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Syntherol LOG, PICS, notes, plans, everything


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Nov 17, 2010
okay guy so quick backround information about me

bf% below 10, (ill post pics of myself so you can make your personal decison on exactly wat bf% u think)

personal best lifts (most current)

bench press: 415X1
deadlift: 700X1
dumbell row: 275X6
shoulder press 315X8
barbell row 405X4
alternating dumbell curls 80X4, or 70X10
JM press 275X10

training style has always been a mix of strength/hypertrophy

always had really bad arm genetics my whole life, hard to put an size on them, tried anything and everything, steroids have made them grow but in comparisent to my mack, chest legs and shoulders the fukers wont budge, and wen they do gain .2 of an inch my chest puts on 2 inches LOL, so i look even more outa portion

syntherol history
ive run syntherol once before with NO SUCCESS, reason i beleiev was i used a 27g half inch needle, basically arms after 30 days looked like big balloons and if i pressed my finger into them i coudl leave imprints :(

gained close to no size, blew over a grand (syntherol is expensive) so this is my second attempt and getting this right

will be using 25g, 1 inch pins and as always will eb getting the gf to do my shots coz im a big pussy

Sytherol Plan
triceps, just doing Big As protocol, im 13 days in, and ONLY shooting the top back head as it is lagging the most

biceps, big As plan, started today both heads

currently coming off a blast, and returning to cruise

cycle plan
plan is to frontload my next blast 25 days into my biceps protocol so im as anabolic as possible into the maintaince phase, obviously this means ill have to extend my triceps syntherol shots to do this but so be it

i recently came off my blast 2 days ago which was

500mg test, weekly
360mg tren, weekly
150mg deca weekly,
10 weeks

and am waiting for the half lives to end, i plan to cruise with the following in 2 weeks time

200mg test cyp
80-100mg tren eth

this is so i maintain my muscle and some descent anabolism while still running my sytherol during the cruise, and to also prep me and make me respond to my next blast

my blast will be
500mg test blend (1/3prop, and 2/3 cyp)
400mg tren eth, would liek to go 500 but i tend to get sides at thsi dose so im gonna have a think about it

i will frontload 1 gram of test, and 500mg of tren

dont wish to frontload my entire tren dose for side effect reasons

Current arm measurments

right: 18.6, started at 18 before tricep injections
left: 18.2, started 17.6

I WILL BE DOIN 2 Syntherol runs, this current one


then another later on this year doing ALL muscle heads of my arms, before preping for my first contest, aim is to get my arms over 20 inches before the show and after these 2 syntherol runs (hopefully 21 inches ;))


i will also log my maintaince phase, and my next run/maintaince phase so you guys can see 2 good comparable syntherol runs an how succussful i am at maintaing my gains

I HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOG, and anyone with experience and knowledge i hope will contribute and give me advice along the way, as for others i hope this gives an insight and i can share my expereince with yous all


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I'm in on this man, it really looks like you've got your shit together! Looking forward to some thorough reviews!
Keep us posted on your run. Make sure to take before and afters!
DAY 1 of biceps, DAY 15 for triceps

pictures taken this morning before my syntherol injections, ill load them up tomrow night, gota send them to my gf so she can email me them since ive lost my phone connection lead for the computer to transfer the photos


did these myself, gotta say amazing the outer bicep is actually more painful to inject then the inner biceps, suprising coz i wouldve thought it be the opposite

left arm was a breeze, right arm was a pain in the arse since im not very coordinated with my left hand so wen i tried to inject my right arm the needle was shaking everywhere when i tried to pierce the skin and hold the needle, aspirating was also a bitch with my left hand


girlfriend did these, simpel breeze but she hti a nerve in my right tricep and the bastard contracted hard and it FUKIN HURT, got some bruising coming up on the right now but no dramas

also noticed my triceps tend to bleed like crazy after we pull the needle out, owell



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Trained back and arms (pumped them up)


each shot did myself, all pretty easy except one which wen through hard n was abit painful


gf did, went sweet, just bleed like crazy aswell always

triceps litttle sore but ive noticed over few days my triceps have been less painful, it seem after a workout wen i train them n pump them up after the workout alot of the soreness tends to go away, however during the workout there fukin sore and feel like there tearing open, been doing alot of cable work with high rep to pump them up

these fukin hurt, pull ups kill, rows kill, t bars i cant do, so just doing weighted pull ups and machine rows with slow contractions

did curls, and FML preacher curls fukin hurt, i was curling the 30s like they were 60s, and struggling and every rep i stretched out thought my biceps was going to tear off my arm, and fml wen i contract at the top of each rep it can feel the muscle fukin stretch OUCH

im also experiencing headaches, i think it due to the pain as i got this with my last syntherol run aswell
day 2 biceps

all shots smooth except right outer biceps which went through little hard

left arm hit a vein, so gf had to redo the shot ARRRRHH annoying

right arm hit a nerve n arm twitched away, little annoying


triceps are feeling not as sore, biceps still hurt wen i stretch them out
Good log bro! Always good to have before and after pics following with the log to properly see the improvements that are being made! Keep us posted bro!
day 3 biceps
all shots went smooth, did them myself, right inner bicep was little sore coz i went through a vein but not big deal, just bleeded wen i pulled the pin out and was sore wen the needle was sitting in there

day 16 triceps
both shots went smooth, gf did these after dinner,


bicep dont really hurt much atm, only wen i stretch them out and of course wen i did some preacher curls today but not asmuch as last time

