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DNP experience

Interesting...DNP does the samething to me. It takes about a week or two to fill back out from being flat and shed some of the water. Does seem to burn fat very well, while preserving muscle.
Is that dose dependent ? At low dose it should be a issue
people don't realize one thing - real bodybuilders don't use DNP because few bodybuilders especially super heavy ones gain more than 10% body fat, they are even closer to 8% overall, so they have very little fat to burn only tons of water on them.

You also have to understand that contest prep is not only about burning fat - if it were so, 4-6 weeks would be enough and all the fat would be burned... but the point of preparation is to give the skin a different (paper) structure and for this you need appropriate drugs and enough time and for this a short period of just a few weeks is not enough
people don't realize one thing - real bodybuilders don't use DNP because few bodybuilders especially super heavy ones gain more than 10% body fat, they are even closer to 8% overall, so they have very little fat to burn only tons of water on them.

You also have to understand that contest prep is not only about burning fat - if it were so, 4-6 weeks would be enough and all the fat would be burned... but the point of preparation is to give the skin a different (paper) structure and for this you need appropriate drugs and enough time and for this a short period of just a few weeks is not enough
Thank you, Luki, for sharing this valuable insight. I was unaware that bodybuilders typically avoid using DNP. Your explanation makes sense, suggesting that if their body fat is already in the range of 10 to 8%, there might be less need to undergo significant fat loss during contest preparation. I'm curious, does this mean that even during the offseason, many bodybuilders aim to maintain a body fat percentage of around 10%?
Thank you, Luki, for sharing this valuable insight. I was unaware that bodybuilders typically avoid using DNP. Your explanation makes sense, suggesting that if their body fat is already in the range of 10 to 8%, there might be less need to undergo significant fat loss during contest preparation. I'm curious, does this mean that even during the offseason, many bodybuilders aim to maintain a body fat percentage of around 10%?
most don't even have to "try" to maintain 8-10% - when you are 250lbs or more on stage it is almost impossible to gain fat - you are a calorie burning machine
most don't even have to "try" to maintain 8-10% - when you are 250lbs or more on stage it is almost impossible to gain fat - you are a calorie burning machine
That's always what I was thinking.

250lbs on stage is so much muscle....
Hi guys
I'm very glad I found this forum. The quantity of knowledge and feedback is almost infinite. Read 15 pages of this topic so far and 70 of the "all the info is here" and it really opened my eyes about all the misconceptions about the DNP.

I'm sharing my current experience (full log here if anyone interested) as it may differ a bit from the usual :
First cycle ever (of any kind), liquid DNP only
I've done day 1-2 at 150mg, 3-4 at 250mg, 5-6 at 380mg and still no side effect appart from a very, very slightly increased heat at 380mg (no sweating at all)
I didn't start losing weigh before day 5 despite being arround a 700-1000 calories deficit, currently at -3.5lbs (starting weight : 234.5)

I didn't know if I should be blessed about the lack of side effect - I was worried the product was not working well (it's liquid DNP as opposed to the usual caps) but all those feedbacks here finally showed that lots of people weren't feeling anything when used properly (and with a bit of luck for the personnal tolerance)

By day 8-9 concentration in my body should be arround 1000mg, if still no side effect I'll push to 500mg/day to check if I tolerate it

Btw I'm full of electrolytes and anti-oxidant + on a low carb diet so it must help with the heat / dehydratation side effects

Hi guys
I'm very glad I found this forum. The quantity of knowledge and feedback is almost infinite. Read 15 pages of this topic so far and 70 of the "all the info is here" and it really opened my eyes about all the misconceptions about the DNP.

I'm sharing my current experience (full log here if anyone interested) as it may differ a bit from the usual :
First cycle ever (of any kind), liquid DNP only
I've done day 1-2 at 150mg, 3-4 at 250mg, 5-6 at 380mg and still no side effect appart from a very, very slightly increased heat at 380mg (no sweating at all)
I didn't start losing weigh before day 5 despite being arround a 700-1000 calories deficit, currently at -3.5lbs (starting weight : 234.5)

I didn't know if I should be blessed about the lack of side effect - I was worried the product was not working well (it's liquid DNP as opposed to the usual caps) but all those feedbacks here finally showed that lots of people weren't feeling anything when used properly (and with a bit of luck for the personnal tolerance)

By day 8-9 concentration in my body should be arround 1000mg, if still no side effect I'll push to 500mg/day to check if I tolerate it

Btw I'm full of electrolytes and anti-oxidant + on a low carb diet so it must help with the heat / dehydratation side effects

You're liquid stuff may be bunk. 250 mgs , esp the first week or two will have you soaking the pillow at night. Dont keep upping the dose. You would feel 250 mgs eod.

what are your carbs like ? Increase carbs for a day, then you'll more than likely know.
You're liquid stuff may be bunk. 250 mgs , esp the first week or two will have you soaking the pillow at night. Dont keep upping the dose. You would feel 250 mgs eod.

what are your carbs like ? Increase carbs for a day, then you'll more than likely know.
Carbs are between 70-100g a day

For the liquid DNP, I didn't know any other sources when I ordered (was march 2023). It has been lab tested by Jonoshik, and on their thread (on another famous forum) there were 4-5 positive reviews on their DNP. So I don't really know what to think.

