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GI Issue

Been dealing with a similar issue for close to a year now. Acid reflux, extreme belching (with a sulfuric taste), extreme gas (more than usual), diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite... There are good days and extremely bad ones. My diet has always been very clean. I've tried everything, cutting things out of my diet (thinking it was an allergy), cutting out any kind of dairy, aloe, apple cider vinegar, wheat grass, enzymes/probiotics, stopped using protein powders, cut out anything containing sucralose... I've tried both first and second line defenders for acid reflux. Been through numerous Dr test, and finally two weeks ago I tested positive for H Pylori, and I'm finishing up the three medication approach today. My stomach problems are not nearly as bad as they were, but I'm still noticing them. The belching has decreased, but my appetite is no where where it used to be. After working out is the worst, as I just don't want to eat. I've tried using protein powder again after my workouts but then the belching hits and I don't feel like I can eat for another six hours or so. I still feel like there is something else that is being overlooked.
Just thought I would see if anyone here has ever experienced anything close to what I've been dealing with for a year now?!
Sept 2013
I had pizza and a beer, about 45 mins later starting hiccup type spasms. Lasted for four days straight then went away for about five days then back again. This process continued until present day. It seems to just come and go as it wants.
I've has Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, lots of bloodwork... All is normal except low rbc, thyroid and cholesterol. All which doc said shouldn't be the cause. Now the burps can become so extreme that indigested food comes up. I feel very bloated and no appetite. I've changed my diet to easily digestible foods( pasta, rice, eggs, pancakes etc)
The docs don't have a clue...next test is a capsule with a camera that is ingested.
It really sucks because I can't get enough food or nutrients in me to progress in bodybuilding!
Thanks for any input guys!

Your crazy soon to be ex-Nadine probably has a voodoo doll in your likeness that she has been torturing! :D
Thorazine will help depends on which doctor is willing to prescribe it.
I have been prescribed Amitriptyline ..didn't really help. Made me a Zombie!
Wow, I've been dealing wuth the same thing and can't get any answers. Doc put me on omneprozole and did a CT scan..all normal. Ive been dealing with hiccups for about 2 years. They go for days and turn into spasms and ive tried everything. Valium didnt help..baclofen. notta. They go until my diaphram locks up and I can't breathe...then when it relaxes I have a crazy sneezing fit and they are gone. Ive cut things out too to no avail. I'm the the same boat man...cant eat like I need to cause big meals seem to help trigger it. I'd pay big money for an answer.
Wow, I've been dealing wuth the same thing and can't get any answers. Doc put me on omneprozole and did a CT scan..all normal. Ive been dealing with hiccups for about 2 years. They go for days and turn into spasms and ive tried everything. Valium didnt help..baclofen. notta. They go until my diaphram locks up and I can't breathe...then when it relaxes I have a crazy sneezing fit and they are gone. Ive cut things out too to no avail. I'm the the same boat man...cant eat like I need to cause big meals seem to help trigger it. I'd pay big money for an answer.

i saw a kid on tv with something similar to this...

he was using marijuana to control it.
Wow, I've been dealing wuth the same thing and can't get any answers. Doc put me on omneprozole and did a CT scan..all normal. Ive been dealing with hiccups for about 2 years. They go for days and turn into spasms and ive tried everything. Valium didnt help..baclofen. notta. They go until my diaphram locks up and I can't breathe...then when it relaxes I have a crazy sneezing fit and they are gone. Ive cut things out too to no avail. I'm the the same boat man...cant eat like I need to cause big meals seem to help trigger it. I'd pay big money for an answer.

Wow!! I KNEW I couldn't be the only one having this. Yeah I have the locking up can't breathe thing too. I learned if I gag myself it releases the air...which sux too[emoji15]
I received a PM from a member who may have some light on this, I will def let you know what I find out. It's info and tests from a biochemist. Like you, I'm ready to find out any relief!!
One thing that seems to help manage mine is eating easily digestible foods...but on the other hand yday at a wedding I had chicken salad on a croissant , cakes, cookies, eggs, grits...not necessarily in that order[emoji15] and all symptoms went away. Then last night had plain pasta...they came back?!
Yeah I can't seem to find the trigger either...it's amazingly frustrating. By the 3rd day of spasms I'm ready to try cyanide...lol..joking...but if I could rip out my diaphram I would.
Ive done spoonfuls of sugar...gargling icewater..a cold spoon on the back of my throat...pills...less food...acid blockers...probiotics...enzymes....cut out foods/supps...and just when I think oh, its gone...I get that feeling they r coming
Yep! Like today was a good day, woke up issue free. Had eggs and a pancake w pb, all good! Had protein shakes during the day along with baked taters and pasta..still great! Then after workout around 5:00, another shake the hiccup/burps gradually came back. No indigested food up yet at least[emoji15]
your shake have artifical sweeteners, the flavored sweetened whey makes my stomach feel like crap.
your shake have artifical sweeteners, the flavored sweetened whey makes my stomach feel like crap.

Yes, artificial sweeteners is one of the problems.
**broken link removed**

It also shortening the length of the villi in the small intestine, longer is the villia more nutrition can be absorbed.
No PM from you bro?

I got in touch with the biochemist and scheduled my consultaion for later this month. I'll stay in touch and let you know how it goes.

Peace :cool:

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