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Fasted cardio(GH)

Are there any studies demonstrating increased fat loss with fasted cardio?

What's more interesting to me, as someone whose practiced IF since 2016, is the effect of beliefs on actions. (All my training is done fasted.)

Physiologically, I speculate the difference is miniscule.

Psychologically, the difference may be significant.

In other words, how much of what we believe influences the actions we take and therefore the results we get?
I think the studies say fasted doesn't help. But I think people only speculate it would benefit lean people who are having trouble getting any more fat loss say pre contest. And the theory is that the gh enhances it along with stimulants, which I doubt they would even be able to incorporate in a study so no way to know if it truly matters.

I'm doing fasted cardio, I pin GH when i wake up and do cardio a few hours later(fasted).
Now my question is, if I sip on eaa's during/after the cardio, will that mean that I am still fasted or is that counterproductive?

Why are you fasting? Here’s the deal. The 16/8 fasting…or intermittent fasting….it works because mostly it’s a form of caloric restriction. Hunger sucks. But it is nice to eat some decent meals at 2200 calories in an 8 hour window. You spread out 2200 calories over 15 hours….and your eating a chicken breast and once slice of Ezekiel bread 6 times.

Now…if your fasting for the fasting magic….gut microbiota changes, inflammation calming, rapid ketosis….the magic STARTS at 24 hours, and only gets trucking at 36h.

So if your IFing for looking good, sure….drink your xtend.

If your trying to repair your body….well….your gonna need to do some OMaD or ADF fasting
Why are you fasting? Here’s the deal. The 16/8 fasting…or intermittent fasting….it works because mostly it’s a form of caloric restriction. Hunger sucks. But it is nice to eat some decent meals at 2200 calories in an 8 hour window. You spread out 2200 calories over 15 hours….and your eating a chicken breast and once slice of Ezekiel bread 6 times.

Now…if your fasting for the fasting magic….gut microbiota changes, inflammation calming, rapid ketosis….the magic STARTS at 24 hours, and only gets trucking at 36h.

So if your IFing for looking good, sure….drink your xtend.

If your trying to repair your body….well….your gonna need to do some OMaD or ADF fasting
Spot on. I do if just for why you stated, a meal starts at 800 calories. Big meals in a short window vs tiny bites all day. Definitely people talking about magic of autophagy, dry no water fasting IMO is nonsense. I remember we had a thread where someone swore by fasting without water for a day they were healthier 😂
As the human body can store about a days worth of carbs in the liver and muscle there is usually plenty of carbs readily available to burn for fuel as i see it. In the grand scheme i don't see it making much difference on paper. But the power of belief is a wonderful thing. And people seem to get lean no matter which was they go as long as they are consistent.
As the human body can store about a days worth of carbs in the liver and muscle there is usually plenty of carbs readily available to burn for fuel as i see it. In the grand scheme i don't see it making much difference on paper. But the power of belief is a wonderful thing. And people seem to get lean no matter which was they go as long as they are consistent.

Fasted cardio never seemed to be any better or worse than any other time until I started using GH. I don’t know if it’s that it encourages FFA for fuel or that it’s so anti catabolic that it won’t break down any muscle / glycogen for fuel. Either way, for me, it absolutely makes a difference in getting leaner. Weight loss may be equal but lean tissue stays and fat is burnt as fuel and brings in a much tighter physique.
This is the best writeup / explanation for why so many people say it doesn't matter, and why it really does, but also really only for those who are already pretty lean trying to get shredded or in a comp prep. And YES, EAA will result in even the slighted insulin response, which makes you no longer fasted, and also will hurt / prevent the mobilization and transportation of fatty acids component of it. I guess it really comes down to your goal for doing the cardio and wanting to be fasted. Lean trying to get shredded? Yea do it, general health and or maintaining the current level of conditioning, doesn't matter do it however you want.

part 1 https://bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/is-fasted-cardio-useless-for-fat-loss

part 2 https://bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/is-fasted-cardio-useless-for-fat-loss-part-2
I haven’t seen any difference in fat loss from drinking water during fasted cardio versus EAAs. I think the amino (protein) calories are negligible and your body is still going to work off your stores. #justmy2cents
If I had a stim choice, amphetamine sulfate at 5mg would be my go to.
Much cleaner than ephedrine.. IME
Well it's not available to get is it? unless on blk market?

Even Adderall I'm not able to get and I've been diagnosed with ADHD. So looks like will have to stick with ephedrine .I'm all for less negative effects .
If they break the fast they are useless at that point. I don't believe that medium intensity cardio(with gh) is catabolic at all
I should have clarified I was referencing the fasted state being catabolic not the cardio.
in my experience taking gh before fasted cardio to lose body fat is a waste of gh. best taken at night or post workout for recovery. lets say you take 4iu hgh at night only for a 16 week prep. than say you switch mid prep to 4iu pre fasted cardio 8 weeks out of contest. the amount of fat burned will be max 1-2 lbs at most than if you had just kept taking it at bed.

far better to use clen/t3 to burn more fat, than to increase hgh dose or switch it to pre cardio.

not saying it doesn't help, but dollar for dollar i find clen/t3 a way better fat burner than hgh. both palumbo and chavez also said the same thing.
I haven’t seen any difference in fat loss from drinking water during fasted cardio versus EAAs. I think the amino (protein) calories are negligible and your body is still going to work off your stores. #justmy2cents
Free amino acids shouldn't have any calories, there's no bonds to break down.
The problem could be though that it could still cause a bump in insulin release which would oppose fat burning

Leucine metabolism in regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells
Jichun Yang et al. Nutr Rev. 2010 May

"In pancreatic beta cells, leucine acutely stimulates insulin secretion by serving as both metabolic fuel and allosteric activator of glutamate dehydrogenase to enhance glutaminolysis."

