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DC/Hanshaw Project ...Kaboom!

Dante I am so sorry to bring unnecessary BS to you. I promise you I will never post anything from your social media here without your prior consent. If you happy then I will otherwise I wont. I give you my word on that.

If you didn't post it I would've. I was so excited to see this on my fbook feed. Can't wait to follow along. Whether here or FB I don't care.
I am thankful this was posted as I would not have known about it otherwise. Sometimes it is invigorating to read a review of methods that have been out for a while. For me it relights the fire to a degree. Looking forward to it.
I'm stoked to see these new DC training videos coming out from Dusty. I just started DC training recently myself for the first time and I'm already a huge fan.

It definitely deserves a lot more attention, and I think the upcoming generation of bb'ers could especially benefit from it who are almost all convinced you just need to take copious amounts of AAS, GH and Slin, and get a pump and leave and eat in a surplus and that's all there is to becoming Phil Heath size.
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excited to see as I really like Dusty and love any DC related content,
but I can't get why anyone would ever have a problem with Dante. One of the few really good guys in this weird hobby/business. He has provided a ton of great insight and helped a ton of guys without looking for any publicity from it.
I am thankful this was posted as I would not have known about it otherwise. Sometimes it is invigorating to read a review of methods that have been out for a while. For me it relights the fire to a degree. Looking forward to it.

I´m on the same boat, grateful it was posted here and hopeful it will carry on being posted since I don´t have a Facebook account, nor plan to have one.
Dante, I like what you and Dusty are doing. That said, your original post did sound like you were taking a shot at PM...that doesn't feel good! You have a big following here, so when you make a blanket statement, it doesn't feel great for those that support you! Even you saying this is the last place you wanted to see this information posted was insulting...again, you have a big following here!! I think Phidias posted what others that support you were thinking.

As for asking others to steer clear of this thread, it's because we already know how they feel about certain aspects of what Dante preaches (the drug side). It shows up in every DC thread and it doesn't need to replay itself ad nauseam. If they want to talk/debate training and diet, that's fine. I have nothing against any of the people I'm referring too, just start your own thread and talk about your ideas on PED's.

Dante, I hope you bring what you and Dusty are working on to PM. It would be nice to have more conversations on training and diet with PED's not being the main focus...we have plenty of threads on that! Anyone can stick a needle in their ass or pop a pill but muscle can't be built without good training and diet as the base.

I havent looked at this thread since early yesterday as I had a birthday party to go to....so im catching up.

Bio...put yourself in my shoes man. Ive talked about respecting your health, and how important it is to prepare for 40 plus years of age (a number that 20-35 year olds cant even fathom but comes oh so quick)....repeatedly on this board for years. And Ive gotten alot of shit for it. Alot of potshots at me for it. Ive told the most abusive cycles that I know of on here (titus)...and the current pro who was up around 13 grams on Big A's threads....those arent remembered...all that is remembered is me telling of pros who DO REALLY care about their health and longevity<---thats all that is remembered. So Im being asked to come back into the fold after almost a decade off...to state my opinions again...and alot of it is going to have to do with "staying healthy while you become a massive bodybuilder"....we both know that doesnt go well over here with more than a token few....so why do I want to stir that crap up again. Its not about pro muscle....I fully know the majority of pro muscle arent abusers and care about their wellbeing. This is the last place i wanted that "social media" post ending up because past experience has told me 'it doesnt go over well'....thats it...there isnt a hidden meaning. I just didnt want the backlash.....and I am going to say case closed and my point is proven because you saw what happened as soon as it was posted over here....Bang...two derogatory posts right off the bat about it. How does that not prove my point of why i didnt want it over here? {Again i know the majority of members here are respective to their health....but with what Dusty and I are going to do...only people who WANT to read me are going to read me...Its not going to be thrown into anyones face who doesnt want to read it}
I havent looked at this thread since early yesterday as I had a birthday party to go to....so im catching up.