Triceps little bit of pain but not as sore as they use to be

swelling seems to be going down a little now aswell
Day 4 biceps
all shots went smoothly, did my left arm myself, got the gf to do the right arm wen she came over

Day 17 triceps
right arm went smooth, left arm hit a nerve like always, and a big fukin nerve OUCH, both bleed like virgins aswell as always


pain wasnt as bad today, didnt effect my chest workout to much

incline pressed 330X6 pretty solidly, and decline pressed 405, so it seems the inner top tricep head doesnt really effect my benching asmuch, unlike my biceps

of course did 2 sets of strict preacher curls with a big stretch, and tricep cable extensions with big stretches to pump my arms up n help the stretching as i do every workout, and as always this fukin hurt

tried doing sum dumbell rows aswell, unfortunaly biceps are in alot more pain then triceps so could only row the 245 dumbell for 6 reps, biceps fukin killed wen i picked it up
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Good luck bro, this is a fantastic log. Great detail and I'm jealous! I wish my
girl would do my shots for me. :(

biceps still hurt wen i stretch them out

:yeahthat: that pain will be there till the end of cycle, you will grow to love
the temporary relief the stretch provides :p
Good luck bro, this is a fantastic log. Great detail and I'm jealous! I wish my
girl would do my shots for me. :(

:yeahthat: that pain will be there till the end of cycle, you will grow to love
the temporary relief the stretch provides :p

lol theres ups n downs man, on the plus side helps me alot do the triceps, on the bad side she has a habit or argueing with me wen she injects me LOL, no idea why

yea i been doing alot of stretching with my biceps, its really weird, they feel like tight elastic bands n i really gotta push in order to full extend my arm out


Day 5
did these shots myself, all went smooth except inside left bicep which i hit a vein wen i aspirated, so had to redo the shot, no biggie but just so dam inconvenient wen u think uve got enough injections to do already

Day 18 triceps
both shots bleed like always, hit a nerve in my left tricep OUCH, really am beging to hate doing the back triceps becoz of the amount of nerves i keep hitting, everyime my gf is about to pin my triceps i get nervous coz i know chances are we will hit another nerve
Great log bro. Keep it up. Can't wait to see what your guns look like at end of cycle.

your brother in Christ,

Great log bro. Keep it up. Can't wait to see what your guns look like at end of cycle.

your brother in Christ,


thanks buddy hopefully they come out sweet HAHAHAAH


day 6 biceps
did all shots myself, hit a vein again in left innner bicep so had to redo it, GRRR inconvenience

day 19 triceps
gf doing these tonight, hopefully wont hit more nerves

i did my bicep shots before my workout and amazingly i find that after my shots my biceps actually hurt very little, alot of the stretching pain and muscle tightness goes away, even wen i workout theres nowhere near asmuch pain wen i shoot the syntherol before my workout

triceps today were sore like always, but definate increase in my pumps

trained legs today and as always did 2-3 sets to pump up my arms, today 2 sets dumbell preacher curls, nothing heavy just the 60s with slow reps and big stretches for 12 reps

have to admit ive enjoyed training arms on SEOs, so easy, just stirct slow form to get a solid pump, gotta be easiest thing ive ever done (apart from the continous pain LOL, and people looking at me funny wen i make facial expressions like my arms are about to tear off everytime i stretch my arm out on the preacher)

2 sets slow and big stretched reverse cable extensions, solid pump
2 sets heavy JM presses, 275X8, and 315X4

id do skullcrushers, dips or dumbell overhead extensions but i have chronic tendonitis in my elbows so i have to be careful with my exercise selection for triceps, either have to be light cable exercises or compound tricep exercises with wrists straight (jm press or close grip) n thats about all i can do :(
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day 7 biceps
wen through veins in EVERY shot, pull syringe out n bleed liek virgins, think its coz i did lower bicep today so must have alot of veins or arteries there

day 20 triceps
gf did these, all shots went sweet, couldnt even feel my right tricep, she shot real high up near the shoulder on them

biceps hurt, tricep feel great (little concerning considering how good they feel, no pain at all)
day 7 biceps
wen through veins in EVERY shot, pull syringe out n bleed liek virgins, think its coz i did lower bicep today so must have alot of veins or arteries there

day 20 triceps
gf did these, all shots went sweet, couldnt even feel my right tricep, she shot real high up near the shoulder on them

biceps hurt, tricep feel great (little concerning considering how good they feel, no pain at all)

Might be due to you become use to the injections? Maybe you should have the gf try the biceps shots as well?
Might be due to you become use to the injections? Maybe you should have the gf try the biceps shots as well?

no i mean i dotn feel that stretching pain anymore

biceps i still feel it, but the tricep i have full flexibility in them with no pain which i find odd

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