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Olympia Men's Bikini

Go to a powerlifting forum. Powerlifters think all bodybuilders are pussyboy thong wearing dudes who flex for homos

What im trying to say is that who gvies a fuck, enjoy what you do in life...

The other day my friend who is into cars was saying how stupid bodybuilders are for spending lots of money on drugs.... and I told him it's no differemt than him spending 50k on his infiniti to have 1200 horsepower. People are into different shit. Some nerds spend thousands a year to have the best gaming computers.... list goes on
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Didn't think I'd see that military pressing. I have never seen anyone do a strict press with 315...but carry on...figured it was bs.

Ummm... Not BS. When Jeremy Hoornstra went to FSU and worked out at Gold's Gym he regularly did up to 405 on seated barbell military press.
sadik (who took second in the mens physique) is probably bigger than 95% of the guys making fun of him

i love the fat guys who make fun of the MP guys in their boardshorts, no legs, hurr durr, when in fact the fatboys could never get their bodyfat as low as the MP guys AND IF THEY COULD they wouldnt even be 160lbs soaking wet.

this physique shits over all the haters (as phil would say, lol)

sadik (who took second in the mens physique) is probably bigger than 95% of the guys making fun of him

i love the fat guys who make fun of the MP guys in their boardshorts, no legs, hurr durr, when in fact the fatboys could never get their bodyfat as low as the MP guys AND IF THEY COULD they wouldnt even be 160lbs soaking wet.

this physique shits over all the haters (as phil would say, lol)


You're right, Sadik looked damn good.
Who wouldn't want his level of conditioning, perhaps with more size but you said it, most the people ragging on him are stick boyz with beer guts.
In fact most of the highly outspoken people on FB are just inexperienced noobs, same with forums MOST.
They jump on some hate bandwagon even though they haven't ever competed.
I posted about Sadik on FB, and the man is pretty jacked and his legs aint no joke, hating MP is one thing but you have to respect his physique.
Sadik looks phenomenal and yeah his legs do to. I think you guys are taking the criticism wrong. It's not that they are not working hard or looks bad, it's the way the class is presented imo. Yeah not everyone wants to be a horse but they could change the class a but so it doesn't look so gay. My wife thinks the class is gay and laughed her ass off at the way they pose so it's not just a man's view it's a female's view also.

Google Sadik images and almost all of his photos is in his underwear grabbing his dick! Just like the late Zyss another closet homo.
Mens physique look. Around 200lbs. I am PRETTY sure i was taking adderall, eating an apple for bfast, having mcdonalds or tbell for dinner and lifting maybe 2-3x a wk MAX for about 30min.

But im sure my genetics are just the SUPER ELITE and competing in mens physique is actually HARD... no way its as easy for all of them as it was for me :rolleyes:

I agree mens physique is just as respectable and hard as bodybuilding :banghead:

Get off your fucking high horse.
You sound like you are full of yourself.
How much gear do you take to stay where you are?
And yes posing in those little fucking tiny trunks is just as gay.. Don't think other wise
Gotta love the haters.....we can all pretty much agree that men's physique competitors dont have the same level of intensity and discipline as national level bodybuilders... That's obvious and no contest, but some of their physiques are great. Other than a few of us advanced bodybuilders, who wouldn't want to look like Sadik....the guy is really put together....
Guess what Bodybuilders will make fun of MP, powerlifters will make of fun of bodybuilders, jocks make fun nerds, so on and so on people will usually find a group to make fun of once you get all butt hurt and overly defensive is when you look stupid. I could give a fuck less what Jeff Seid or anyone else thinks of what I do because bodybuilding and trying to get a pro card are fun and challenging to me
Get off your fucking high horse.
You sound like you are full of yourself.
How much gear do you take to stay where you are?
And yes posing in those little fucking tiny trunks is just as gay.. Don't think other wise

Lets not get into a gear discussion over this, i know more than a few mens pyhsique guys pumping more gear than TP4U, there are a couple local guys, who look great but doing close to a gram of tren with 10 iu gh and slin,clen,t3/t4 among a few other things for mens pyhsique. Drugs wise they are using just as much
For the record sadik has a bad ass pyhsique!! much respect
i know more than a few mens pyhsique guys pumping more gear than TP4U, there are a couple local guys, who look great but doing close to a gram of tren with 10 iu gh and slin,clen,t3/t4 among a few other things for mens pyhsique. Drugs wise they are using just as much