Bio...put yourself in my shoes man. Ive talked about respecting your health, and how important it is to prepare for 40 plus years of age (a number that 20-35 year olds cant even fathom but comes oh so quick)....repeatedly on this board for years. And Ive gotten alot of shit for it. Alot of potshots at me for it. Ive told the most abusive cycles that I know of on here (titus)...and the current pro who was up around 13 grams on Big A's threads....those arent remembered...all that is remembered is me telling of pros who DO REALLY care about their health and longevity<---thats all that is remembered. So Im being asked to come back into the fold after almost a decade off...to state my opinions again...and alot of it is going to have to do with "staying healthy while you become a massive bodybuilder"....we both know that doesnt go well over here with more than a token few....so why do I want to stir that crap up again. Its not about pro muscle....I fully know the majority of pro muscle arent abusers and care about their wellbeing. This is the last place i wanted that "social media" post ending up because past experience has told me 'it doesnt go over well'....thats it...there isnt a hidden meaning. I just didnt want the backlash.....and I am going to say case closed and my point is proven because you saw what happened as soon as it was posted over here....Bang...two derogatory posts right off the bat about it. How does that not prove my point of why i didnt want it over here? {Again i know the majority of members here are respective to their health....but with what Dusty and I are going to do...only people who WANT to read me are going to read me...Its not going to be thrown into anyones face who doesnt want to read it}


I can say that you've helped open my eyes to things that I never would have thought about, or even read about on most other places on the internet.

  • Importance of training heavy and hard, above nearly all else
  • The idea of Blasting and cruising
  • health risks of orals and Tren
  • a slew of health supplements
  • etc etc

On so many other forums on the internet, people don't ever seem to consider the health risks of these things... much less really bring them up. It's far too easy to get caught up the immediacy of "gains", and how something makes you feel, rather than the long-term health considerations.

There are probably a lot of people out there in the woodwork that you've helped stay healthy, or at least re-think their careless approach to bodybuilding.

Please don't get offended by some jackasses on the internet (there always will be).

If you believe in your message, keep teaching us. There will always be people to benefit... if not now, maybe they will come by in the future to read it. They may not always come out and openly thank you though.

That said, I'd still like to learn more about your updated thoughts on DC training, PED use, food, new health supplement ideas, ways to protect heart/kidneys, etc.

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I guess i'll know more later once details come out, so my apologies if I state anything wrong here....

I think anything Dante and DC state is going to be awesome, and i'm sure there will be a ton of info to learn from their shared information.

I'm not a big fan of FB, I get on daily, but I do not have the patience to really read up on stuff. I get the DC/TN/Dusty threads pop up on my wall, but I can only concentrate on a thread with 200 replies of BS for so long before I pass over the whole thing.

I only ask for myself and others....where is this info going to be posted on how we can read or view it? Is it going to be on FB? YouTube? Email? Message boards?

DC, like I said, I try to stay up with you and Dusty on FB, but there and here (PM) are the only places I know of you posting.....and God knows where Dusty even posts? Does he post anywhere these days outside of occasional FB posts?

Many people come here to read your posts, only because you come here a lot.

I cannot stand facebook either man...I freaking hate it. There is nothing worse than me writing something and it disappears in 24 hours and thats facebook. Half my pms on facebook are people who are asking me how to find the post I wrote on something. Ive written long posts on geardup facebook newsgroup that gets alot of veiws but the way facebook works it just keeps moving so the posts pretty much disappear as soon as people stop posting on it. I was studying something the other day and I saw something during the article that Stewie had posted on the particular subject here on Pro Muscle.....so i come over here and search Stewie and the term...and boom there it is....so much easier.
But i want to say this....I link Pro Muscle posts all the time in Geard up newsgroup and in my own posts on my own page (in fact there is a pro muscle link in the comments on the very post this thread is about)...so for you people who think Im bashing Pro Muscle....Im linking threads over here all the time on Facebook...and I know more than a token few are finding Pro Muscle for the first time because of those links. Maybe my wording sucked or something and im sorry for that but I think things got misconstrued here.....I just dont like creating a shitstorm when it doesnt need to be....and thats why i wanted it off this board.....its nothing against this site or the majority of the people over here

That PM Kevin Jordan "It aint pretty but you cant say it doesnt work" has been posted so many times on Facebook its ridiculous
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I'm glad you pointed this out. Another thing with Facebook is that Dante's posts happen to be public, so I sometimes have to hold back on replying to them as I need to be careful since anyone on my friends list will be able to see my comment/like. I try to keep my bodybuilding association away from my personal life. Therefore, it's nice to see the posts here too.

