharmaceutical manufacturing
market conditions in Moldova, after the country has introduced GMP
pharmaceutical standards)

Quote from the article:

Many pharmaceutical manufacturers are forced to close their factories or
change their activity to veterinary drugs or fertilizers because they
cannot obtain the needed certifications to continue operations in
manufacturing human grade drugs. Only 4 domestic manufacturers out of
the existing 28 got their GMP certificate and 12 of them are in process
of implementing the GMP standard. Other 12 are forced to close down
their factories or change their activity because they cannot meet the
international manufacturing guidelines.

Vermodje SRL, one manufacturing company from Ghidighici, which until
last year was manufacturing caps & tabs found a solution: “Since last
year we’ve changed our manufacturing to veterinary drugs, because this
ones don’t need any GMP certificate”, said Victor Trifoi, the manager of
the company.

3). Most Vermodje products are in fact manufactured in China by Wuhan
Fortuna Chemical Co.LTD, China and only marketed by Vermodje. Wuhan
Fortuna Chemical Co.LTD, China is a Chinese factory that is not approved
to manufacture of sell any human grade API in China! Its a chemical
factory not a pharmaceuticai API factory. This can easily be proved by
searching the database of SFDA China, the regulatory body for Food &
Drug in China.

4). Vermodje was rejected by the ANSA (National Agency for Food Safety)
the registration of Trenbolone, Boldenone, Turinabol and more items,
decision which went to trial and was decided the decision was correct.


**broken link removed**

Below is a translate of the WADA warning:

“Lately, in the European Union appeared more products Veterinary Class
Anabolic Androgenic Steroids produced by VERMODJE SRL - Moldova.
Countries that have entered the market these products are: Russia,
Ukraine, Poland and Spain. There were made more quality tests in
laboratories and had been found major deficiencies: different
composition indicated on the package contents than inside content,
underdosing active substances, related manufacturing substandard under
European legislation and the use of low-quality raw materials containing
chemical impurities, solvents, salts of HEAVY METALS.
Administration preparations concerned brand manufacturer will not
produce the desired therapeutic effect and worsen health of pets.
Please note that, the content and quality, may cause serious harm to the
health of athletes.”

Here is the proof that even VERMODJE itself negates that they product any drug. They negate because they produce illegally in garages. Otherwise they will admit.

Some papers from authorities of Moldova sent to the company Vermodje ( before that bust.....I wonder how they did not saw problems coming ). Authorities are investigating if Vermodje are producing drugs and if Vermodje.com is their website and they negate EVERYTHING.





A quick translation for Vermodje answer:

The company of SC “Vermodje” SRL, as response to your official letter
Nr..... from ...,informs you that our company does not sell the
specified products. Considering the fact that your inquiry >is not the
first of its kind, we assume that the specified products are fake,
counterfeited to discredit our >company’s image
We also inform you that the products has been submitted for registration
at the Sanitary-Veterinary >Agency, but has not been approved.

Prosecutor General's Office sent to AMED MOLDOVA (FDA MOLDOVA) Vermodje
products confiscated for analysis. Here are bulletins issued by the FDA
analysis which shows that conclusion: Preparation of unknown origin.
Substandard. So the origin is unknown so VERMODJE producing enterprise
is not considered drugs and their quality does not match. More
information within few days ... one by one ..

You can see at conclusion "PREPARAT DE ORIGINE NECUNOSCUTA. NU
CORESPUNDE". Please put on google translate (Preparation of unknown
origin. Substandard )

Also you can see that FDA is directing their analyses to PROCURATURA
GENERALA A MOLDOVEI. Please put on google translate ( Prosecutor
General's Office)

Here are only two certificates but I posted all of them in another post earlier



All the evidences are that VERMODJE drugs are illegally produces, that VERMODJE is a low cost UGL that sell dangerous drugs.

I understand that are people who work with them and protect them because their prices are like 1 USD per ml of any injectables in bulk so the profit buying their shit is good so their dealers will try to defend them.
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I understand that.


Or this?


I can't read those. They are too small. Certainly don't look like the pharmaceutical licences that normally get issued in Moldova.
I can't read those. They are too small. Certainly don't look like the pharmaceutical licences that normally get issued in Moldova.

