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How many exercises per bodypart for max growth?

I haven't done anything too heavy for months now. No barbell squats or heavy leg press at all. I've done some lunges with DB's that were kinda heavy, after some pre fatigue, but still not straining to get 8-10 reps, I haven't noticed ANY reduction in size. I've kinda been dieting too. So, don't beat yourself up over not moving heavy weight for your legs. Not worth being in pain the next day, not joint pain at least.


Pic from earlier.
Lifting heavy is the fastest most efficient way of packing on muscle. Once the muscle has been there for a while there are so many other ways of stimulating muscle hypertrophy that are safer and less taxing. It's not about lifting "light" weight per say it's about stimulating the muscle with loading and volume. That's where all the different methods and techniques you see guys like mountain dog doing. Charles Glass is another example he takes guys with good genetics who are older and already have muscle maturity from years of lifting heavy then he has them doing tons of volume and machine pumping work with all the different angles and it works for them.

I am being led to believe that Glass is right for older guys 50 - 60+ who have lost a lot of circulatory ability within the muscle, and test levels generally (which may or may not be an issue for us chronic users) We appear to need frequent and more intense exercises to promote circulation to and from the muscle to achieve growth. But as one of these guys, I still have a hard time believing I can grow at my age on intensity alone. But I am hitting a muscle twice a week today (although the second time is intense more than heavy) which is not something I had ever thought I would be doing and have not done since my thirties.

Barbell rows and deadlifts wont get at all the back muscles? I can do little fancy pull movements and feel it different too but it doesnt means its doin anything to put on size

I hear what you are saying. I think the lats also pull the arms down from above. Whether a pulldown, or a pull up. Which you will "feel" in the lower lats. Even DC has two moves for the back, one a row, one a pulldown.
As far as rows go, depending on elbow and arm position, you will hit different areas of the back.
Sorry for the bump, but interesting discussion. Personally, I didn't start gaining some good mass until I moved away from the 1 set, 1 exercise per muscle bullshit and started doing multiple sets/exercises per muscle.
Sorry for the bump, but interesting discussion. Personally, I didn't start gaining some good mass until I moved away from the 1 set, 1 exercise per muscle bullshit and started doing multiple sets/exercises per muscle.

There’s a time and place for everything. Def not bullshit.
The body is constantly adapting so there is no magical perfect number of sets or exercise total for maximal growth. You have to mix it up, experiment, try different things to see what works best at that point in time. What works today may not work tomorrow. Keep the body guessing.
I believe it depends on the intensity and quality of those sets along with progressive overload over time. I've been using fortitude training and the 1-2 sets per body part on that day are more intense than doing 20 pump sets over the course of the workout. I think there is a time and place for all kinds of different training, find what works for you but again most importantly for most of us that aren't genetic freaks it comes down to being consistently intense and progressive with your sets.
The least amount you can get by with.
One working set is all that is needed. The challenge is the mental conditioning required to be able to exert that kind of torque/power when it comes time to execute that set and carry it out to failure. Not many people have that kind of control.
I always over-thought these kind of subjects and tried so many variations and programs through the years. I have to say the best investment I’ve made regarding expertise and nutrition has been the e-book “fortitude” training. It really packs so much information in it and the author keeps it very simple and easy to understand. But word of advice, read over it a couple times cause you’ll notice things you missed the first time. But my biggest wake up call was thinking I trained hard. Then I stated fortitude and it opened my tests and knowledge and I just love sharing things I’ve learned. Highly recommend my friend. Take care and Good luck!
One working set is all that is needed. The challenge is the mental conditioning required to be able to exert that kind of torque/power when it comes time to execute that set and carry it out to failure. Not many people have that kind of control.

i agree, i started doing 1 set of 6 exercises for back only cuz i like doing it that way and i was adding 5-10 pounds to each set every workout. way better progress than multi-sets and i realized that cuz my 1st workset was all out to failure and even with stripping 15 percent on the next set i still could barely do the same reps. i got the most out of that exercise, now i move on to the next.
and for me, mentally its actually easier cuz i dont think about the pain and effort i gotta put in doing more of that same movement.
im gonna start doing that for all my muscles. and in fact, its how dorian yates blood and guts routine works.
i agree, i started doing 1 set of 6 exercises for back only cuz i like doing it that way and i was adding 5-10 pounds to each set every workout. way better progress than multi-sets and i realized that cuz my 1st workset was all out to failure and even with stripping 15 percent on the next set i still could barely do the same reps. i got the most out of that exercise, now i move on to the next.
and for me, mentally its actually easier cuz i dont think about the pain and effort i gotta put in doing more of that same movement.
im gonna start doing that for all my muscles. and in fact, its how dorian yates blood and guts routine works.

I definitely see merit in doing only one set for multiple exercises of the same bodypart, but I have serious doubts about the effectiveness of doing only one set for one exercise per bodypart... Obviously, individual variable response reigns supreme.
This has to do with a lot of different factors and will vary from person to person. Overall we know that total workload will produce more muscle stimulation. Workload = Weight x Reps

There is also a point of diminishing returns where you can’t recover adequately. The trick is to find the balance of maximum allowable workload you can recover from.

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u should be doing at least 5 different movements for chest to hit all the parts IMO

-incline for upper pec
-flat for middle pec
-decline for lower pec
-flies for upper/inner pec
-dips for inner/outer pec

I like the sarcasm. I agree 1-2 movements per body part is enough
Last edited:
I only do one movement per body part. I train full body, 3x a week.

Last night I did,

Decline chest press
Lateral raises
High rows
Db curls
Leg extensions
Hip adductors

3 sets of each with a drop set at the end.
I only do one movement per body part. I train full body, 3x a week.

Last night I did,

Decline chest press
Lateral raises
High rows
Db curls
Leg extensions
Hip adductors

3 sets of each with a drop set at the end.

i tried this and made the quickest strength gains ever, including when i was on gear and not just trt. i was amazed. most studies ive read recently debunk higher frequency over once a week training, only 2 have shown it works alot better. but, my experience and yours proves too much genetic differences in people to really go by that. too many variables not controlled for in those studies also.
however, i get bigger when i do all 9 sets once a week. for growth i need the extra days off. its volume and total work load done, not the number of exercises you do.
i tried this and made the quickest strength gains ever, including when i was on gear and not just trt. i was amazed. most studies ive read recently debunk higher frequency over once a week training, only 2 have shown it works alot better. but, my experience and yours proves too much genetic differences in people to really go by that. too many variables not controlled for in those studies also.

however, i get bigger when i do all 9 sets once a week. for growth i need the extra days off. its volume and total work load done, not the number of exercises you do.

Really ? At uni most studies n literature shows a muscle can recover within 72 hours n in the sports science fields it’s pretty well
Accepted n normal to think training a body part once a week isn’t normal or optimal.

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I only do one movement per body part. I train full body, 3x a week.

Last night I did,

Decline chest press
Lateral raises
High rows
Db curls
Leg extensions
Hip adductors

3 sets of each with a drop set at the end.

Very similar to you. Except full body 2x week plus one upper and on lower session. No direct arm work on the upper only day.

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