Any you know this how??? oh wait lemme guess.... he told you?? :rolleyes:

Sure there may be a few MP guys running close to what you're saying but there are WAAAAAY more "bodybuilders" who look like shit running doses like that...... IMO MOST MP guys don't run nearly that much....just my .02
Any you know this how??? oh wait lemme guess.... he told you?? :rolleyes:

Sure there may be a few MP guys running close to what you're saying but there are WAAAAAY more "bodybuilders" who look like shit running doses like that...... IMO MOST MP guys don't run nearly that much....just my .02

A few ? there more than a few bud, imo opinion ur opinion is skewed...just my .02 cents

Did i ever say they look like shit on these doses? Nope! Was i defending bodybuilders that take high doses and look bad? Nope! i was just telling it how it is.

Roll your eyes all you want pal TP4U is a straight shooter and wont bullshit you.

You probably right most guys probably dont run high dose at the MP level but i can damn well assure you that the high level guys are just like the high level bodybulders are
Any you know this how??? oh wait lemme guess.... he told you?? :rolleyes:

Sure there may be a few MP guys running close to what you're saying but there are WAAAAAY more "bodybuilders" who look like shit running doses like that...... IMO MOST MP guys don't run nearly that much....just my .02

let me ask u a question bc i remeber a thread u started about running tren for 20 weeks, what do u consider that? is 630 mgs a low dose?
Go to a powerlifting forum. Powerlifters think all bodybuilders are pussyboy thong wearing dudes who flex for homos

What im trying to say is that who gvies a fuck, enjoy what you do in life...

The other day my friend who is into cars was saying how stupid bodybuilders are for spending lots of money on drugs.... and I told him it's no differemt than him spending 50k on his infiniti to have 1200 horsepower. People are into different shit. Some nerds spend thousands a year to have the best gaming computers.... list goes on

The difference to me is that we get to take our body everywhere we go while the car guys have to leave their shit by the curb or spend the rest of there life standing next to their car. To each their own but 99% of people spend money on shit that people who do not share their interest think is a total waste.

On MP I have no problem with the idea, would like the board shorts to go away in place of some other sort of suit that shows legs and see the posing improved.
Forgive me for wanting to have a body that 95% of the population appreciates more while not using ANY growth hormone, or insulin, or peptides, or tren, or 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 gram cycles.

I love seeing the "jacked bodybuilders" at my gym that do their working set of dumbbell bench with my warmup. Yeah I'm so impressed by your gh/insulin use broooooooooo, those are some REAL muscles you got there!
(this doesn't apply to all bb... I mean look at ronnie,yates,phil hernon,johnnie jackson,branch,phil heath,kai,and so many others..... but it does to most all I have seen IRL, and most I see on the forums with a big mouth hehe).

I also agree ...Sadik and Jeremy have betters bodies than 95%+ of the people talking crap. I personally know what one of them uses gear wise and I already know 90% of the people on this forum wouldn't believe it because they want to believe it's more. Let's just say it's complete piss poor dosages. Not even 1g for contest (and here is where the "you're full of sh**" comments ensue...)

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I hate the fact that my history now says I was looking at Jeff Seid's legs. They lookin kinda soft.
I take offense to that comment. We workout just as hard as bodybuilders, and most people would prefer having physiques like ours.

You're delusional, arrogant, and disrespectful!
The only people that would "prefer" your physique are thoe who have never set foot in a gym.

Train as hard as bodybuilder? I take offense to your comment! You've never trained like a bodybuilder because....oh yeah, you don't have to

You don't have to train heavy, to look pretty. You don't have to put 4, 5, or 6, hundred pounds across you back, and squat till you feel like you're bleeding from the ears.

Back when Bob Kennedy was at the helm of MuscleMag, I was voted "Hardest Trainer of the Year"....so don't insult me, and my peers with your ridiculous claims!

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