Is possible for them to have such a paper because Vermodje was a old drug company until 2011-2012 when it was closed by the FDA MOLDOVA for not conforming rules of good practice (problems started from an infection with legionella / listeria).
A group of crooks bought papers and use their papers on internet to disguise their UG as a LEGIT LAB.
But they do not have right to produce anything right now, not even veterinary products. Without GMP certification you can not produce drugs in MD
Could be a sign that they secretly admit Vermodje gear is junk

Vermodje is now available for 50% of the prices so you can buy as much as you want for half of price... ( they contacted their distributors and give them 50% cash back for all the stuff they have left in stock just to keep continuing selling - this is also a sign that they secretly admit they sell junk)
Could be a sign that they secretly admit Vermodje gear is junk

Vermodje is now available for 50% of the prices so you can buy as much as you want for half of price... ( they contacted their distributors and give them 50% cash back for all the stuff they have left in stock just to keep continuing selling - this is also a sign that they secretly admit they sell junk)

Oh yeah? Please share with us who is selling Vermodje at half price. I am sure a few would want to jump on that deal.
Answered my own question.

Found one overseas source offering a reduced price for soon to expire stock. Interesting...
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Well I guess we can't go wrong with good ol' single dose human grade ampules. I won't say it was bad gear but I had a real bad reaction to some stuff in sachets from a very reputable supplier here. It messed up my glute so bad I can't use it any more and it left a bruise that diminished for 2 years before it was not visible. Needless to say no more sachets for me.

That was 10 years ago when I was a member at Anabolex

The right money and contacts can get anybody what they need if they want to counterfeit and scam.... perfect example just to name one.. testoviron 250 ring a bell??
See? Who needs tren when you can get EQ in 50ml bottles for cheap? :D

I personally would take a rack of good ol' Comp t-h over some 50mg/ml EQ... I would rather have the practical purpose of ungodly strength and indifference to not fear anything even the holy... although genuine vet grade EQ does have a cosmetic purpose of its own.... endurance like you think you could run a marathon, unsatisfying appetite, and veins like a road map..

as for Vermodje, with Terapia and the famed naposim setting precedence in the central and eastern europe block.. as soon as vermodje became more known on the scene I always had suspicions and just never took the plunge a any opportunity... I can say with the right contacts you would be surprised what Terapia offers for pharm grade.. I used to know a guy I somehow randomly came in contact with who had direct access to a Terapia facility... must of been close to ten years past now maybe.. Unfortunately he came as easily as he went a handful of months later.. but doesnt mean such people still arent around today... just have to know the right people...

And for a final thought.. if the chinese can do it for a simple common candy.. ahem.. White Rabbit... and they had more than one serious health contamination problem... dont thing it cant happen to any other manufacturer of human use products ANYWHERE.. be it drugs, supplement, food, etc... I cant recall the pharm company in the US who had a big recall on a simple OTC med but they also werent the only one.. the one I'm thinking of specifically, and for some reason I want to say Bayer for their aspirin but again not sure, but they just happened to have to one of the largest brand name product on the market so they drew all the major media news outlets covering the story..

as for the other US based pharm companies with issues over just simple OTC meds, yeah. they still drew national media attention but they must of just had better luck with a lesser popular med taken less frequently for recalls to spread like wildfire...
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I personally would take a rack of good ol' Comp t-h over some 50mg/ml EQ... I would rather have the practical purpose of ungodly strength and indifference to not fear anything even the holy... although genuine vet grade EQ does have a cosmetic purpose of its own.... endurance like you think you could run a marathon, unsatisfying appetite, and veins like a road map..

as for Vermodje, with Terapia and the famed naposim setting precedence in the central and eastern europe block.. as soon as vermodje became more known on the scene I always had suspicions and just never took the plunge a any opportunity... I can say with the right contacts you would be surprised what Terapia offers for pharm grade.. I used to know a guy I somehow randomly came in contact with who had direct access to a Terapia facility... must of been close to ten years past now maybe.. Unfortunately he came as easily as he went a handful of months later.. but doesnt mean such people still arent around today... just have to know the right people...

