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Woman made over $13,000 selling her breast milk to bodybuilders

Whats to stop me from buying cows milk and selling it as breast milk? Bootleg titty milk for sale
It tastes much much different, and even looks a lot different. I'd worry about someone using "bitches milk", dog. I think it is more similar.
It makes sense to me. We eat meat from animals but not from humans lol.
In some remote places it's said they still cannibalize.
Yes, I think its illegal in most states. How you get around it is that you end up buying "stock" in a cow. So you own that cow. Then you can get milk from that cow because youre an owner. I contacted a farm in our area about it many years ago because I was considering it. So it can be done legally.
perfect example of government over reach and the nanny state we live in today. I can’t drink milk straight from a cow? As people have done since humans became agricultural societies… what a joke
Well let think other way around, drinking fluid from goat or cows tits is ok drinking human one- big no. I mean what is really the difference , well at least human one is proper milk for human.

Look at it from this perspective. We all eat meat sourced from animals. But if we were on a deserted island with no food at all it still wouldn’t be easy to eat the meat from a fellow human being even if they died from an accident, etc. From a scientific perspective it probably won’t kill you but most of us would have a very hard time with cannibalism.
So...the real question is...did you get more yoked during this time?
Not gonna lie......I did consume quite a bit of that booby milk. Mainly just because we had so damn much of it we didn't know what to do with it all. I started mixing it with my protein shakes, and using it for cooking when a recipe called for milk.........however, definitely didn't notice some incredible bodybuilding benefit.
Look at it from this perspective. We all eat meat sourced from animals. But if we were on a deserted island with no food at all it still wouldn’t be easy to eat the meat from a fellow human being even if they died from an accident, etc. From a scientific perspective it probably won’t kill you but most of us would have a very hard time with cannibalism.
It would be only a matter how strong you want survive. I think that once the hunger would be huge hesitation in most cases would gone.
Not gonna lie......I did consume quite a bit of that booby milk. Mainly just because we had so damn much of it we didn't know what to do with it all. I started mixing it with my protein shakes, and using it for cooking when a recipe called for milk.........however, definitely didn't notice some incredible bodybuilding benefit.
Woman tits are like humapro - for human only 😁
My wife was a major producer of breastmilk when she was nursing our kids. We had way more than we could use, and we heard there was a market out there for it......so we put an ad out.

You would not believe how many weirdos were hitting us up. I drew the line, and withdrew our ad when an elderly woman asked if she could pay to drink some breastmilk straight from my wife's titty. I wouldn't have believed my wife about the call had she not put it on speaker and let me listen to the conversation. I was so surprised and caught off guard by this ladies request that I didn't think to ask "how much money we talking," lol..!!
I've heard of this before. It's not a lesbian thing. They believe the fresh colostrum will restore their youth. Absolute nonsense but there it is. Things have always been weird and maybe I'm just getting old but it sure seems the last decade has just gone completely of the rails.
When the wife was breastfeeding, both times, having sex was like her windshield washers were on. Those things would spray! It didn't taste horrible or anything. Just.....weird. Beats no sex at all though. We just had to lay down some towels. Because it was ruining even her nursing bras. Well, not ruining, just she had a limited amount of them and washing bras got really tired. Probably too much information there but... to hell with it.
One time I took the kids on a tour of a dairy.

They had free samples of fresh cows milk, still warm right from the tit.

That was the most disgusting, rank, never do it again thing I ever drank in my life.

I couldn't imagine human milk.
It makes sense to me. We eat meat from animals but not from humans lol.
Its a funny subject. But we are the only mammal that does this. No other mammal that I know drinks another mammal's milk despite eating other animals.

I only use almond milk. After I thought about it I never look at a cow and think that I want to drink what comes out of it.
Its a funny subject. But we are the only mammal that does this. No other mammal that I know drinks another mammal's milk despite eating other animals.

I only use almond milk. After I thought about it I never look at a cow and think that I want to drink what comes out of it.
I think your overthinking it lol. That's like looking at a pig and thinking "it's ugly I'll never eat pork."
No joke, Big A and I were discussing starting this very business a handful of years back...We were going to hire woman of various ethnic groups, athletic, voluptuous, etc. Bring people's eye candy into the decision to buy it...There IS a huge market for it:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It never made it past the idea phase...But we shoot the shit all the time about different business ideas. All of which would make bank if timing is right:cool:
No joke, Big A and I were discussing starting this very business a handful of years back...We were going to hire woman of various ethnic groups, athletic, voluptuous, etc. Bring people's eye candy into the decision to buy it...There IS a huge market for it:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It never made it past the idea phase...But we shoot the shit all the time about different business ideas. All of which would make bank if timing is right:cool:
LOL at the thought of you two interviewing donors and making deliveries. That could be it's own sitcom. Hey! There's another idea. A sitcom where the main characters are jacked bodybuilders and hotties running a breastmilk clinic. It would put Nip/Tuck to shame! And be funny too! An old lady could be a regular, demanding milk right from the tap!
No joke, Big A and I were discussing starting this very business a handful of years back...We were going to hire woman of various ethnic groups, athletic, voluptuous, etc. Bring people's eye candy into the decision to buy it...There IS a huge market for it:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

It never made it past the idea phase...But we shoot the shit all the time about different business ideas. All of Owhich would make bank if timing is right:cool:
I wouldn't buy breast milk but if I did I'd need something from a company to know it's legit aka not just marked up almond milk lol.

I thought this was the concert behind muscle milk when it came out, wasn't it supposed to be similar to breast milk? Some extra enzymes added or something.
There is a HUGE market for breast milk, it’s mainly women who have a child but can not produce enough milk , HOWEVER…
Many people sign up to be a buyer, and are actually weirdos , my sister does this as she produces way more than a baby could drink, she brings in about 250$ a week, after the company takes their cut as the middle man,
They do test her monthly and test the milk for whatever may cause bad stuff , but for 1k a month … easy money !
Its a funny subject. But we are the only mammal that does this. No other mammal that I know drinks another mammal's milk despite eating other animals.

I only use almond milk. After I thought about it I never look at a cow and think that I want to drink what comes out of it.

after ditching dairy i went to almond, have now moved on to Oat milk and quite enjoy that. I only do it for environmental/ethical reasons, almond uses more water than oat, and the bee's are given a hard time to pollinate almond tree's
Kudos to her for taking money from suckers! There’s no shortage of dumbasses in the world.


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