I 100% totally know what you mean. I got nieces and family friends who follow me on there and it makes me very uncomfortable when i have to talk about a subject thats kind of shaky. I refuse to add most of these people to my friends list (and they get pissed at me for it) but they "follow" me anyway so they get to read whatever i post.....so you always have to watch your words
I cannot stand facebook either man...I freaking hate it. There is nothing worse than me writing something and it disappears in 24 hours and thats facebook. Half my pms on facebook are people who are asking me how to find the post I wrote on something. Ive written long posts on geardup facebook newsgroup that gets alot of veiws but the way facebook works it just keeps moving so the posts pretty much disappear as soon as people stop posting on it. I was studying something the other day and I saw something during the article that Stewie had posted on the particular subject here on Pro Muscle.....so i come over here and search Stewie and the term...and boom there it is....so much easier.

But i want to say this....I link Pro Muscle posts all the time in Geard up newsgroup and in my own posts on my own page (in fact there is a pro muscle link in the comments on the very post this thread is about)...so for you people who think Im bashing Pro Muscle....Im linking threads over here all the time on Facebook...and I know more than a token few are finding Pro Muscle for the first time because of those links. Maybe my wording sucked or something and im sorry for that but I think things got misconstrued here.....I just dont like creating a shitstorm when it doesnt need to be....and thats why i wanted it off this board.....its nothing against this site or the majority of the people over here

That PM Kevin Jordan "It aint pretty but you cant say it doesnt work" has been posted so many times on Facebook its ridiculous

I figured out how to find your posts in the Gear'd Up group. You have to click the search button at the top when you're in the group page, then search by user and type your name. Then every post with you tagged in it shows up.

Helpful for those of us who unfollowed the group due to all the redundant and annoying progress pics.
I have been lifting since I turned 30. Went at it pretty hard and tried competing in my later 30's. Justin Harris prepped me for my first show actually. Wasn't nearly big enough as a heavyweight at 6' 1", so Justin was kind enough to get me in touch with Dante to get back to working on a foundation. Genetics are not on my side, but I can listen, follow instructions and push pretty hard in the gym as I love it...still do. At the age of 48 now and having tried several different approaches to lifting, bottom line is I was NEVER as big and conditioned as I was following Dante's training. Heavy ass weights, lots of food and protein, cardio for my slow metabolism, dedication to the log book, etc. and I was walking around at a very lean 255#. So I hope this info does get shared over here as I do zero social media.
I 100% totally know what you mean. I got nieces and family friends who follow me on there and it makes me very uncomfortable when i have to talk about a subject thats kind of shaky. I refuse to add most of these people to my friends list (and they get pissed at me for it) but they "follow" me anyway so they get to read whatever i post.....so you always have to watch your words
I follow you on fb and for that reason I would never mention aas on fb. I have family on mine and wouldn't want them seeing me talking about that stuff.

Sent from my SM-G920V using Professional Muscle mobile app
I havent looked at this thread since early yesterday as I had a birthday party to go to....so im catching up.

Bio...put yourself in my shoes man. Ive talked about respecting your health, and how important it is to prepare for 40 plus years of age (a number that 20-35 year olds cant even fathom but comes oh so quick)....repeatedly on this board for years. And Ive gotten alot of shit for it. Alot of potshots at me for it. Ive told the most abusive cycles that I know of on here (titus)...and the current pro who was up around 13 grams on Big A's threads....those arent remembered...all that is remembered is me telling of pros who DO REALLY care about their health and longevity<---thats all that is remembered. So Im being asked to come back into the fold after almost a decade off...to state my opinions again...and alot of it is going to have to do with "staying healthy while you become a massive bodybuilder"....we both know that doesnt go well over here with more than a token few....so why do I want to stir that crap up again. Its not about pro muscle....I fully know the majority of pro muscle arent abusers and care about their wellbeing. This is the last place i wanted that "social media" post ending up because past experience has told me 'it doesnt go over well'....thats it...there isnt a hidden meaning. I just didnt want the backlash.....and I am going to say case closed and my point is proven because you saw what happened as soon as it was posted over here....Bang...two derogatory posts right off the bat about it. How does that not prove my point of why i didnt want it over here? {Again i know the majority of members here are respective to their health....but with what Dusty and I are going to do...only people who WANT to read me are going to read me...Its not going to be thrown into anyones face who doesnt want to read it}

Dante take a minute and think about this. Do you think you'll really find a medium that will embrace what you talk about 100%? Two people made derogatory comments and Elvia's wasn't really derogatory either, just didn't need to be. You refer to those that follow you here as "the token few" and later state that the majority of the members here are concerned about their health. I assure you that more members here would like to hear your ideas than not.

