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Bigger, better, leaner - 2023 onward, postcontest

whats up Jug. It kinda depends. For that 6x10+10 narrow, i kept the same weight. For the 4x12 RDL, it was a new movement so I counted the feeder sets going up.

I basically TRY to stay with the same weight as long as its getting me somewhat close to failure. So that first set might ok ending at about 1 RIR. And the 3rd is a battle to get that last rep. I'll count all of those. If the 1st set is me failing right at the top number of reps, ill drop 10% or so and go from there. As long as im pretty cloooose to failure im good.

Whats unique is that ive trained legs like this for awhile. I went away from top/back off a year or so ago as I just noticed my legs growing better with more volume, more pump. But my im now adapting this whole thing to my upper body.
whats up Jug. It kinda depends. For that 6x10+10 narrow, i kept the same weight. For the 4x12 RDL, it was a new movement so I counted the feeder sets going up.

I basically TRY to stay with the same weight as long as its getting me somewhat close to failure. So that first set might ok ending at about 1 RIR. And the 3rd is a battle to get that last rep. I'll count all of those. If the 1st set is me failing right at the top number of reps, ill drop 10% or so and go from there. As long as im pretty cloooose to failure im good.

Whats unique is that ive trained legs like this for awhile. I went away from top/back off a year or so ago as I just noticed my legs growing better with more volume, more pump. But my im now adapting this whole thing to my upper body.

Ahh perfect. I figured you’d do something like a 10% load drop to keep reps in the range. So just keeping the sets 0-2 RIR across.
Quad/Adductor Day
Seated leg curls: Top set, back off, partials
Adductor machine: RP set
Donkey calves: 4x15+
Seated calves: 4x15+
Leg Extension: 3 sets
1x 30 pump reps
1x 20 paused reps
1x 10 long paused + 20 partials
Banded Leg Press: Top set, back off set RP
Hack Squat: 2x 12
Power Squat: 2x 10

Crazy pump, legs fried. And another high day for me here. Just rice and COR for all my carbs today. Lots of 96/4 ground beef and 99/1 turkey too. I can judge my appetite just by my high days. Even now, im still starving after every 2 hours or so. Still need to add veggies to every meal as it helps keep me full. Still taking some kratom in the morning to help with appetite suppression. I know im waiiining in the offseason when this day get laborious and im dreading the next. I just ate 7oz 99/1 turkey + 3 cups of rice + lots of veggies and im still hungry.
Big ARM DAY yesterday, crazy pump. 16+ sets so it was good use of all those carbs.
Yesterday was a lot of food too so this off day is pretty low. Just finished 15 mins of HIIT plus 20 mins of LISS.

A little ehhh today because i also have a life insurance blood and urine test i gotta do. LUCKILY, im doing it post show and not during the show. I actually did bloodwork for one middle of offseason, bloodwork wasnt bad (im lucky in that my bloodwork is nevvver really bad). But i knew orals would fuckkk my liver and lipids and stuff. But ive been on ezetimibe for a couple months now, cardarine and lots of health shit so it shouldnt be bad. Honestly, they mostly care about the body weight. That is what has fucked me before. Being 300+ was a major red flag for them. I was 278 today so thatll look better.

This week will be a shit show with Thanksgiving too. Honestly, im still having some cravings because my appetite is sky high. Was hoping that would go away quick but it hasnt. Ive had to get all the candy and shit OUT of the house lol. But my will power is strong so ill fight through it.
look like Meadows split
Very close. I've actually adjusted it to be a 14day split.
First week is back focused, second week is leg focused.
So a pump-ish 2nd day in there.
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Could be completely placebo affect but i do feel fuller during the day.
You and i both have been big top set back off set guys and I have slowly kept in some sets like that, but also have added more volume.
My joints are slowly getting beaten up and I know, in the long run, more volume will be how i progress rather than strictly hard and heavy progressive overload work. I will always work to get stronger, but it isnt my single focus. For instance, this was my Back workout today.

