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What compounds for 2 week cycle?

When you contrast the gains he would more than likely make on a 12 week cycle...it will be a waste.
Let him find out the hard way, it isnt my body or money, but Im gonna guess he gains/keeps every little.

I much prefer cornelius's idea tbh, though I don't want to rely on dbol long term & I'm pretty sure test suspension is active for 2-3 days from th reading I've done. All I am interested in is maintaining a consistent weight. Going on for 8 weeks than being frustrated for the next 2 months as you gradually get smaller / fatter - that's a pointless waste of time imo
ofcourse the longer you stay on the more solid your gains become and more dense your muscles become. when Dave says that..he referring to staying on and not coming off. These 2 week cycles can help break plateus though. Def not for the newbie, but if done right it can help. Paul Borresen also had a theory on short high dose cycles. Gear is never wasted..once gear is in your body its always working. only way to waste gear is pour it down the sink.

Paul Borreson's cycles were nothing like what the OP is proposing though.
Borreson's were meant for breaking a plateau in a very advanced user, and the cycles were short, but not 2 on/2 off. His main short cycle was actually 30 days of injections, but some of the AAS had long esters that when taken in the massive doses he suggested would end up with the user having substantial amounts of AAS in his blood for weeks after the last shot.
It's at the point now where nothing I see on this forum amazes me, no matter how foolish it is.. Break past a plateau?? sure what for 2 weeks and then go back to normal??

Make sure you do the proper PCT for a 2 week cycle..its a solid kick between the legs..that way you get punished for foolishly thinking you will gain anything permanent from a 2 week steroid "binge" and you could have wasted your money elsewhere.

If I had 2 weeks to make a 'difference" I'd simply take that 2 weeks off.
I don't believe 2 week blasts would healp much, although 4-6 week Borresson style blasts to break plateaus...yes
In 3 weeks on m1t my deadlift went from 515 for 2 to 545 for 3 lol. And stayed at 545 for 2 after. But I cruised after. Why not just cruise and do 3-4 week blasts of orals u can make ok gains doing that lol. No estered test or tren are both hard on your liver too lol. That's what the write ups say anyway I've never used them so I don't have personal experience.
I much prefer cornelius's idea tbh, though I don't want to rely on dbol long term & I'm pretty sure test suspension is active for 2-3 days from th reading I've done. All I am interested in is maintaining a consistent weight. Going on for 8 weeks than being frustrated for the next 2 months as you gradually get smaller / fatter - that's a pointless waste of time imo

So it will be much better after 2 weeks??? Yeah ummm can you say 'flawed logic' as I said knock yourself out, this forum never ceases to amaze me with its hypothetical self righteous noob rhetoric.

OH and btw, suspension is 12 hours thats why its ED injections, prop is 2-3 days....and if you understood diet and training well enough you wouldnt be getting gradually smaller and fatter for 2 months, but like all the other gearwhipped people you are convinced you cant make gains unless your on AAS.
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So it will be much better after 2 weeks??? Yeah ummm can you say 'flawed logic' as I said knock yourself out, this forum never ceases to amaze me with its hypothetical self righteous noob rhetoric.

OH and btw, suspension is 12 hours thats why its ED injections, prop is 2-3 days....and if you understood diet and training well enough you wouldnt be getting gradually smaller and fatter for 2 months, but like all the other gearwhipped people you are convinced you cant make gains unless your on AAS.

its not actually there was a recent study that shows it releases over 2-3 days not <24 hours as previously thought. LOL I got to my natural limit after 5 years training clean, 2 x bw in protein for 4 years... I didnt budge the scale for almost a year muscle mass wise. So I cycled past my natty limit... you think you can stay that weight when you remove the hormones? My point is I wasn't happy with how I looked then 10 lbs on so how can I maintain 230 without putting my health in the shitter? (And I only used 270mg test e btw) Anyone can blast 3 grams 20IU gh + slin for 12 weeks and blow up but I'm more interested in maintaining it long term. IMO take any geared bb'er, take them off the sauce and they will gradually get smaller / weaker until they are around their natty limit. They may have acquired new cells from aas use but by and large once you take the hormones out you start going backwards quickly. If you have evidence to the contrary I'm all ears
its not actually there was a recent study that shows it releases over 2-3 days not <24 hours as previously thought. LOL I got to my natural limit after 5 years training clean, 2 x bw in protein for 4 years... I didnt budge the scale for almost a year muscle mass wise. So I cycled past my natty limit... you think you can stay that weight when you remove the hormones? My point is I wasn't happy with how I looked then 10 lbs on so how can I maintain 230 without putting my health in the shitter? (And I only used 270mg test e btw) Anyone can blast 3 grams 20IU gh + slin for 12 weeks and blow up but I'm more interested in maintaining it long term. IMO take any geared bb'er, take them off the sauce and they will gradually get smaller / weaker until they are around their natty limit. They may have acquired new cells from aas use but by and large once you take the hormones out you start going backwards quickly. If you have evidence to the contrary I'm all ears

Lol far from it. Lose some sure but if fully healthy and still training you will keep a lot more than what most think.
Lol far from it. Lose some sure but if fully healthy and still training you will keep a lot more than what most think.