Like I said before, I hope you bring that info here...I'm not on FB and would love to hear your ideas. If someone has an opposing view on training and/or diet and respectfully has a question for you, that shouldn't be an issue for you and Dusty. If someone wants to be derogatory regarding low dose cycles, then their post will be removed.
Dante take a minute and think about this. Do you think you'll really find a medium that will embrace what you talk about 100%? Two people made derogatory comments and Elvia's wasn't really derogatory either, just didn't need to be. You refer to those that follow you here as "the token few" and later state that the majority of the members here are concerned about their health. I assure you that more members here would like to hear your ideas than not.

Like I said before, I hope you bring that info here...I'm not on FB and would love to hear your ideas. If someone has an opposing view on training and/or diet and respectfully has a question for you, that shouldn't be an issue for you and Dusty. If someone wants to be derogatory regarding low dose cycles, then their post will be removed.

I screwed up my wording on that "token few" sentence....the "token few" meant the people that vehemently dont like what i have to say on health.
I am not putting my thoughts on facebook either...thats a huge problem in itself because i cant openly talk about alot of stuff. I have so much stuff I need to empty out of my brain I got to get it out. I got notes and notes on my desk here of things I want to talk about...and a logbook in which the whole backend of it is subjects i want to talk about. Dusty wanted to do a DC training website and wanted my blessing and said "I would rather have you involved but i understand because you dont have much time" so im going to make the time and empty out the attic and let it fly.....
I am really excited for this!! Recently switched to DC style training and Dante also heavily influenced me in terms of revealing lots of health supps to me. Being only 22 I might not really "need" them yet but I'd rather take them now already and be pro-active about things than to try and make up for years of not caring about health later on.
awesome, can't wait to see it.

I screwed up my wording on that "token few" sentence....the "token few" meant the people that vehemently dont like what i have to say on health.
I am not putting my thoughts on facebook either...thats a huge problem in itself because i cant openly talk about alot of stuff. I have so much stuff I need to empty out of my brain I got to get it out. I got notes and notes on my desk here of things I want to talk about...and a logbook in which the whole backend of it is subjects i want to talk about. Dusty wanted to do a DC training website and wanted my blessing and said "I would rather have you involved but i understand because you dont have much time" so im going to make the time and empty out the attic and let it fly.....
On a good note....it was my birthday saturday and Im usually all about family and rarely buy myself anything but I bought myself a present (pictures below) (ive always wanted a C2 restomod corvette)...it will be here in about a week and I cannot freaking wait to drive it! Its only got 490 miles on it only since its been done.

Original 1964 roadster body
New Street Shop inc chassis with C4 suspension
GM Performance LS3 525 hp.
Side pipes w/ shields
Street Shop serpentine billet pulleys system
Vintage Air sure -fit AC and Heat
Tremic TKO 5 speed
QA1 adjustable coil over shocks
Dakata Digital VHX Gauges
Wilwood 6 piston front and 4 piston rear Brakes
HydroBoost Brake booster / Wilwood master cylinder
Flaming River polished tilt steering Colum
Billet Specialty custom Steering wheel
Custom Leather interior
Power window
Custom Retro look 1500 Watt stereo system


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On a good note....it was my birthday saturday and Im usually all about family and rarely buy myself anything but I bought myself a present (pictures below) (ive always wanted a C2 restomod corvette)...it will be here in about a week and I cannot freaking wait to drive it! Its only got 490 miles on it only since its been done.

Original 1964 roadster body
New Street Shop inc chassis with C4 suspension
GM Performance LS3 525 hp.
Side pipes w/ shields
Street Shop serpentine billet pulleys system
Vintage Air sure -fit AC and Heat
Tremic TKO 5 speed
QA1 adjustable coil over shocks
Dakata Digital VHX Gauges
Wilwood 6 piston front and 4 piston rear Brakes
HydroBoost Brake booster / Wilwood master cylinder
Flaming River polished tilt steering Colum
Billet Specialty custom Steering wheel
Custom Leather interior
Power window
Custom Retro look 1500 Watt stereo system
You ain't fitting in that thing [emoji1]

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Happy belated dante .....thats a beautiful car ....nice taste .....thats going to be fun ....
You ain't fitting in that thing [emoji1]

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

Trust me Ill get there...heres proof....i was able to crawl in my father in laws 62 vette here (i almost needed the jaws of life to get out of it though)


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