Triple SS set
Straight arm pulldowns: 4x10
Seated straight bar row: 4x10
DY low row: 4x10
CG Pulldown: 3x12
Chest Supported Machine row: top set, back off
DB row: 1 heavy top set
Dante row: Rest Pause set
Rack Pull: 1 heavy top set
Hyperextensions: 3x15+

Huge pump during the entire workout. Felt huge.

Ive heard the same things. Ive actually heard that a lot of times the factories that these oat brands work through are slightly contaminated with out foods so oats are picking up extra gluten and other things from other foods along the way. I may have to try the super organic bougie route and see if they still bother me. For the record, ive only tried Quaker and they fuuck me up.
Don’t cut corners on oats. They’re so slow to digest as it is so when you add glyphosate in there it destroys your GI.

I love and oddly crave oats so only buy organic GMO free oats. Makes a huge difference. But I agree with @luki7788 on the blood work. Your post show so I’m sure Justin will want to rotate your menu as you’ll likely have sensitivity’s. I haven’t been able to eat chicken since my last prep. The microbiome adapts to foods over time so is good to keep a good SBO probiotic, digestive enzyme in and rotate the menu.

Awesome log- I’m excited to follow. You’re thick as a house!
In knee jerk fashion, @TheOtherOne55 log made me drag out John meadows (RIP) gama bomb routine from the cobwebs. Close to same split and retarded volume.

Oh and fuck oats. Grits (salt! Not sugar!) is my favorite easy carb.

How long you gonna push for brother? Till
You fill your weak spots out? Or do you have a bodyweight goal?
In knee jerk fashion, @TheOtherOne55 log made me drag out John meadows (RIP) gama bomb routine from the cobwebs. Close to same split and retarded volume.

Oh and fuck oats. Grits (salt! Not sugar!) is my favorite easy carb.

How long you gonna push for brother? Till
You fill your weak spots out? Or do you have a bodyweight goal?
I honestly had NEVER had grits before until my 20's. Then moved to ATL and it was a southern staple. So many different ways to do it.
Sweet or savory. But maybe i need to go back and try it lol ill buy some next time im at the store.

And honestly no idea. This is technically rebound time and I was 279 today. So about 20lbs up from show. I'm sure we'll push the rebound for a month more or so and then take some bloodwoirk to see where i'm at. I honestly dont need to think about the scale right now. I dieted down to 260 on stage. Could I have been tighter and sharper? Yes. Even then, 250 is a big SHW. SO i think this push is about fine tuning and addressing certain body parts rather than overall growth. Knowing myself, 300+ will happen though. I think at my biggggest last year i was 308ish. Definitely a justin convo though.
Back Day
Straight arm pulldown: 3x12
CG Pulldown: top set, back off
SA Barbell Rows: top set, triple drop set
Seated pronated rows: 3x12
Row Machine Neutral Grip: 3x10
Row Machine High Shoulder grip: 3x12
Dante Rows: Muscle Round set
Abductor Machine: 4x15
Hyperextension/Glute squeeze: 4x15

High day today so its time to pound carbs. I'm about a day from going over 280 so creeping up there. All rice and COR today.
I ate some shiiit (leftover halloween candy) this weekend so keeping this high day pretty tight. I just forget how fuckin HUNGRY i get with these post show hormones still in me. Crazy. But a good training day, no lower back pumps. Feel strong and pumped.
Completely agree Luki. Ive checked my ego.
I compare the 24-year-old me, flat benching 445 for 6 in a commercial gym, but looking smaller and fatter as a PLer-esque physique. I'd rather LOOK like I can bench 500 than actually bench 500 now.

275 this morning after a high day yesterday
My food is very clean right now too. Justin gives me a free meal every high day and rather in previous years i'd crush something insane (he kinda expects me to) my meals have been Cream of Rice with maybe some PB added and some chocolate chips and brown sugar. Its basically bodybuilding food with an extra kick. I look at this rebound off-season as super important to achieve a 'next-level physique.' I know that im never going to be a national level beautiful flowing top guy. But I want freaky thickness and muscle and people to stop and say, "wtf is that."