I've only done one cycle but didn't maintain it all post PCT, though a lot could have been water weight. Strength has stayed the same tbh. It leads me to think that if I get substantially beyond natural levels I'll just be yo-yoing back and forth. I hope you're right, I guess it's too early to tell
Just finished up another 2weeker

Test P 100mg front load, 50ED
NPP 300mg front load,100ED
Anavar 90mg ED
Halo 20mg ED

Holee shit, up 18lbs and lost some fat but gained some water!
Strength increase was unbelievable.
Better all around then my previous 2weeker of tren, mast, Anavar.

Next 2week run will be

Test P 100mg front load, 50mg ED
Tren A 300mg Front Load, 100mg ED
Anavar 90mg ED
Halo 20mg ED

Next 2weeks cruise will be 5iu HGH per day, possibly a little Primo added to my TRT of 125mg Test E per week.

Bloods tests coming when the Rips show up.

I tried 2 weekers back in the day, didn't like them for gains, hell you can only train 1 body part 2-3 times in that period. I'd always hurt myself trying to lift super hard and eat a ton during that short time. Slow and steady is much more my style now.

Maybe it'd work for a short really hard cut?

tne 150mg ed
trenNE or ace 150mg ED -both preworkout or AM
as much clen and orals as you feel like playing with, var, halo, winny
igf-1 1,3 des

really low carbs, maybe short hard twice a day training?

It would give you a great post cut rebound
My 3 week cycle plan

750 Tne
700 tren ace
700 primo
45 mg tren Dione

100 a 50
50 dbol. Or a combo of m stem and DMZ

Gh 6iu ed

The 4 weeks following add in 10-15iu humalog pre workout

Gh 3 sub q in am
3 IM post workout
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My 3 week cycle plan

750 Tne
700 tren ace
700 primo
45 mg tren Dione

100 a 50
50 dbol. Or a combo of m stem and DMZ

Gh 6iu ed

The 4 weeks following add in 10-15iu humalog pre workout

Gh 3 sub q in am
3 IM post workout

Isn't primo somewhat of a long ester? Or do people just recommend it for 12+ weeks because it's mild and gains are slow?
Two weeks lol....... Maybe if you did two weeks of this and then two weeks of that and so on but if you're natural now and do two weeks and stop.....your results are almost guaranteed to be zilch unless you use HUGE dosages of ten different things and even then you'll lose the gains when you come off.
Everybody has different body chemistry. So let him try the two week cycle and see if it works for him. You only really grwo the first 4 weeks of your typical 8 week cycle anyways. Its best to switch compounds around.

This is because it only took 4 weeks to exhaust the benefits of that dosage. After four weeks if you increase your dose, you'll continue to gain. Of course you'll stop gaining once your body gets acclimated to that dose. It has nothing to do with inability to continue to gain as if after 4 weeks it doesn't matter what you do.
It's at the point now where nothing I see on this forum amazes me, no matter how foolish it is.. Break past a plateau?? sure what for 2 weeks and then go back to normal??

Make sure you do the proper PCT for a 2 week cycle..its a solid kick between the legs..that way you get punished for foolishly thinking you will gain anything permanent from a 2 week steroid "binge" and you could have wasted your money elsewhere.

If I had 2 weeks to make a 'difference" I'd simply take that 2 weeks off.

Won't be doing NPP on a 2weeker anymore. This shit won't clear, I'm useless endurance wise. Tren A/ Mast took a couple days, and it was a bitch for the first week, but this is ridiculous. Loved the stack in the gym tho.

Could it be the Test P @ 350/ week hanging around? or Halo?

I just started a thread about my planned short cycle. Nothing new but just a system I quickly thought up and plan to use. I will do a 4 week short blast cycle with 4 additonal weeks to help with consolidation. You use very high hormones for helping shock the body into growth but your not on them for an extended time (health reasons). But long esters are used from the start at approx 800mg so they have built up by week 4 to help with consolidating gains and not crashing down so much after the short esters have cleared. Check it out :)
I would do tne 75mg a day, dbol at 25mg pre workout, and use adex at .05 EOD so you dont get gyno.

I bet you would make gains like crazy in just two weeks like that, and eat like a beast!

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