Maybe I'm just more tolerant than usual to DNP

On the other hands over the years on the topics here, there are several feedback of people with no side effects at 250mg
Carbs are between 70-100g a day

For the liquid DNP, I didn't know any other sources when I ordered (was march 2023). It has been lab tested by Jonoshik, and on their thread (on another famous forum) there were 4-5 positive reviews on their DNP. So I don't really know what to think.

Maybe I'm just more tolerant than usual to DNP

On the other hands over the years on the topics here, there are several feedback of people with no side effects at 250mg
Don't keep on pushing the dose until you experince bad sides. You already know there's a build-up effect so it may feel totally different in a few days even at the same daily dose.
Also, if it's working don't fix what ain't broken. If it's legit 250mg/day is definitely enough even for large fellas to see significant fat loss.
You already know there's a build-up effect so it may feel totally different in a few days even at the same daily dose.
yep that's why i want to day 2-3 days more before -eventually- up the dose, so the build up is 90-99% done and I know how this dose feel at full concentration.

Also, if it's working don't fix what ain't broken. If it's legit 250mg/day is definitely enough even for large fellas to see significant fat loss.
wouldn't you want to keep upping the dose progressively/safely untill you feel unconfortable, then go back at the previous dose and keep it as your sweet spot ?
yep that's why i want to day 2-3 days more before -eventually- up the dose, so the build up is 90-99% done and I know how this dose feel at full concentration.

wouldn't you want to keep upping the dose progressively/safely untill you feel unconfortable, then go back at the previous dose and keep it as your sweet spot ?

Half life is 2 days. Takes roughly 5 days of same dose to hit your relatively constant level (even then it's still rising but not dramatically). You have to scale slowly. On top of that some, like myself, hit a tolerance level around day 10 of constant level (so day 14-15 in previous example) to where I can increase a bit without sides to a level that would cause sides if I scaled to before that. A lot going on and very individual (ie carbs don't make me sweat, I don't sweat much at all, lethargy is the first and mainly only side I get).

People talk about sides because for some reason short high dose cycles that virtually disable people became popular with DNP. Same fuckers who think running an oral steroid over 4 weeks is dangerous. Inconsistent philosophy to the point of insanity imo.

Personally I like effective and no sides. That's 200mg ED for me and 200-400-200-400 alternating day dosing top end if I build a tolerance. That's me anyway.
Carbs are between 70-100g a day

For the liquid DNP, I didn't know any other sources when I ordered (was march 2023). It has been lab tested by Jonoshik, and on their thread (on another famous forum) there were 4-5 positive reviews on their DNP. So I don't really know what to think.

Maybe I'm just more tolerant than usual to DNP

On the other hands over the years on the topics here, there are several feedback of people with no side effects at 250mg
you dont tolerate it better than others, your diet is just better than most if one uses DNP.
Lower carbs is the key to keep the heat side low. i bet if you are 150g cornflakes in a sitting you would sweat like a pig after.
It is still working. Your weight loss didnt show immediately because you hold water on DNP.
Dont increase it even further. There is no need to get to an unconfortable spot. It works. let it do the work and be patient
Liquid dnp sounds awful

I always thought the stuff tasted like an ashtray

Maybe that’s just me 🤔
@Fleezy it is awful >>> I put the DNP into caps with a serynge

@Mufasa123 effective and no side sounds great and smarter than the "high dose small runs", at least when you still want to be able to live normally. For the no side part, I'm pretty happy with it atm. For the effectiveness, I'll weight myself again in 2-3 days and see if it is still dropping. If yes ... then all good. As said another member "don't fix what ain't broken". As it's my first cycle I can only try and see what is/will happen to know what is working or what is not

@M@NU thanks for the advises. Yes I have to keep in mind I will probably hold water and maybe (probably) that's what kept my weight at the same level at the beggining. And yes, I have to be patient especially with those kind of products. "Curiosity will kill me" but here it can be true lol
that's just, when it's your first cycle for something, I guess we're all excited to see how the body will react so we are likely to overthink or trying to be too perfectionnist. I guess when you already used it several time you're more serene about the effect and the results.
@Fleezy it is awful >>> I put the DNP into caps with a serynge

