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4.5 weeks into tren e and nothing.. BUNK?


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Aug 24, 2007
So im in contest prep. 8 weeks and 10 weeks out (doing 2 shows). Im on 400mg/wk of Tren E.. 4.5 weeks into it. No results, side effects, etc. to show for it yet. I bought it from a sponsor here who I have never read a complaint about bunk gear, just crappy t/a.

Typically, I am sensitive to tren, nipples swell fairly easy. I used Tren E in the past, but its been a while and I do not remember when it kicked it. I can't up the dose as I wont have enough to last until my show but ive always used 400mg.

I do have a vial of BD Tren Hex 150mg/ml, 25ml. Do you guys think its bunk? Should I start the tren hex? Tren hex is a long ester so I'd need to start it soon. How long does tren hex take to kick in, never used it.

Thanks! Stressing as im in prep!
It takes me 6 to 7 weeks to start noticing long esters...but everyone's different.

3 to 4 weeks to start noticing short esters
I notice Tren e by the 2nd week. My body temp goes up and I already have trouble sleeping by that point.
I'm gonna add this. I noticed nothing from Tren E LMAO when tried it once ! I don't know why

I tried GAULS Tren E, 10 weeks at 400mgs. NOTHING

Ran his Tren Ace, 8 weeks at 400mgs. BOOOOOOOM. My physique changed in 4 to 5 weeks
Send me an email bro and I'll shoot you some tren ace on the fly,:headbang: i hate to see your prep get all fawked up , or PM me.. Being a board supporter has its perks :fo:d-smil
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Not sure why your doing long esters 8 weeks out. Anyway stop all of them and go with short esters. Shoot for prop, tren a and masteron. Harden up 2 weeks out with Halo's and your good to go.
I like tren e cause the sides are so much reduced. I get next to none even on higher doses. Usually only side I will get is acid reflux.
I'm on the same combo with tren E and mast e but my results started at two weeks. I very much doubt your vial is bunk, your body is just responding differently to it. Switch to Ace as MG says. Results immediately!!
So im in contest prep. 8 weeks and 10 weeks out (doing 2 shows). Im on 400mg/wk of Tren E.. 4.5 weeks into it. No results, side effects, etc. to show for it yet. I bought it from a sponsor here who I have never read a complaint about bunk gear, just crappy t/a.

Typically, I am sensitive to tren, nipples swell fairly easy. I used Tren E in the past, but its been a while and I do not remember when it kicked it. I can't up the dose as I wont have enough to last until my show but ive always used 400mg.

I do have a vial of BD Tren Hex 150mg/ml, 25ml. Do you guys think its bunk? Should I start the tren hex? Tren hex is a long ester so I'd need to start it soon. How long does tren hex take to kick in, never used it.

Thanks! Stressing as im in prep!

Its not Aurum/ UK anabolics is it?
I'm on the same combo with tren E and mast e but my results started at two weeks. I very much doubt your vial is bunk, your body is just responding differently to it. Switch to Ace as MG says. Results immediately!!

I'll be more than happy to help him out, you'll know in a few short days NPC...
MG is my boy. He will take care of you and get you into contest shape quickly. Try his new line of AAS. Very good stuff!!
I also take 6 to 7 weeks. If your do not have serious night sweats its bunk.
Don't wait for it, get some ace!!!

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I also take 6 to 7 weeks. If your do not have serious night sweats its bunk.

I don't agree......I've never gotten the night sweats from tren unless I eat a bunch of carbs right before.
Send me an email bro and I'll shoot you some tren ace on the fly,:headbang: i hate to see your prep get all fawked up , or PM me.. Being a board supporter has its perks :fo:d-smil

Thats a hell of a gesture right there bros. Cheers to MG!!! :fo:d-smil
It takes me 6 to 7 weeks to start noticing long esters...but everyone's different.

3 to 4 weeks to start noticing short esters

Long esters take time to see results but sides kick in rather quickly with tren .i just finished some tren e at 400 mg/week .i have used both tren e and tren a several times .about a week into tren e and insomnia kicks in and shortly after night sweats .
It takes me 6 to 7 weeks to start noticing long esters...but everyone's different.

3 to 4 weeks to start noticing short esters

I'm the same way. 3-4 weeks before I notice short esters also. Seems odd since other say in days they feel it
I don't get the "kick in" thing, I always notice everything within a few days of injection, even the long esters. I believe poor cycle design is probably to blame in people who need several weeks to feel it "kick in."

What else is in your cycle?
I don't get the "kick in" thing, I always notice everything within a few days of injection, even the long esters. I believe poor cycle design is probably to blame in people who need several weeks to feel it "kick in."

What else is in your cycle?


I agree completely bro, let's take test enan for example, if you started on Monday and by the following Monday let's say at 500 milligrams a week, you're not feeling at least a bit stronger something is wrong, its either seriously underdosed or something...Some people might disagree, but I feel test e after week 1, I start to get stronger, all this 3 weeks or 4 weeks before you "feel it" it's bogus in my book. And 6 weeks to start feeling tren e?? I mean if that is not bunk shit, then i.....insert phrase
"real"tren hex is not common. Usually enan labeled as hex.I don't recall hex from bd at 150mg but I do remember IP's 80 mg hex and it was excellent.
Guys here are giving you some good advice . I'd hit MG up .
Thats a super nice gesture. Bet you will kno whis ace is gtg quickly.
Thx, T............

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