Today is an off-day. Just wrapped up 15 mins of HIIT on the stairmaster + a 20 min walk.
I'm with you, i dont even crave cheat meals anymore. I remember when i used to count down the days to them lol. Now If i have one it's more of social thing than anything. Once you get locked in, you get tunnel vision. It's a thing of beauty.
Chest/Shoulders Day
Decline Hammer: top set, back off
Fly Machine: 3x12
DB slight incline press: 3x10
Incline Hammer: Muscle Round set
Bent over Db rear delt flies: 4x20
DB side raises: 4x12
Incline Y raises: 3x15
Band pull aparts: 3x20
Cable lateral raises: Muscle Round set

Big pump, shouldve taken a pic. 285 last night full of carbs. Very full with abs and veins. A good 20-25lbs over stage weight and very lean still. Packing so much shit because going to my parents for Thanksgiving. My god, traveling as a BBer is such a bitch sometimes. Its actually EASIER when im dieting because the amount of food to bring isnt that much. Offseason, when food is high, is nuts. Bringing everything. Meals for the quick fixes today. But i bring a rice cooker and like 3 lbs of meat. Luckily my parents only live about 2 hours away from me. But packing for me, the wife and the baby is nuts. Will have an off day tomorrow to relax, maybe do some cardio at some gym in the area...back load my calories so i can crush thanksgiving dinner. Then a hard leg day on Friday. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Leg Day
Seated Leg Curl: 3x12
Adductor Machine: Top set, back off set
Leg Press: x15 to failure, x12 to failure, x10 to failure
Wide Stance Squat Machine: Top set, back off set
RDL Power squat machine: 4x15
Abductor Machine: 4x15
Leg Extension: RP set

lots of food from Thanksgiving so crazy pump. Amazing workout.
Gym was freaking packed which was terrible but got it in. It is insane to see these kids workout out nowadays....i automatically know that you have no idea what you're doing when i see you doing 7 sets of adductor machine...NONE to failure. Kids wearing WOLVES shirts lol God its insane. Ok, rant over.

Thanksgiving was good though. Ate a lot. Backloaded all my fats and carbs to the end of the day so just protein for 5 meals and then alllll over the place for thanksgiving. literally felt sick but it was delicious. Hope you guys had a great holiday
SA Cable Curl: 3x failure
DB Hammer Curl: 3x failure
Rope hammer curl: 3x failure
Preacher Curl: 3x failure
V bar pushdowns: 4x failure
Rope pushdown: 4x failure
Underhand EZ bar pushdown: 3x failure
Dips: BW x failure x 4

Quick and easy. Medium day so carbs were around 600g. weight i hovering around low 280s, still very lean.
But felt good. After eating a shit ton on thanksgiving, having a couple days of consistent clean food is great. Appetite is stillll sky high though. Medium days like that are somewhere in the 4500-5500 cal mark and im still ravenous. 450g uncooked potato each meal and i could eat double that lol. THe main thing is keeping bloating and digestion A-OK when food gets high. Again, controlling it with a lil kratom, some nicotene and lots of veggies works for now. Ill get a checkin from Justin today to see what the deal is.

@Bioactive gear has been great too. No pip at all from anything. No real need for me to move the needle dosage wise too. Im not getting fat and gym performance has been good. Ill usually look around the 4-8 week mark to see if im putting on too much BF then decide if its a food thing or a gear thing. When body composition is good, increase food, if its getting out of hand, gear.

Also, because @bbxtreme mentioned it, i randomly ate some of my baby's organic gluten free oats from Trader Joe's....stomach was untouched. No bloating, no distention, no gas. It was crazy. First time EVER having oats with no weird side effects. Im glad because i dooo love oats, especially during these hungry times when i neeed to stay full for a full 2-3 hours until next meal.
Justin gives you also a training to follow or you make your own workout? Because I was thinking that Justin Harris was more into top set and back off style workouts. Not high volume.
Justin gives you also a training to follow or you make your own workout? Because I was thinking that Justin Harris was more into top set and back off style workouts. Not high volume.
As far as I know, he only follows Justin's diet and runs the training and Gear himself
SA Cable Curl: 3x failure
DB Hammer Curl: 3x failure
Rope hammer curl: 3x failure
Preacher Curl: 3x failure
V bar pushdowns: 4x failure
Rope pushdown: 4x failure
Underhand EZ bar pushdown: 3x failure
Dips: BW x failure x 4

