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Anyone here listens to Joe Rogan?

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I used to be a big fan but I feel like he’s gone off the rails and has become more outrageous for click bait…
I do agree it seems as though he's gotten more out there but I do not think it's deliberately for click bait. The guy has had and continues to have the biggest podcast on the planet. I think he's just taking the opportunity to have more guests that have some out there view points, and he agrees with some of them. I really don't think he's particularly any different than what he has been. Aside from being 10 years older than when he started the show.
He is a bit gullible that he doesn’t seem to contest or fact check his guests and let’s them rant on about whatever they want but I also don’t think he has a narrative or agenda that he is trying to push either.
Yeah. Don't like when he plays dumb. Especially when it comes to gear(or test) doses.
The guy knows the full chemical names of psychedelics and doses to take.. but when it comes to his own trt dose hes talking about 'yeah I take 1cc a week'.
Haha. That is true. When he and Huberman have talked doses he's played like he's illiterate at measurements. One could argue he does it for the ignorant members of his audience but he lays it on thick.
He knows exactly what he’s doing.
I like the guy and I’m glad to see some
Places like that out there, not just the main stream media
I listen regularly because he has guests on and explores topics that mainstream media won’t touch.

Don’t agree with him on everything, obviously, but I appreciate what he’s built.

To be fair I’m a “podcast while lifting” kind of guy, so I have ~2 hours/day to listen
I met him last year at ATA , he's a total different person "in person".
I use to like his show not so much anymore
I like him more meeting him in person that who he plays in his podcast
If we all would hang out together socially...and then you all visit me at work, you would think I act differently too. I get paid to be nice to all and perform a function. I don't see why he would be any different. His podcast has always been fun and covers topics and guests that mainstream does not for better or worse. I feel he has a lot in common with me and with many on this board compared other people getting so much attention like media and other podcasts.
How so? Your experience sounds interesting.
Well he didn't seem stoned out of his gourd and we just talked about bows and hunting.
I was trying to talk him into coming to Louisiana and catching some wild hogs.
I think alot of what is in his podcast is "acting"
Well he didn't seem stoned out of his gourd and we just talked about bows and hunting.
I was trying to talk him into coming to Louisiana and catching some wild hogs.
I think alot of what is in his podcast is "acting"
To be fair I think people project the stoner vibe on him. I mean sure he smokes like a chimney but never to the detriment of his careers. The dude has three careers (podcast, UFC Commentary, standup) that most people would kill to have one of.
There are a lot of interesting guests on the show, if its something I'm interested in I'll usually give it a listen. It is definitely nice to have a less censored platform for people to discuss things in modern times, hope the trend continues in that direction as his show is the biggest there is.
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