And for a final thought.. if the chinese can do it for a simple common candy.. ahem.. White Rabbit... and they had more than one serious health contamination problem... dont thing it cant happen to any other manufacturer of human use products ANYWHERE.. be it drugs, supplement, food, etc... I cant recall the pharm company in the US who had a big recall on a simple OTC med but they also werent the only one.. the one I'm thinking of specifically, and for some reason I want to say Bayer for their aspirin but again not sure, but they just happened to have to one of the largest brand name product on the market so they drew all the major media news outlets covering the story..

as for the other US based pharm companies with issues over just simple OTC meds, yeah. they still drew national media attention but they must of just had better luck with a lesser popular med taken less frequently for recalls to spread like wildfire...
It was Tylenol and all acetaminophen containing products (cold medicines, excedrin migraine, etc). Those are all back on the shelf now but at 325mg per tab vs the 500mg per tab "extra strength" as it was called by Tylenol.
It was Tylenol and all acetaminophen containing products (cold medicines, excedrin migraine, etc). Those are all back on the shelf now but at 325mg per tab vs the 500mg per tab "extra strength" as it was called by Tylenol.

ah ha that sounds about right good sir... whats amazing is now after all the years of tylenol being considered "safe" when compared to advil or other NSAIDs which can reek havok on ones GI tract if abused or just heavy prolong use.. is the hepatoxcity of the "safe" drug acetaminophen ...even though the ceiling dose of maximum effectiveness is 1000mg, most ppl dont pay atten and only 4000mg within a days time can start to cause impairment and elevated values for the average joe.. keep on going higher little by little and your rolling the dice with irreversible liver damage...

and with my wife being an ER nurse she usually has the occasional story of ppl trying to OD on some med having acetaminophen, usually nyquil or tylenol PM and all medical staff gives a shit about is their blood levels of acetaminophen and which they monitor for 12-24 hours depending on the severity.. usual end of the story is the person "kinda" recovers since the other drugs mixed with acetaminophen are non toxic and your body just processes out your system but their left fucked from the damage the acetaminophen has caused to the liver and the large chunk of years they probably just wiped away from the remainder of their life let alone the painful ending of cirrhosis and additional multiple organ failure which usually follows as well.... and all the previous mentioned is only if the poisoning inst acute enough, then the process can be more immediate as in weeks or months...:(
ah ha that sounds about right good sir... whats amazing is now after all the years of tylenol being considered "safe" when compared to advil or other NSAIDs which can reek havok on ones GI tract if abused or just heavy prolong use.. is the hepatoxcity of the "safe" drug acetaminophen ...even though the ceiling dose of maximum effectiveness is 1000mg, most ppl dont pay atten and only 4000mg within a days time can start to cause impairment and elevated values for the average joe.. keep on going higher little by little and your rolling the dice with irreversible liver damage...

and with my wife being an ER nurse she usually has the occasional story of ppl trying to OD on some med having acetaminophen, usually nyquil or tylenol PM and all medical staff gives a shit about is their blood levels of acetaminophen and which they monitor for 12-24 hours depending on the severity.. usual end of the story is the person "kinda" recovers since the other drugs mixed with acetaminophen are non toxic and your body just processes out your system but their left fucked from the damage the acetaminophen has caused to the liver and the large chunk of years they probably just wiped away from the remainder of their life let alone the painful ending of cirrhosis and additional multiple organ failure which usually follows as well.... and all the previous mentioned is only if the poisoning inst acute enough, then the process can be more immediate as in weeks or months...:(
The beef I have is that the 1000mg adult dose was deemed unsafe but a 650mg dose is? Gimme a break.
Oh yeah? Please share with us who is selling Vermodje at half price. I am sure a few would want to jump on that deal.

Vermodje is giving this to their bulk dealers my friend. You can ask sources ( maybe not all of them will reflect the discount in the final stock ) but ask in a way you can find out the truth
Answered my own question.

Found one overseas source offering a reduced price for soon to expire stock. Interesting...

Oh OK !
im confsued about how arsenic contaminade the boxes? is that what they are saying? because of the basement setting? arsecin and other metals are all in our wraws. but i thought that had to do with the plants the raws n stuff are made in....no?
As in i doubt they operate in a genuine clean room where there is hepa filters negative airflow and peeps wearing smocks hair covers and masks.. its open air and whatever particulates are airborne or on nearby surfaces transfer during the cook or packing phase when loaded in amps or vials or pressed tabs etc... such toxic things only take a very small amount to make you very sick... tabs or ingestion a lil safer with your gut to run interference, maybe, but u pin it and its a direct fast track to your bloodstream organs etc... and no bueno anyway you look at it
So this is more like, "Hey look at how they store the boxes they sell it to you in. How clean do you think the place they make the stuff is" type of thing

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