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Citrus bergamot brand

Where can I buy your product? Will you ship to Canada? Can I too have 1 free bottle lol?

Yes, but won't be until later this year.

PM me.
Then Jarrow wasn't the problem. They have one of the highest quality controls in the business. I've never even heard of NAOMI. Maybe you are a non responder of some sort. However, just because your lipids didn't change much doesnt mean you weren't reading other benefits from it.

The reason I recommend Jarrow for CB or Vitamin Shoppe Astragalus is due to years of seeing results with people and understanding their sourcing and quality control protocols.
Jarrow does have one of the highest quality controls in the supplement industry.

Naomi is also manufactured in a facility that adheres to those same standards.

Neither of those things have anything to do with why one works better than the other in this case.

It comes down to source- nothing more, nothing less. Different ingredients from different places react differently in the body as they have different phyto-chemicals, nutrients and elements to them based on the region and area they are grown and harvested in.
If you're on gear and taking it to prevent heart problems, think again. Two people I know closely have had Heart attacks thinking it works. Nothing beats Crestor for lowering LDL, and increasing HDL. Its not only about lowering Cholesterol, but to stop plaque buildup.
If you're on gear and taking it to prevent heart problems, think again. Two people I know closely have had Heart attacks thinking it works. Nothing beats Crestor for lowering LDL, and increasing HDL. Its not only about lowering Cholesterol, but to stop plaque buildup.
No one here who has a brain thinks that takin citrus bergamot is gonna let you blast away with no risk..
Jarrow does have one of the highest quality controls in the supplement industry.

Naomi is also manufactured in a facility that adheres to those same standards.

Neither of those things have anything to do with why one works better than the other in this case.

It comes down to source- nothing more, nothing less. Different ingredients from different places react differently in the body as they have different phyto-chemicals, nutrients and elements to them based on the region and area they are grown and harvested in.
Correct, but quality control included proper sourcing in my mind. I did it professionally for three years for a major manufacturer and am still currently doing it in a smaller capacity.
Not sure if you saw my response earlier in the thread (#3).

I use a lot of Jarrow supps in my regimen and yes their quality is excellent. I had years of labs while on their citrus bergamot. It wasn't until I retried the "Italian" version that it did anything positive with my bloodwork. If I'm taking something specific to improve labs and it doesn't I'm not sure it makes sense to keep it in. I had never notice any other positive effects like improved BG, inflammation, etc so that's why it was dropped.
To be honest, Jarrow CB never helped my lipids much either. Did you ever find a brand that did what you hoped via bloodwork results.
Correct, but quality control included proper sourcing in my mind. I did it professionally for three years for a major manufacturer and am still currently doing it in a smaller capacity.
Sometimes it does. Just depends on the company as I’m sure you are aware.

The bergamonte has made a huge difference in my lipids and everyone I’ve seen go on it.

I love Jarrow btw and used theirs before learning of this myself. They are an excellent brand. Just wish they used the bergamonte. Unfortunately many brands don’t want to pay for the inflation of the trademarked ingredient.

In this case I have seen it be a very noticeable difference, which is why they have it trademarked of course. 😊
It's the Bergamonte branded ingredient by HP Ingredients that makes the difference.

When we release our LIPID product it will contain 1000mg per serving of Bergamonte! As well as 3-4 other ingredients.

NAOMI is 500mg.