Quick and easy. Medium day so carbs were around 600g. weight i hovering around low 280s, still very lean.
But felt good. After eating a shit ton on thanksgiving, having a couple days of consistent clean food is great. Appetite is stillll sky high though. Medium days like that are somewhere in the 4500-5500 cal mark and im still ravenous. 450g uncooked potato each meal and i could eat double that lol. THe main thing is keeping bloating and digestion A-OK when food gets high. Again, controlling it with a lil kratom, some nicotene and lots of veggies works for now. Ill get a checkin from Justin today to see what the deal is.

@Bioactive gear has been great too. No pip at all from anything. No real need for me to move the needle dosage wise too. Im not getting fat and gym performance has been good. Ill usually look around the 4-8 week mark to see if im putting on too much BF then decide if its a food thing or a gear thing. When body composition is good, increase food, if its getting out of hand, gear.

Also, because @bbxtreme mentioned it, i randomly ate some of my baby's organic gluten free oats from Trader Joe's....stomach was untouched. No bloating, no distention, no gas. It was crazy. First time EVER having oats with no weird side effects. Im glad because i dooo love oats, especially during these hungry times when i neeed to stay full for a full 2-3 hours until next meal.
I’m sure it’s hard to top baby oats 😂 But if you ever want to try, I use One Degree brand organic quick sprouted
oats and buy bags off Amazon in bulk as it’s cheap and easy.

They also make a clean organic rice crisp cereal too. It’s a life saver on my high days and post workout with AJ. Throw it, blue berries and my whey in the blender and drink it all down… it kinda taste like baby food all blended up, but gets it down.

I’m going to have to go back and re-read your post on training style. Very unique and obviously effective. Looks like some Meadow’s and Fortitude meshed together? Loving the log.
Glutes/Hams yesterday
Lying leg curl: 1x15 triple drop set
Donkey calves: 3x15
Standing calf machine: 3x15
Seated Leg Curl: 3x 12,10,8 + partials after each
SL Leg Curl: 2x10
SL Leg Press (feet high): 2x10
Glute hyperextensions: 3x15
Barbell Glute Bridge: top set, back off
Abductor machine: RP set

High day so crushed cals. Just moved into 3 high days a week so weight WILL move up because of this. About 1000g on those days.
I am prioritizing glutes this offseason as mine were nonexistent on stage. Thats my own fault for neglecting them for so long. So time to go to work. Medium day today for Chest/Shoulders...this is usually a LONG workout + cardio.

Decline Hammer: RP set
Cable Flies: 3x15
Incline Press Machine: 3x10
Incline Hammer: 1 triple drop set
Wide grip deep pushups: 2x failure
Cable rear delt flies: 3x20
Cable Cuff side raises: 3x12
Bent over DB swings: 3x20
Side raise machine: Muscle Round set + drop set
DB shrugs: 4x20

This session takes forever but my upper body looks insane after. I personally love training traps, the look of someone with massive traps is so intimidating. That Brock Lesnar look (with less BF) is scary lol

Gonna have to travel to Europe for work in about a week and trying to game plan how i eat there. I ALWAYS stick to plan, but its a bitch.
Luckily I have been able to expense my protein and snacks on trips as everyone knows i eat very strict. Very tempted to do Chicken Pound this time and just fly with 20lbs of chicken breast. That + 6lbs of a mixed protein powder can hold me. I can buy a bag of almonds anywhere...the trick is carbs ESPECIALLY with how my carbs are right now. But i have some time to figure it out.
Glutes/Hams yesterday
Lying leg curl: 1x15 triple drop set
Donkey calves: 3x15
Standing calf machine: 3x15
Seated Leg Curl: 3x 12,10,8 + partials after each
SL Leg Curl: 2x10
SL Leg Press (feet high): 2x10
Glute hyperextensions: 3x15
Barbell Glute Bridge: top set, back off
Abductor machine: RP set

High day so crushed cals. Just moved into 3 high days a week so weight WILL move up because of this. About 1000g on those days.
I am prioritizing glutes this offseason as mine were nonexistent on stage. Thats my own fault for neglecting them for so long. So time to go to work. Medium day today for Chest/Shoulders...this is usually a LONG workout + cardio.

