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Expierence with accutane!!

Been on MP stane for bout 2 months 40Mg and it's good shit. Back still has a few spots but not a single spot that could be squeezed out which means it's only a matter of time now.
what's the dose you were running?

Was running 40mg MP back in the summer then switched to 20 RS and it wiped it out quick.Like I said I'm not at all bashing MP as he said he had problems through email with that batch, and he made it right with me for sure.Both are great sources!
Was running 40mg MP back in the summer then switched to 20 RS and it wiped it out quick.Like I said I'm not at all bashing MP as he said he had problems through email with that batch, and he made it right with me for sure.Both are great sources!

Tried MP other products gtg. Just the price difference between researchstop an mP is big.
^^^^ Yeah I've used 8 different products from MP and all were great except for that accutane did nothing for me so I went elsewhere for accutane because my acne on my chest was horrible and couldn't take the chance of it not working again.Sounds like he's fixed the problem by the rest of the feedback lately on the tane.He's a great source and will resolve any problems people have with any of his products.Good dude!
I might have to pull the trigger. Hate not being able to workout in a tank top. Lol
You get what you pay for. Research Stop is the best. You will see great results.
I used accutane back when research companies could sell it. I had break outs once in a while from sweating in the gym or what ever. The accutane definitely worked. It dries up the skin so bacteria can not spread and create infections. My sides were dry lips and nose or eye's. It dries out your membranes. I remember when the FDA banned all sales and manufacturing of it. It's still available with a few international companies. I read what the FDA had concerns with. It works but read what the FDA has to say first. It was called isotretinoin.
You get what you pay for. Research Stop is the best. You will see great results.

I don't always believe you pay what you get for. But I am having a hard time with paying $35 vs $100. For the same thing.
Mr. Zoobster you asked for a review. I have tried three or four different places. Research Stop is the best . I would get two bottles. Start off with 1 ml a day . Maybe up it to 2 ml a day. By the end of the two bottles you will be happy . I have been off of it for months and still don't get a thing. Best thing I ever decided to do.
I've done multiple cycles since 16 years old... On cycle I use to run a small dose daily to ward off acne... Like 20mgs a day... Worked well
Mr. Zoobster you asked for a review. I have tried three or four different places. Research Stop is the best . I would get two bottles. Start off with 1 ml a day . Maybe up it to 2 ml a day. By the end of the two bottles you will be happy . I have been off of it for months and still don't get a thing. Best thing I ever decided to do.

I was hoping you wouldn't say researchstop. Expensive.
Fellas, I have had bad ass shoulder acne for months now and I started using a rx product that has been incredible.

Its Benzamycin cream (not the gel pack that sucked, but the tub of cream). Using it twice a day for a few days basically killed all the acne on my shoulders, flattened them right out. I am no long popping disgusting white dots of my shoulders every single day.

I am also using 40mg of RS accutane, but the difference since I started using the benzamycin cream has been a total godsend.
I also took manpower acctuane 20 mg pills. I had good result most of my acne is gone but i would not say all of it. My back was pretty bad broken out. Took it for 5 months at 60-80 mg per day. I did a high dose like 100-120mg per day and started getting depression symptons. I would definitely recommend manpowers to anyone. I tried to go to the doctor only to get the run around.
I also took manpower acctuane 20 mg pills. I had good result most of my acne is gone but i would not say all of it. My back was pretty bad broken out. Took it for 5 months at 60-80 mg per day. I did a high dose like 100-120mg per day and started getting depression symptons. I would definitely recommend manpowers to anyone. I tried to go to the doctor only to get the run around.

Freaking 5 months. That has to be so bad on your liver.
Hated life while on it. It worked but I was soo dry and skin hurt and my liver count went nuts so I had to stop. Long term though it did help cuz years later and never had a major issue again.
Isosolut Dosage & How to

Got it from ResearchStop

Trying to figure out w/ the meter dropper how much I'd take for 20mg a night.

With some googling came across and punching in numbers gave me 0.25mg /ml. So on the dropper it has measurements of 0.5ml & 1.0ml. Guess Id just have to round off what I feel is half way to 0.5ml on the dropper...

U guys recommend I get a more accurate device?

Also, do I take it orally or inject it?

Heard it can be damaging on the liver, was thinking about also buying Liv52...

Any advice/input is greatly appreciated!
This is a old thread with a big bump but I'll jump in.

I did 20mg for a bit and every time it dried my skin out like crazy so then I stopped. Since I'm on clen I'm sweating like crazy and it is causing my forehead, shoulders, and upper chest and back to break out and it is really annoying me. I have 16 days worth of it and I've started on it but I'm thinking of purchase 5mg caps this time and just stay on a very mild dosage of it.

I think 20mg is used for people with really bad acne which I don't think I'm even close to.

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