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ed dosing Emeric style with higher doses

I was skeptical about this at first I talked to Emeric on the phone he convinced me to try it. It is a more effective way (slin pin sub Q ed)
I think we need this explained a little more in detail. This would mean that higher doses were no longer required anymore. Why shoot 1 gr a week in 2-3 shots when you can take 25mg ed (350mg/week) and get the same effect?

It doesn't add up but I am open for new insights and learning new things if anyone (Emeric?) wish to elaborate a bit more!?

The benefit of dosing is that hematocrit is not elevated to the extent seen with higher dozes, so it may be particularly beneficial for those whose hematocrit rises to dangerous high. Other characteristics include a diminished level of aromatization and minimal impact on glucocorticoid receptors. Other remarkable effect is its impact on mood. It is not associated with aggression, but rather improves mood and feelings of wellbeing. In addition, this is associated with a mild increase in mental acuity, and it does not appear to impair sleep quality in most subjects.
So if someone used 25mgs of Test Enanthate everyday on a First Cycle, they'll get the same results as if they used 750-1000mgs of Test every week? That's AMAZING!!!
Up for Emeric. Will someone gain as much on a First Cycle using this method as he would if he used 750-1000mgs of Test a week?
Up for Emeric. Will someone gain as much on a First Cycle using this method as he would if he used 750-1000mgs of Test a week?

Depend on the training and diet. The once with better genetics will always have better gain. Focus more on the health advantage, the size will come, it will take a little longer, butt you will have longevity.
NEVERMIND - Read the thread from the beginning and my question was answered.

This thread has some good info.:headbang:
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Great thread, great information!!

Question - I don't remember where I say this but, is there a problem with abscesses when sub-q'ing an oil instead of water based??
Why not use prop or other short esters if you are shooting ED?
Question - I don't remember where I say this but, is there a problem with abscesses when sub-q'ing an oil instead of water based?? [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]

I wonder instead of sub q, if you could just go IM with slin pin. Lats, biceps, triceps, traps, quads, anywhere there is very little fat.
Emeric explained that prop is not fast acting, its fast leaving the body.
Maybe Emeric and advise more.

Yes you are correct, fast acting is the suspension not the prop, the problem with the suspension is that has a higher % of estrogen conversion.
The benefit of dosing is that hematocrit is not elevated to the extent seen with higher dozes, so it may be particularly beneficial for those whose hematocrit rises to dangerous high. Other characteristics include a diminished level of aromatization and minimal impact on glucocorticoid receptors. Other remarkable effect is its impact on mood. It is not associated with aggression, but rather improves mood and feelings of wellbeing. In addition, this is associated with a mild increase in mental acuity, and it does not appear to impair sleep quality in most subjects.

Very interesting Emeric, thanks for the info!
Question - I don't remember where I say this but, is there a problem with abscesses when sub-q'ing an oil instead of water based?? [/SIZE][/FONT]

I wonder instead of sub q, if you could just go IM with slin pin. Lats, biceps, triceps, traps, quads, anywhere there is very little fat.[/QUOTE]

Of course, that is what we are doing. IM or SC doesn't matter, they both work.
I totally agree with you emeric even though I still run large high dose test split into ED pinning the changes I have felt and seen are incredible compared to just a couple of shots a week definitely worth pinning ED!

How many mgs do you pin daily bro?
Been doing ED shots for years, both TRT & on cycle. It just makes sense that there will be more aromatization, conversion to DHT etc. with a larger shot, so the more frequent the shots, the better bang for your buck so to speak.

This is simple logic really. Only in recent years have I seen more users advocating more frequent shots - maybe 2 per week, but never ED. Why they can see the benefit in 2X per week but not ED is beyond me.

I have raised this several times on several boards but usually get ignored because of my low post count (which usually means I know f-all & deserve no respect lol)

Hypergonadyl, so you shoot how much each day and where?

ATM I'm mid cycle & combining in the one 29g slin pin: 75mg deca, 50mg tren e, 50mg sust, 30mg prop. Otherwise, on trt I shoot 25mg (0.1ml) enth ED.

I shoot IM anywhere on the body - usually cycle anti-clockwise around each bodypart - delts, traps, upper pecs, lats, glutes (if I'm lean enough), quads, & occasionally calves. There is very lttle trauma with a 29g pin so scar tissue hasn't been much of an issue for me but I have given myself a break lately by using transdermal test between cycles.

Like others here have said, I feel much better shooting ED compared to shooting cycle doses, or even trt doses once or twice per week. On trt, I started out shooting 250mg every 10 days & soon had prostrate issues, acne & high e2 symptoms. Once I adopted ED shots, all those sides went away, I never had dips in energy etc. All without the use of any ancillaries.

On cycle, I can get away with no ancillaries but when combining test, tren & deca I do run low dose caber & aromasin just to keep e2 & prolactin at safe levels. I get next to no tren sides either with the ED inj routine.
im doing 150 test e a day in a 29 gauge slin pin 1/2 inch. ive found i can pretty much shoot anywhere with no pain, as its a small shot, traps, delts, lats, quads, bicep, tricep. When i do glutes i do use a 25 gauge 1 inch because its a fatty area for me.
Yes you are correct, fast acting is the suspension not the prop, the problem with the suspension is that has a higher % of estrogen conversion.

So is Prop a bad option when dosing ED? Would dosing Test E EOD be beneficial?
So when starting a cycle like this would you front load initially to get levels up? Or would that defeat the purpose?

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