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Why does no one talk about Aromasin?

I use aromasin 3x a week. My estrogen was still high with twice a week..
My memory is a bit hazy but I seem to recall reading years ago that most AI's (especially letro) had a negative effect on igf1 levels, while aromasin was one of the few that actually increased it slightly. Does anyone else remember seeing studies about this or was it just bs.
I use aromasin 3x a week. My estrogen was still high with twice a week..
Agree, i noticed this as well.

Althought i like Aromasin much more, i need a relatively high dose to really control my estrogen when blasting.
I DO push my test pretty high though. And when i do, arimidex controls it a bit more.
Agree, i noticed this as well.

Althought i like Aromasin much more, i need a relatively high dose to really control my estrogen when blasting.
I DO push my test pretty high though. And when i do, arimidex controls it a bit more.

Aromasin seems to have a ceiling, once 25mg 3x a week doesn’t control estrogen, you have to massively increase the dose to get more control.

If 50-75mg aromasin isn’t cutting it, don’t add more aromasin. Start adding tiny bits of letro during the week
I've seen the studies on these and I don't care what you're reading from, what board, whatever. As per what we do, this is mild stuff. Let's be clear we're not talking about SERMs. These are AI's. You have limited choices. They're a little harsher than SERMs.

That said, up to a contest/stage, ya can't beat letro. The shit just dries everyone up TF it's unbelievable. Breaks their dick all that but they're tight.

So... daily, intermittently doses of Aromasin are pretty harmless. Just more is worse, all that.. use common sense.
I've spoke in depth here about some of my ED issues and I can directly correlate when my problems began with my AI use. I only use them now as needed in the lowest amounts possible.
I have personally had better luck with A dex.
Aromasin doesn't do shit for me in terms of e2 control.
Arimidex works better but the only one that truly works is letrozole.
Does aromasin bring down your blood serum estradiol levels or you just going by feel and symptoms?
Aromasin doesn't do shit for me in terms of e2 control.
Arimidex works better but the only one that truly works is letrozole.

Have you tried taking it with some fats? On an empty stomach it doesn't do anything for me. Taken after dinner (my highest fat meal) it works good.
Have you tried taking it with some fats? On an empty stomach it doesn't do anything for me. Taken after dinner (my highest fat meal) it works good.
I always take aromasin at least with 15-20 gr of fats. I know other people that are poor responders to aromasin too.
Does aromasin bring down your blood serum estradiol levels or you just going by feel and symptoms?
Both. Normal e2 readings despite 25 mg (sometimes 50 mg) of pharma aromasin per day, with low dose test and symptoms like moonface, gyno, water, dick not working and so on...
I tried it once (pharma grade) and my gyno started to flair up so I went back to arimidex. Never bothered with it again after that
Both. Normal e2 readings despite 25 mg (sometimes 50 mg) of pharma aromasin per day, with low dose test and symptoms like moonface, gyno, water, dick not working and so on...
Could it be that there is just more to this than estradiol. Aromasin lowers my estradiol, I've got blood work to show it and I'll get some low e sides like dry skin, sore joints, irritability, low sex drive but will still suffer water retention, bloat, moon face, lack of appetite. No aromasin, joints feel good, strength up, better sex drive but weak erections and struggle to get off, emotional, depressed feeling, can sleep all the time.

It's all test dose dependent, 125mg test, I sit around 210lbs. 250mg test, around 220lbs. 500mg test, over 230lbs. It's all water and bloat, aromasin has little effect but I didnt used to hold water like that.

Makes me wonder about the other estrogens. Think adex does better at also lower e1 than aromasin. I've always thought about trying a different ai but at this point, I think I'm over it all. I feel better off test with test levels in the 60s, and estradiol undetectable. Physically it's a little more struggle but mental and energy wise, way better. I also drop below 200lbs and lean out big time. Either my body doesn't like test or there's more than just blocking e2 which is what aromasin really only does.
Aromasin has such a fine line I can’t run it on trt because it kills my sex drive. Arimidex is much better. My favorite anti-e ever of all time was topical formestane foam. It’s also a suicidal inhibitor, but i found it so much easier to dial in. Now i want some again.
Aromasin has such a fine line I can’t run it on trt because it kills my sex drive. Arimidex is much better. My favorite anti-e ever of all time was topical formestane foam. It’s also a suicidal inhibitor, but i found it so much easier to dial in. Now i want some again.
Formestane was great honestly.
Aromasin has such a fine line I can’t run it on trt because it kills my sex drive. Arimidex is much better. My favorite anti-e ever of all time was topical formestane foam. It’s also a suicidal inhibitor, but i found it so much easier to dial in. Now i want some again.
I loved transdermal formestane too. It was great with no side effects for me.
I would NEVER call aromasin the 'nuclear' option. LOL. Maybe a hefty dose of letro...but def not aromasin. BTW, arimidex does provide a certain level of 'dryness' that I believe works much much better than aromasin if trying to get in contest shape. Also, as far as aromasin's half/active life.. you almost would have to micro-dose it rather than take it twice a week. Twice a week can work for arimidex but does not seem to really work with aromasin. I've heard of people taking 3-6mg daily.
Exemestane is a "suicide" inhibitor, so theoretically speaking, it binds to aromatase enzyme and "dies" with it. In this context, half life of the drug is less important, because once the enzyme has been destroyed, it needs to be made again. It's more important how much time needs your body to build up new aromatase enzymes. It depends from many factors, like genetics, grow factors as HGH, metabolic enhancers as T3/T4, adipose tissue, HCG (which directly acts on aromatase gene stimulating its synthesis).
Half life is more important with competitive inhibitors (letrozole and anastrozole), since they bind aromatase enzyme in a reversible manner, so when serum (and tissues) concentration of the drug diminishes, more aromatase is free to bind aromatizable androgens (such test, androstenedione, dbol, etc.) again. Then you have a rebound.
Aromasin half life in males is just 9 hours, so for a better stability of the drug you theoretically need to dose it twice a day.
Instead of doing 25mg every three days, I just break it into quarters once daily. But note that my estro is not very high. For large dosed aromatising steroids, arimidex or letrozole is the way to go. Letro would be the nuclear option IMO. Aromasin and occasional tamoxifen is more than enough for me. I don't even always need those. But I take old man dosages.

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