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4.5 weeks into tren e and nothing.. BUNK?

Everyone is different but I'd get blood work and get together with MG for now.
Everyone is different but I'd get blood work and get together with MG for now.

Not sure how you are going to check tren e with bloodwork .the only indicator might be with labcorp testing it will show very high false e2 reading
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I'm in the group that feels the effects of any type of esther within a few days....max. I personally prefer tren a and feel it gives me better results than tren e, but that's just me. I can definitely feel the effects of tren a quite a bit sooner than the e version.

At the dose the OP posted I would expect to feel and see results within 2weeks. Even if his diet and training were shit. Sounds like a gear issue to me.
I don't get the "kick in" thing, I always notice everything within a few days of injection, even the long esters. I believe poor cycle design is probably to blame in people who need several weeks to feel it "kick in."

What else is in your cycle?

Exactly. I feel everything within a few days. Sure things may build up over time but they are there from the start.

The guy who stated if you don't have night sweats it is bunk couldn't be more wrong.
Exactly. I feel everything within a few days. Sure things may build up over time but they are there from the start.

The guy who stated if you don't have night sweats it is bunk couldn't be more wrong.

Hey Elvia , I mentioned night sweats and insomnia for me are sides I have gotten every time I use tren, whether is e or a .if I don't get these sides , again I'm talking about myself here , I would have to say it's not tren .didnt mean to make it sound like everybody should get night sweats or else it's bunk , sorry for the misunderstanding
Hey Elvia , I mentioned night sweats and insomnia for me are sides I have gotten every time I use tren, whether is e or a .if I don't get these sides , again I'm talking about myself here , I would have to say it's not tren .didnt mean to make it sound like everybody should get night sweats or else it's bunk , sorry for the misunderstanding

I DO NOT get night sweats from Tren. I get a little bit of Insomnia. I do sweat like a pig at the gym though
I bet you that his mind/body is just playing tricks on him because hes dieting hard and stressing over the shows, I say stick to your plan. How many times have you seen people get spooked and screw themselves at the last minute:eek:
No night sweats for me with E , only with A , but bad heart burn and insomnia .. I hate tren e cause I can't eat at all, heart burn gets really severe with time

I usually feel most anything within a day after injecting. Obviously not the full effect cause it needs to build up. But, that's how I wrk. Idk what els you're running, but suggest switching to some short esters asap. Ace, prop, mast, wini/halo...that will wrk very well at hardening you up. Good luck
Im also on 600mg mast e, 4 weeks in and nothing. I have anavar i planned to use as well but my guess is thats fake.

Guys this isnt my first rodeo, ive been on gear for years and several contest preps. I no how i react to gear.. Tren typically transforms me..

Im pissed i have fake tren and mast, not sure what im going to do this prep now but i typically always use long esters and feel it by now.. I was just doubting myself and this is the first time with this sponsor. Not happy.

I have legit halotestin i no that as its the same batch i used last show.
I can feel test within a few days, my sex drive shoots up, workouts improved ect. For me and only speaking for myself, tren is one of the few substance that I can tell right away if it's fake by the way it makes me feel.

Imo, the way to tell if your tren is fake is by taking several cc's at once. I'm not talking about tren cough but like I said, for me, if I thought it was fake, before dumping it I would inject A large amount, that right there would verify to me if I was just injecting plain oil Just by the way tren makes me feel
aren't you known for taking ridiculously high dosages? in ranges of 3+ grams for bulk? if that's the case then you just may have high tolerance for gear.
aren't you known for taking ridiculously high dosages? in ranges of 3+ grams for bulk? if that's the case then you just may have high tolerance for gear.

Lmao no def not me.. Complete opposite for me actually
Lmao no def not me.. Complete opposite for me actually

My apologies then. There was a guy named NPC something in OLM talking about 2+ grams of test along with high dose Anabolic eating junk food to grow and being called out by members there. Its good that it isn't you. He didn't sound very healthy.
Means Greens is the go to place bro, you won't be let down, there stuff is top notch, and they get it to you fast
I just stopped tren enth after 3 weeks because it raised my blood pressure and was giving me a nose bleed every morning. Of course I was on 900mgs a week but I feel it quick. Every injection I take of tren I feel a wierd feeling in my throat and feel like I'm going to cough but I never do
I get prolactin sides immediately from tren, just puffy nips but some pram fixes that. The sweats are the worst part though I have to sleep on a towel or there is no hope.
I'd think you'd definitely feel something by now.
Btw MeanGreens.. That's awesome man. Love the customer support. I've been waiting for my gear from another sponsor for going on 2 months now and he won't even reply to me, just mass posts in his sponsor thread saying replying to everyone takes to long. Seeing what you'd do for this guy may have just got you a new customer!
No night sweats for me with E , only with A , but bad heart burn and insomnia .. I hate tren e cause I can't eat at all, heart burn gets really severe with time

Brother, I take Nexium and its sold OTC now. Works awesome. I start taking in a week out before I get on tren E or A and continue a week after I stop the tren. Hope this helps...

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