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AAS use and facial attractiveness

“It is with our faces that we face the world, from the moment of birth to the
moment of death. Our age and our gender are printed on our faces. Our
emotions, the open and instinctive emotions that Darwin wrote about, as well
as the hidden or repressed ones that Freud wrote about, are displayed on our
faces, along with our thoughts and intentions. Though we may admire arms and
legs, breasts and buttocks, it is the face, first and last, that is judged
“beautiful” in an aesthetic sense, “fine” or “distinguished” in a moral or
intellectual sense. And, crucially, it is by our faces that we can be recognized as
individuals. Our faces bear the stamp of our experiences and our character; at
forty, it is said, a man has the face he deserves.”

- Oliver Sacks, “Face-blind”, The New Yorker, August 30, 2010

jung >freud :)
Right. I can tell you don't close deals anywhere close to me. Getting past elementary shit? Just because they say shit like that to me doesn't mean I don't get the buns..... believe that. You assumed a bit too much a bit too fast.

Again, to any man who really knows women, whether you know it OR NOT, if you're a good looking dude, there's plenty of women out there who WON'T fuck you because you're that good looking, PERIOD!

It's ok, buddy.

Some of it is self esteem issues and I had a girl tell me this last week. The girl that said I was out of her league and she was decent to good looking. 5ft8, 140 maybe, cute face, 35 years old when i told her it made me sad that she didnt feel she had a chance with me because of my looks, she brought it up, mind you. She went into about its self esteem issues with herself. I look around thirty .

so the real question is do you want to deal with a girl that has self esteem issues? If you want to give her a chance and she if she improves , and you can try to help herself "build herself up" go for it. Nothing wrong with that, at least your trying to improves someones self esteem.

so its about handling the objections when she brings up your looks to you.

Some girls may not say anything so you really don't know if she feels you are too out of her league; you can entertain the idea and guess. Its important for her to bring this up if its an issue with her shes feeling insecure about.
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Some of it is self esteem issues and I had a girl tell me this last week. The girl that said I was out of her league and she was decent to good looking. 5ft8, 140 maybe, cute face, 35 years old when i told her it made me sad that she didnt feel she had a chance with me because of my looks, she brought it up, mind you. She went into about its self esteem issues with herself. I look around thirty .

so the real question is do you want to deal with a girl that has self esteem issues? If you want to give her a chance and she if she improves , and you can try to help herself "build herself up" go for it. Nothing wrong with that, at least your trying to improves someones self esteem.

so its about handling the objections when she brings up your looks to you.

Some girls may not say anything so you really don't know if she feels you are too out of her league; you can entertain the idea and guess. Its important for her to bring this up if its an issue with her shes feeling insecure about.

My girl eventually told me she was surprised I would want to be with her. I don't know if it was a looks thing as much as a status/reputation thing. But I agree it can be tough at times to deal with someone with serious self esteem issues, which is a shocking number of women to be honest once you get to know them.
Define "good girl"

It's a misnomer. You have to remember for most men, there is the side of their woman they see and there is also a side you may not ever see inside her. If you're a beta male, you will never see that side in her. If you're alpha, or more dominant, you probably will unless you're just completely too tied up in yourself to take notice.

Women are coy and manipulative by nature. They learn to play little boys and daddy at a young age and perfect as they mature. This is why I say all good girls are bad girls someplace inside there. Every girl I've slept with on the first date, n their dating profile states, "no hookups, no sex until we are close" blah blah blah! If you push her buttons and tap into her bad side? She's going to not only sleep with you, she will be begging to sleep with you.

There is no such thing as a truly good girl. As men, it's our job to contain them by tapping into their bad side and feeding it. That is just the harsh reality. Learn that, or get cheated on or at the very least, watch your "good girl" lust for other men.
It's a misnomer. You have to remember for most men, there is the side of their woman they see and there is also a side you may not ever see inside her. If you're a beta male, you will never see that side in her. If you're alpha, or more dominant, you probably will unless you're just completely too tied up in yourself to take notice.

Women are coy and manipulative by nature. They learn to play little boys and daddy at a young age and perfect as they mature. This is why I say all good girls are bad girls someplace inside there. Every girl I've slept with on the first date, n their dating profile states, "no hookups, no sex until we are close" blah blah blah! If you push her buttons and tap into her bad side? She's going to not only sleep with you, she will be begging to sleep with you.

There is no such thing as a truly good girl. As men, it's our job to contain them by tapping into their bad side and feeding it. That is just the harsh reality. Learn that, or get cheated on or at the very least, watch your "good girl" lust for other men.

Yea I agree with all of that except if anyone is expecting to find a good girl on a dating site like that lmao.

Obviously any girl saying "no hook ups, no sex, etc" is probably saying that because they've done that shit lol those are the easiest ones. Almost every girl I've slept with on the first night has given me some variation of "I never do this" "I'm not this type of girl usually", etc. We all know this.

There are a small portion of women who are almost strictly into relationships, monogamous by nature, etc....in my experience they have naturally lower libidos on average. But even these women will definitely have that other side in the bedroom, they're just less prone to cheating and the like.
and take your house and half your paycheck with her :eek:

Not if you don't believe in marriage. It's a nice thing to do but I don't need a piece of paper to show my love for someone. I am not even religious either. Makes me laugh how many people pretend to be religious so they can get married in a Church.

LS were you once more pretty or do you blame aas for the way your face looks now?
Idk why marriage is important anymore... nothing changes except you spend a fuck ton on a wedding.
Idk why marriage is important anymore... nothing changes except you spend a fuck ton on a wedding.

it's to redistribute wealth from men (who are generally savers) to women (who are generally spenders) in order to keep this house of cards known as America's consumer economy from imploding.
it's to redistribute wealth from men (who are generally savers) to women (who are generally spenders) in order to keep this house of cards known as America's consumer economy from imploding.

You're just cynical because you haven't found the right women yet Slice
You're just cynical because you haven't found the right women yet Slice
Oh Lord, pls don't!

Fast forward to pg 900 of this thread...[emoji846]

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk
Oh Lord, pls don't!

Fast forward to pg 900 of this thread...[emoji846]

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk

Once he finds true love he'll look back on his ignorant posts and laugh at how out of touch he was with his emotional side
You're just cynical because you haven't found the right women yet Slice

that's literally what marriage is for nowadays.

>tax-free property settlement
>tax-free child support
>alimony to become tax-free for divorces finalized after 2018

do the math lol.. I do it every single day.
Not if you don't believe in marriage. It's a nice thing to do but I don't need a piece of paper to show my love for someone. I am not even religious either. Makes me laugh how many people pretend to be religious so they can get married in a Church.

LS were you once more pretty or do you blame aas for the way your face looks now?

Don't think it is "just a piece of paper" or many wouldn't be so afraid of getting married on here. I would lean way more towards the "keeping my options open" argument in that regard.
was born ugly (delivery doctors thought I was deformed).

aas only made me uglier
Ridiculous dude! Don’t believe you! You teach a lot on here, but I’ll bet I could teach you a few things. Yes, women are fickle, mysterious, and fucked up! But they are manageable!

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