Many studies show that leucine can help in type 2 diabetes because of this direct stimulation of the pancreatic beta cells, which increases insulin output. There's studies that show if diabetics drink some whey before a meal they have less post-prandial hyperglycemia than those that didnt have the whey, this is likely through the same mechanism with leucine stimulating the beta cells

EAAs with cardio may be fasted from a caloric viewpoint but not with regard to insulin activity.
Realistically GH PRE cardio needs to shot 1-2 hrs before you start....if we are still talking about liberating fatty acids into the bloodstream.
So shooting pre-gym, you wont get that benefit untl you're probably eating your first meal...

Either way, ive noticed no difference in WHEN my cardio has taken place when dieting down hard. I also technically lift fasted and sip my INTRA the entire time.
Cardio either goes right after liftng at 5AM or sometime late afternoon. Stlll gotten lean lean. If you are takng GH, clen, T3, dieting hard and doing cardio, shufflng around the order of those for weeks wont make a massive amount of difference at all.
Some food for thought... most folks trying to lose bodyfat just eat to damn much. A little empty stomach and being hungry during lower to moderate intensity cardio is a GOOD thing for you metabolically while trying to lose fat. Overthinking the idea of "losing muscle" is one of those silly theories propagated by the supplement industry.

If you're eating enough protein throughout the day, weight training regularly and intensely, and using anabolics and hgh, how much muscle do you think you can lose?? I've seen enough jacked AIDS patients to know that muscle wasting/losing muscle is kind of a silly theory... don't sweat the minutia. Take your hgh, always do your cardio, nevermind about supplementing with silly amino acids pre cardio, be comfortable being hungry, and just put in the time and effort. Bodyfat will come off...

just some thoughts to keep it simple and save your wallet a little..
Gh + ephedrine and caffeine pre fasted cardio. Yohimbine can be added. I'd do it fully fasted if on AAS
May try this sometime soon hopefully without the yohimbine. My eca is only 12.5 mg eph.
Realistically GH PRE cardio needs to shot 1-2 hrs before you start....if we are still talking about liberating fatty acids into the bloodstream.
So shooting pre-gym, you wont get that benefit untl you're probably eating your first meal...

Either way, ive noticed no difference in WHEN my cardio has taken place when dieting down hard. I also technically lift fasted and sip my INTRA the entire time.
Cardio either goes right after liftng at 5AM or sometime late afternoon. Stlll gotten lean lean. If you are takng GH, clen, T3, dieting hard and doing cardio, shufflng around the order of those for weeks wont make a massive amount of difference at all.
No T4 when taking GH? I see some preach it and others say not needed. Not sure what to think.
Some food for thought... most folks trying to lose bodyfat just eat to damn much. A little empty stomach and being hungry during lower to moderate intensity cardio is a GOOD thing for you metabolically while trying to lose fat. Overthinking the idea of "losing muscle" is one of those silly theories propagated by the supplement industry.

If you're eating enough protein throughout the day, weight training regularly and intensely, and using anabolics and hgh, how much muscle do you think you can lose?? I've seen enough jacked AIDS patients to know that muscle wasting/losing muscle is kind of a silly theory... don't sweat the minutia. Take your hgh, always do your cardio, nevermind about supplementing with silly amino acids pre cardio, be comfortable being hungry, and just put in the time and effort. Bodyfat will come off...

just some thoughts to keep it simple and save your wallet a little..
I'd be interested in hearing more about the AIDS patients. Are they using AAS (prescription or ug?), Other compounds, diet and training to build muscle or just maintain? Are these advanced people or just every day people? Very interesting topic. Justin Harris was talking in a YouTube video I watched about segmaglutide about wasting associated with a cute diabetics when blood sugar is sky high.
I'd be interested in hearing more about the AIDS patients. Are they using AAS (prescription or ug?), Other compounds, diet and training to build muscle or just maintain? Are these advanced people or just every day people? Very interesting topic. Justin Harris was talking in a YouTube video I watched about segmaglutide about wasting associated with a cute diabetics when blood sugar is sky high.
Yes AIDS patients that have been prescribed/using anabolics (seems like mostly oxymetholone, oxandrolone and or nandrolone) and hgh, show NO signs of muscle wasting! Just the opposite actually. Though I highly doubt they put forth effort into working out or diet manipulation of any sort.

But the point is, if these patients whom are under duress of highly catabolic conditions, are suffering zero muscle loss via their subsequent medications (anabolics & hgh) in order to STOP muscle wasting and immune system function loss, then one really shouldn't put to much stock into the minutia of supplementing with eaa's during fasted cardio to "keep" muscle.... Its all perspective, I suppose.
Yes AIDS patients that have been prescribed/using anabolics (seems like mostly oxymetholone, oxandrolone and or nandrolone) and hgh, show NO signs of muscle wasting! Just the opposite actually. Though I highly doubt they put forth effort into working out or diet manipulation of any sort.

But the point is, if these patients whom are under duress of highly catabolic conditions, are suffering zero muscle loss via their subsequent medications (anabolics & hgh) in order to STOP muscle wasting and immune system function loss, then one really shouldn't put to much stock into the minutia of supplementing with eaa's during fasted cardio to "keep" muscle.... Its all perspective, I suppose.
I agree with this. I think people worry too much about muscle loss when doing fasted cardio, cardio in general, and dieting to a low body fat. Although I'm sure that at some point, even on Ped, when pushing to get extremely lean and there is little fat left to burn some weight loss is muscle. Or maybe just glycogen?
Losing a bit of muscle may be inevitable but it seems in .y experience that it's always the fatter guys with not a lot of muscle that worry the most , permabulk guys that are too lazy to diet and do cardio .

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