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after regaining fertility with HCG/HMG, can u drop the HMG and maintain with just HCG?


Active member
Nov 29, 2009
just thinking ahead for family planning and know some guys maintain fertility just fine staying on HCG once commencing juicing/TRT. but for those of us who have gone yrs w/o HCG while cycling and TRT, can u use that combo to restart ur fertility and then just maintain with just HCG like said above? or do u need to stay on the HMG as well to maintain the reactivated fertility?
Yes. My fertility doctor prescribed me HMG with HCG and had me stop the HMG after 4 weeks. He had me continue with the HCG until my wife became pregnant. I used this protocol twice and was blessed with 2 little boys.
Yes. My fertility doctor prescribed me HMG with HCG and had me stop the HMG after 4 weeks. He had me continue with the HCG until my wife became pregnant. I used this protocol twice and was blessed with 2 little boys.
What dose hcg
In this context, are you staying on a trt dose or completely coming off?
What dose hcg
I was prescribed 10,000ius split 3 times/week. I felt that was too much and only used that amount the first month and then lowered it to 5,000ius/week
In this context, are you staying on a trt dose or completely coming off?
I came off everything. I only used the HCG and HMG. There are several members on here that did stay on trt and have positive outcomes.
just thinking ahead for family planning and know some guys maintain fertility just fine staying on HCG once commencing juicing/TRT. but for those of us who have gone yrs w/o HCG while cycling and TRT, can u use that combo to restart ur fertility and then just maintain with just HCG like said above? or do u need to stay on the HMG as well to maintain the reactivated fertility?

Yes, you could drop to HCG only. Here is a thread that may help. I used no hcg between our first child and 10 years later for our second. We now have a 12 week old healthy little boy and I'm 40.

The one thing I'd recommend is to actually have a semen analysis done so you know you are good to go and then you could reduce or drop the HMG. I ended up doing 75iu of HMG 3-5 times a week and my count and quality were great and then I reduced it to 75 iu HMG 1-2 times per week. My doctor thought it would still be good to keep it in as my sperm quality jumped big time with the HMG and stayed that way on the reduced dose. That doesn't mean it would have gotten worse if I stopped...I just don't know and we saw incremental increases in sperm quality with the HMG.
Yes. My fertility doctor prescribed me HMG with HCG and had me stop the HMG after 4 weeks. He had me continue with the HCG until my wife became pregnant. I used this protocol twice and was blessed with 2 little boys.
nice! good to know

In this context, are you staying on a trt dose or completely coming off?
id like to stay on TRT the whole time, hence the HCG/HMG combo instead of HCG/clomid combo that come off usually do

Yes, you could drop to HCG only. Here is a thread that may help. I used no hcg between our first child and 10 years later for our second. We now have a 12 week old healthy little boy and I'm 40.

The one thing I'd recommend is to actually have a semen analysis done so you know you are good to go and then you could reduce or drop the HMG. I ended up doing 75iu of HMG 3-5 times a week and my count and quality were great and then I reduced it to 75 iu HMG 1-2 times per week. My doctor thought it would still be good to keep it in as my sperm quality jumped big time with the HMG and stayed that way on the reduced dose. That doesn't mean it would have gotten worse if I stopped...I just don't know and we saw incremental increases in sperm quality with the HMG.
right on, how long did u stay on those two higher and lower doses of HMG?
nice! good to know

id like to stay on TRT the whole time, hence the HCG/HMG combo instead of HCG/clomid combo that come off usually do

right on, how long did u stay on those two higher and lower doses of HMG?

Well I came off trt cold turkey with no hcg or hmg and then started blasting the HCG for about two months and then added the HMG. I may be off a little but it was roughly the below...

May 2021: stopped trt
June 2021: started HCG ~5,000 iu a week
July 2021: Started HMG like 75iu 1-2 times a week
August 2021: Count very low....up the hmg to 75 iu 3-5x a week and add enclomiphene
September/October: Continue with high HMG...sperm count was pretty high at this point
November/Dec: lowered HMG dose
Jan 2022 conceived
9/27/2022: baby boy born
Well I came off trt cold turkey with no hcg or hmg and then started blasting the HCG for about two months and then added the HMG. I may be off a little but it was roughly the below...

May 2021: stopped trt
June 2021: started HCG ~5,000 iu a week
July 2021: Started HMG like 75iu 1-2 times a week
August 2021: Count very low....up the hmg to 75 iu 3-5x a week and add enclomiphene
September/October: Continue with high HMG...sperm count was pretty high at this point
November/Dec: lowered HMG dose
Jan 2022 conceived
9/27/2022: baby boy born
That’s awesome bro! Congrats! I’m going to be doing probably that same protocol come the new year. I’ve never been a high (relatively speaking) dose guy, but my sperm count is shit now. I want to have a partner in crime for my little guy…wish me luck.
That’s awesome bro! Congrats! I’m going to be doing probably that same protocol come the new year. I’ve never been a high (relatively speaking) dose guy, but my sperm count is shit now. I want to have a partner in crime for my little guy…wish me luck.

Yes good luck and honestly feel free to post your protocol and what happens in that thread I linked and read through it. It's become a nice resource for many. I was never a high dose guy either. We had a girl when I was 30 and then I was basically on legit trt from age 30-39 (100mgs-200mgs max test a week) then we had a change of heart.

Good luck!!
just thinking ahead for family planning and know some guys maintain fertility just fine staying on HCG once commencing juicing/TRT. but for those of us who have gone yrs w/o HCG while cycling and TRT, can u use that combo to restart ur fertility and then just maintain with just HCG like said above? or do u need to stay on the HMG as well to maintain the reactivated fertility?
It all depends on your natural production Plus The data presented here suggest that hCG is a safe and effective long-term T therapy option. hCG may serve as a potential method of T therapy in patients who do not qualify for exogenous T, even those with former T use.J
It all depends on your natural production Plus The data presented here suggest that hCG is a safe and effective long-term T therapy option. hCG may serve as a potential method of T therapy in patients who do not qualify for exogenous T, even those with former T use.J
ya well my plan is to never come off the TRT, just use HCG/HMG to regain fertility and then hopefully maintain said regained fertility with just HCG. i have no intention of dropping TRT and doing HCG/clomid only if i dont have to.
I knocked up my wife while running 600 test and 1000 iu hcg twice a week. Our babygirl is almost 6 months old and doing very well
Yes. My fertility doctor prescribed me HMG with HCG and had me stop the HMG after 4 weeks. He had me continue with the HCG until my wife became pregnant. I used this protocol twice and was blessed with 2 little boys.
I have one question did you stayed on trt or you completely came off and stayed on hcg and hmg
I have one question did you stayed on trt or you completely came off and stayed on hcg and hmg
I came of all steroids including trt
I knocked up my wife while running 600 test and 1000 iu hcg twice a week. Our babygirl is almost 6 months old and doing very well
r u on TRT? if so, how long? and were u using HCG the whole time or just added it back in randomly and was able to conceive?
r u on TRT? if so, how long? and were u using HCG the whole time or just added it back in randomly and was able to conceive?
I have been non stop blasting and cruising for the past 6.5 yrs. Had hCG in most of the time at 500 iu twice per week. But also several periods of no hCG for a couple of months. When my wife had her IUD removed I doubled the hCG.

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