I will send you a bottle free :)
Does the xtra 4 ingredients matter?I see another company that sells it for significantly cheaper.
I just bought NOW Cholesterol Pro from Amazon. $31 for 120 (500mg tabs) and it has the Bergamonte trademark. This seems like the best deal and NOW should be legit.
I’ve tried pretty much every brand and none have changed my hdl or ldl at all. Same goes with red yeast rice in the US it’s not allowed to be sold with the active ingredient anymore, basically worthless
I’ve tried pretty much every brand and none have changed my hdl or ldl at all. Same goes with red yeast rice in the US it’s not allowed to be sold with the active ingredient anymore, basically worthless
Supplement don't have the same impact for everyone when it comes to stuff like cholesterol. If you can't improve yours with lifestyle and supplements then get on a statin.
Supplement don't have the same impact for everyone when it comes to stuff like cholesterol. If you can't improve yours with lifestyle and supplements then get on a statin.
I’m on a statin now, only thing that ever worked for me personally. I was fat and out of shape, eating terrible. I cleaned up my diet and lost a bunch of weight was working out 5 times a week, doing daily cardio and taking a bunch of supplements. Cholesterol was exactly the same as before until I went on rosuvastatin. Everyone should be doing bloodwork and checking things to see if they actually work or not
Naomi is the ONLY brand I’d use. It’s Italian citrus bergamot (source matters). It also has resveratrol and olive leaf as well.

My LDL is 40 on it. HDL is 30. My cardiologist swears I’m using statins and not telling him. 😂

Make sure you take it on an empty stomach first thing in the AM. 2 caps as said above.
so 1gram a day is enought, i think dante says to so 1g am/pm. costly that way.
so 1gram a day is enought, i think dante says to so 1g am/pm. costly that way.
For me and in my opinion it is for most people. Exception would be if you’re 230 pounds plus or have extremely elevated lipids. In that case I would suggest the same dosage as Dante.

I keep my LDL between 40-45 year round at this amount. For reference prior to moving to the bergamonte brand it was about 70.
I just bought NOW Cholesterol Pro from Amazon. $31 for 120 (500mg tabs) and it has the Bergamonte trademark. This seems like the best deal and NOW should be legit.
'Should be legit'...well, so should Jarrow. But as stated here, it really comes down to the sourcing of the raw material/species. It's not that the other well-known brands are doing anything in the process wrong or misleading - but they MAY just not be using the same exact raw material. This could lead to some brands looking better than others when it comes down to bloodwork.
for me this supplement does nothing with lipids and I have tried it many times

Me too religiously took it for one year ZERO change in lipid profile
  • Wow
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Ive seen citrus bergamot not work for people at all if they take shitbird brands like doublewood and such to try to save money. Seen people time and time again buy the cheapest brands on Amazon and think that is stamped in stone. (Check out Doublewood and NUSAPure lab results sometime, you might as well take empty gelatin capsules).

If we are talking just HDL, then citrus bergamot 1000/1000, berberine 1000/1000 and a good dose of lutein / MSM as far as supplements are the only things I have seen raise it supplement wise with people. Pantethine maybe but thats moreso for LDL. No amount of anything is going to change horrendous bloodwork if you dont ALSO change the exact culprits that are causing the horrendous bloodwork.

I dont think a significant reduction in plaque ( carotid intima-media thickness ) with the usage of CB for only 6 months is anything to overlook for the guy above championing crestor.

I lowered my LDL and ApoB with critrus bergamot 1g a day fasted. AOR brand in Canada. I also decreased my red meat intake so that probably helped lol.
Ive seen citrus bergamot not work for people at all if they take shitbird brands like doublewood and such to try to save money. Seen people time and time again buy the cheapest brands on Amazon and think that is stamped in stone. (Check out Doublewood and NUSAPure lab results sometime, you might as well take empty gelatin capsules).

If we are talking just HDL, then citrus bergamot 1000/1000, berberine 1000/1000 and a good dose of lutein / MSM as far as supplements are the only things I have seen raise it supplement wise with people. Pantethine maybe but thats moreso for LDL. No amount of anything is going to change horrendous bloodwork if you dont ALSO change the exact culprits that are causing the horrendous bloodwork.

I dont think a significant reduction in plaque ( carotid intima-media thickness ) with the usage of CB for only 6 months is anything to overlook for the guy above championing crestor.

Dante where can we check lab results for these kinds of supplements? Fish and Krill oil most especially...

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