Decline Hammer: RP set
Cable Flies: 3x15
Incline Press Machine: 3x10
Incline Hammer: 1 triple drop set
Wide grip deep pushups: 2x failure
Cable rear delt flies: 3x20
Cable Cuff side raises: 3x12
Bent over DB swings: 3x20
Side raise machine: Muscle Round set + drop set
DB shrugs: 4x20

This session takes forever but my upper body looks insane after. I personally love training traps, the look of someone with massive traps is so intimidating. That Brock Lesnar look (with less BF) is scary lol

Gonna have to travel to Europe for work in about a week and trying to game plan how i eat there. I ALWAYS stick to plan, but its a bitch.
Luckily I have been able to expense my protein and snacks on trips as everyone knows i eat very strict. Very tempted to do Chicken Pound this time and just fly with 20lbs of chicken breast. That + 6lbs of a mixed protein powder can hold me. I can buy a bag of almonds anywhere...the trick is carbs ESPECIALLY with how my carbs are right now. But i have some time to figure it out.
beef jerky is great for traveling
Back Day
Straight arm pulldown - 1x failure, triple drop set
CG Pulldown - RP set
Seated Row wide bar - Top set, back off set
SA DB row - 3x10
Wide Grip pulldown - 3x15
Wide/High machine row - 3x10
Low SA cable row - Muscle Round set
Hyperextensions - 3x15
Banded Good Mornings - 1x15

Big pump, full as hell. ANother high day for me so 1000+g of carbs.
Weight is gonna get to 290, i feel it. Before bed I was 294 the other night. Its not too bad because i dont have any insane lower back pumps at the moment. Justin always warns that "get ready, this shit is gonna be bad" and im actually OK right now.
Carbs are allll from COR or just plain right today. No big cheat meals or anything. I usually get a free meal on high days but ive just been doing my normal COR and add some chocolate chips and natty PB...just make it delicious basically lol It takes like a giant tub of cookie dough. I think my biggest fear right now is just not allowing myself to put on BF and my weight ticks up. If i coudl get to that 295 mark during the rebound in pretty damn good condition with abs. It would be great. I think that'll come from A. Not eating shit...make it clean food. B. Cardio, i've maintained all my cardio and my neat is up there too and C. Keep gear decently high lol

On a shittier note, im still fucking with my gut. I'm doing a couple things right now that could HELP or HURT it. For one, i had a cyst (non injection site) that needed to be delt with so im on this is essentially gonna wipe my gut clean. Now that could be GOOD or bad. Hawkmoon had that recent thread about his distension being solved after a hardcore antibiotic run killing allll the bacteria. Like i said, sometimes this is good, sometimes this is bad. So right now im running a 10 run of doxycycline with some Florastor and some Oregano Oil to see what happens. Im still able to digest food fine...but im distended allll the fucking time. It basically has been like this since i was 3 weeks out. From my own research, i think high dosed orals, stress, artificial sweeteners and some others have led to some SIBO like effects. Like i have 0 fat on my stomach, but pulling a vacuum is fucking tough...even in the morning. I think i have some bacteria overgrowth that neeeds some attention. Ive been listening to alot of Austin Stout (if you guys havent checked him out, very intelligent dude) as he delves into digestion and GI issues with bodybuilders. I honestly feel like im LUCKY to have not had any issues this far into my BBing career. I mean, if you hang out at part of the year at 300lbs, and eat massive amounts of food to get there, something is bound to happen. Even chatting with Justin, he basically has ciliac now and some auto immune issues due to his BBer eating habits. Any ways, rant over. I WILL figure this out. TOUGH thing is doing it while food is getting higher. Realistically, you want to do this when food is low and you arent in a growing period, but fuck it. I love being big.

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