@Mufasa123 effective and no side sounds great and smarter than the "high dose small runs", at least when you still want to be able to live normally. For the no side part, I'm pretty happy with it atm. For the effectiveness, I'll weight myself again in 2-3 days and see if it is still dropping. If yes ... then all good. As said another member "don't fix what ain't broken". As it's my first cycle I can only try and see what is/will happen to know what is working or what is not

@M@NU thanks for the advises. Yes I have to keep in mind I will probably hold water and maybe (probably) that's what kept my weight at the same level at the beggining. And yes, I have to be patient especially with those kind of products. "Curiosity will kill me" but here it can be true lol
that's just, when it's your first cycle for something, I guess we're all excited to see how the body will react so we are likely to overthink or trying to be too perfectionnist. I guess when you already used it several time you're more serene about the effect and the results.

DNP is odd (but very effective). Very hard while on it as everyone is different and glycogen is coming out (you'll likely look flat) and water is coming in (lack of definition) and the mix of those is unpredictable and individual. 5-7 days after you are done will give you an accurate picture of results (water back out and glycogen back in). Best predictor I've found is calcing caloric boost it gives daily per dosage/blood levels and then tracking what I eat for daily deficit. Ends up working when all is said and done. I've run it 3x now. Generally 14-20ish days. Works fricking great. I have enough on hand for a while so getting pretty dialed in with dosage for this batch and how I respond/need to eat. As with everything else it takes time to learn and optimize for yourself and that time is an investment. Slow and easy is the way. Can always run it longer if needed.
I don’t feel any heat on 250 EOD it just makes me breath a little harder at times .
You shouldn't post to someone on DNP that theirs must be fake because they don't feel a certain side effect. Everyone responds vastly different. I have guys who can barely handle 250mg per day and struggle with heat and fatigue from day 1 and need to come down whereas others barely feel anything on 250mg per day. There are also many different variables that can improve/worsen side effects. Carb intake is a massive factor but there are many more.

Everyone should always start low and gradually build up. If you don't feel much after 2 days don't just up the dose immediately. Day 2 is very different to day 8 on the same dose of DNP because of it's long half life resulting in a quick build up in dose. I have guys start at 1 cap EOD or ED depending upon experience and goals etc. If they ever need more they do 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 or 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 etc. Most do fine with 250mg per day but others need a bit more. DNP should be used to compliment a good diet and not as a crutch to allow you to eat badly.
People talk about sides because for some reason short high dose cycles that virtually disable people became popular with DNP. Same fuckers who think running an oral steroid over 4 weeks is dangerous. Inconsistent philosophy to the point of insanity imo.

Personally I like effective and no sides. That's 200mg ED for me and 200-400-200-400 alternating day dosing top end if I build a tolerance. That's me anyway.

Exactly. The issue is DNP can be easily abused because of it's dosing and most guys think more is better so that's why many had issues. Everyone started with approx 500mg and would use silly doses of DNP back in the day. I had mates running it telling me it was hell and they were on about 1g per day. No shit you feel awful on 1g DNP. Most guys even with 750mg will feel horrible and that was a standard dose to work up to. These doses could be very dangerous for some people.

As I just posted some people are super sensitive to it and 250mg per day is too much and 10 years ago everyone was using at least that and often much more. So all these guys who took too high of a dose had a bad experience and then they tell everyone DNP makes you feel shit. Those same guys still parrot that belief now and talk like it's poison destroying your insides whilst injecting high doses of tren etc and taking eca and clen to lose bodyfat.

DNP is dangerous in the wrong hands but massively effective in the right ones. Just use a dose so fat loss is great and side effects are controlled. Don't use it where you are burning up and can barely breathe and feel like shit. I am not stating it's for everyone and some may not like it but don't be an idiot when using it because it's not like dbol were you can add a few caps because you want faster results and it needs to be used with caution. No one is going to have bad issues taking it like I advise.
Hi guys, anyone feel cold feet when stopping the DNP cycle? what is the reason? T3 levels drop maybe?
people don't realize one thing - real bodybuilders don't use DNP because few bodybuilders especially super heavy ones gain more than 10% body fat, they are even closer to 8% overall, so they have very little fat to burn only tons of water on them.

You also have to understand that contest prep is not only about burning fat - if it were so, 4-6 weeks would be enough and all the fat would be burned... but the point of preparation is to give the skin a different (paper) structure and for this you need appropriate drugs and enough time and for this a short period of just a few weeks is not enough
Holy smokes, thank you for clearing this up for me. I always wondered why prep is so long for some guys 12-16 weeks, when they are starting at 10%, but now I get it, at the higher levels its about achieving a certain look not purely about getting low bf%, like you've once told me before, 5-6% contest prep looks different then 5-6% normal dieting on different drugs.

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