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Your recipe for the best pump

Okay! So many people are taking Cialis or Viagra before going to the gym now. Doesn’t that stuff make your eyes red? Mine get bloodshot even from smaller doses! I don’t even use them for sex anymore because I also hate the stuffy sides.
Just a bit of stuffy nose when used for...the proper purpose 😝 but nothing if taken pre-wo.
Gonna pick some of these up. How many you guys like pre workout?
IMO pink Himalayan salt is one of the worst gimmicks ever...
Supposedly contains up to 84 trace minerals. Now, since it contains about 98 percent sodium chloride, this means that only around 2 percent is made up of these various trace minerals. Given the quantities in which people normally consume salt, and the tiny % quantity of these minerals in pink salt, they are unlikely to provide any measurable or significant health benefits. Taste may be a slightly different story.
IMO pink Himalayan salt is one of the worst gimmicks ever...
Supposedly contains up to 84 trace minerals. Now, since it contains about 98 percent sodium chloride, this means that only around 2 percent is made up of these various trace minerals. Given the quantities in which people normally consume salt, and the tiny % quantity of these minerals in pink salt, they are unlikely to provide any measurable or significant health benefits. Taste may be a slightly different story.
You’re the only other person I’ve ever heard say this
IMO pink Himalayan salt is one of the worst gimmicks ever...
Supposedly contains up to 84 trace minerals. Now, since it contains about 98 percent sodium chloride, this means that only around 2 percent is made up of these various trace minerals. Given the quantities in which people normally consume salt, and the tiny % quantity of these minerals in pink salt, they are unlikely to provide any measurable or significant health benefits. Taste may be a slightly different story.
Dude, thank you for saying this. It’s ALWAYS been a pet peeve of mine. People demonize table salt as if it’s something unhealthy, then praise pink salt 🤣

Not only does it lack iodine but people are never even actually getting any considerable amount of other minerals they think they are from it. If you’re worried about other minerals, just supplement with them/eat foods high in them!

IMO pink Himalayan salt is one of the worst gimmicks ever...
Supposedly contains up to 84 trace minerals. Now, since it contains about 98 percent sodium chloride, this means that only around 2 percent is made up of these various trace minerals. Given the quantities in which people normally consume salt, and the tiny % quantity of these minerals in pink salt, they are unlikely to provide any measurable or significant health benefits. Taste may be a slightly different story.
Dude, thank you for saying this. It’s ALWAYS been a pet peeve of mine. People demonize table salt as if it’s something unhealthy, then praise pink salt 🤣

Not only does it lack iodine but people are never even actually getting any considerable amount of other minerals they think they are from it. If you’re worried about other minerals, just supplement with them/eat foods high in them!

View attachment 184080
@SouthernMuscle you're not alone
All the stuff praising the “health benefits” of pink salt over table is literally the type of shit you’d read on a holistic mommy blog or something I swear to god.

Now if you like it for taste, go for it. Same goes for sea salt etc. but to claim it’s the “healthier option” is hilarious. But at the end of the day all these salts are practically completely comprised of sodium chloride… which is what we are using it for anyways!
Idk how true this is but since we were talking about it I looked up what makes it pink……iron oxides or in other words, rust.
I know it wouldn’t dissuade anyone here if they liked the taste but I’m sure the general public would not be able to handle that info if it came from the tv screen

Personally I just go for fine sea salt because that’s what I use on my food so it’s already in the cabinet
Idk how true this is but since we were talking about it I looked up what makes it pink……iron oxides or in other words, rust.
I know it wouldn’t dissuade anyone here if they liked the taste but I’m sure the general public would not be able to handle that info if it came from the tv screen

Personally I just go for fine sea salt because that’s what I use on my food so it’s already in the cabinet
Yep I use iodized sea salt. Buy big bags off Amazon then put it in my grinder cause I like the crunch lol.
Not gonna lie, I legit can’t remember the last time I got a decent pump, definitely before COVID I think it with SDrol.

I’ve tried high carb, lots of salt, shot of soy sauce, glycerol, glycerin, taurine, vitamin c, insulin, anadrol, anavar, DBol, cialis, deloads/time off, it’s the most wild thing at this point, my joints will hurt before my muscles start filling.
Drinking enough water?
Green olives or pickles with my preworkout meal equaling right around 2g of sodium. Cialis.
Not gonna lie, I legit can’t remember the last time I got a decent pump, definitely before COVID I think it with SDrol.

I’ve tried high carb, lots of salt, shot of soy sauce, glycerol, glycerin, taurine, vitamin c, insulin, anadrol, anavar, DBol, cialis, deloads/time off, it’s the most wild thing at this point, my joints will hurt before my muscles start filling.
That's not good brother. Get bloodwork. Add a d-dimer, C-reactive protein, and Lymes disease test to routine blood work.
Drinking enough water?
Yeah, I tried all sorts of different levels
That's not good brother. Get bloodwork. Add a d-dimer, C-reactive protein, and Lymes disease test to routine blood work.
Blood work has always good, I don't think d-dimer I've ever gotten.

I don't know the issue but I was speculating it was related to too much masteron, I am very sensitive to the stuff.
Yeah, I tried all sorts of different levels

Blood work has always good, I don't think d-dimer I've ever gotten.

I don't know the issue but I was speculating it was related to too much masteron, I am very sensitive to the stuff.
I find I need much more electrolytes on mast and tren

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